D. Litt., Ph. D.
Islamic Psychology, Spiritual Psychology, Health Psychology, Positive Psychology, Psychological Assessment
"DARPAN" 4/1193 Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh-202002, (U.P.) INDIA
Time Table 2020-2021Time-Table PG DIploma in Muslim Chaiplaincy
Dr. Akbar Husain is Professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India). He received his Ph.D. Degree in Psychology from the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (INDIA) in 1981. Professor Husain was awarded the D.Litt. degree in Psychology in 2015 for his work on Explorations and Applications of Spirituality in Psychology. He has over 41 years of teaching and research experience. He has successfully supervised 6 Post-Doctoral theses, 38 Ph.D. theses, and 10 M. Phil. dissertations at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has authored, co-authored and edited 44 books, and contributed 280 research papers, theoretical articles and book chapters in National and International Journals and Books. Prof. Husain has attended and presented papers, gave Invited Talk/Lecture and Keynote Addresses in the several National and International Conferences and Seminars. He was Editor of the Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (2002-2005) and Journal of Educational Research, University of Malaya (2009). Prof. Husain is also reviewer of various National and International Journals of Psychology. He has standardized numerous psychological tests and completed research projects. He is a Life Member and Annual Member of various National and International Associations. Prof. Husain was offered Founding Member of the International Board of the International Transpersonal Association, USA in 2009. He has visited several countries for attending conferences and teaching assignments. He is also on the Editorial Board of several prestigious Journals, both National and International. Professor Husain received Sir Syed Innovation Award 2018 Outstanding Researcher of the Year.
In recent years he has been involved in conducting the researches on various topics such as spiritual values/virtues, spiritual fitness, idyllic personality, social support, religious/spiritual coping, stress management, standardization of Taqwa and Fitrah scales, Religious and Spiritual Wellbeing Scale etc. related to the area of Spiritual Psychology and Islamic Psychology. In addition to these his current areas of research are: Clinical-Health Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Positive & Spiritual Psychology, Psychological Testing, and Islamic & Sufi Psychology.
- Further validation of spiritual values scale
- Rumination and mental health among parents of differently-abled children
- Reliability, validity and factor structure of religious coping scale
- Development and standardization of the gratitude Scale
- Exploring spiritual values among school children
- Alienation and social well-being among vitiligo patients
- Revision of Spiritual Personality Inventory
- Psychometrics and standardization of the Hindi adaptation of the daily spiritual experience scale
- Relationship between spiritual values and psychological capital among university employees
- Mental health problems of minorities in India