TB. Bronchial asthma, COPD and other lung diseases
H.N. 10, Street No. 8, Hadi Nagar, Dhorra Mafi
- Publications 178
Accepted 2
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(Prof. Dr. Zuber Ahmad)
1. Zuber Ahmad, Mujahid Beg, D K Sharma. A profile of specific IgG antibodies in tuberculous lymphadenitis patients. Lung India 2001; 4: 101-105.
2. Zuber Ahmad, DK Pandey, Mujahid Beg. Role of anti-A60 IgG antibodies in diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Ind. J. Tub 2002; 49: 101-104.
3. Zuber Ahmad, M Shoaib Zaheer, Mohd Rizwanul Haque Mediastinal tuberculous granuloma and fibrosis presenting as superior vena obstruction. Ind J Tub 2002; 49: 231-233.
4. Zuber Ahmad, Imrana Masood. Pneumothorax – A rare complication of acute miliary tuberculosis. Ind Med Gazette 2002; 7: 283-284.
5. Mujahid Beg, Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, DK Sharma, Nishat Akhtar. Role of transthoracic needle aspiration in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. JIACM 2002; 3(2): 159-163.
6. Zuber Ahmad, Mujahid Beg, S Suhail Amin. Hydropneumothorax associated with Wegener’s granulomatosis. JIACM 2002 3(4): 397-400.
7. Zuber Ahmad, M Shoaib Zaheer. Lower lung field tuberculosis – A clinical study. JIACM 2003; 4(2): 116-120.
8. MS Zaheer, MU Rabbani, Zuber Ahmad, Tamkin Khan, BB Rewari, DK Pandey. Clinical and demographic profile of patients of AIDS in and around Aligarh. JIACM 2003; 4(2) 121-126.
9. Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, DK Pandey, DK Sharma, Imrana Masood. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) following minor chest trauma. JIACM 2003; 4(2): 166-168.
10. Devendra Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Deepak Kumar Pandey. Levofloxacin in acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. J Med Sci 2003; 6: 29-32.
11. Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, DK Pandey, DK Sharma. HIV infection seroprevalence in tuberculosis patients. Ind J Tub 2003; 50: 151-54.
12. Zuber Ahmad, S Suhail Amin. Role of tuberculin test, FNAC and ELISA in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. JIACM 2003; 4: (A): 292-295.
13. Zuber Ahmad, S Suhail Amin, M Shoaib Zaheer et al. Clinico-radiological profile of tuberculosis in HIV/TB patients. J Med Sci. 2003; 6(2): 119-123.
14. Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, DK Pandey, DK Sharma, Mohd. Shamim. Pancreatic Tuberculosis – A case report, Ind J Tub 2003; 50: 221-223.
15. Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, DK Pandey, DK Sharma. Efficacy and safety of a low cost regimen in multi drug resistant Tuberculosis. Indian Medical Gazette 2003; 6: 222-225.
16. DK Sharma, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Role of immunotherapy in nasobronchial allergies. Indian Journal of Allergy and Asthma Immunol 2003; 17(1): 25-28.
17. Nahid Parveen, Zulfia Khan, Suhail Amin, Zuber Ahmad. Bacteriological study of patients with discharging Otitis Media – a rural study. Ind J Oto 2003; 9.
18. DK Sharma, R Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad. Incidence of pneumothorax in miliary tuberculosis: A retrospective study. Indian Journal of Bio Research 2003, 51(1): 161-164.
19. R Gulati, SA Siddiqui, ML Bhatt, DK Sharma, Zuber Ahmad, Pulmonary function test (PFT) status in head and neck malignancy. Indian Journal of Bio research 2003; 50(1) 173-175.
20. S Suhail Amin, Mohammad Tehsin, Zuber Ahmad et al. Angiokeratoma corporis diffusium (Fabry’s Disease). JIACM 2004; 5(1) 78-82.
21. Mujahid Beg, S Ahmad, S Gandhi, Z Ahmad et al. A study of serum Malondialdehyde levels in patients of Cerebrovascular Accident. JIACM 2005; 6 (3): 229 – 31.
Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, D K Pandey, D K Sharma, Mohd. Shamim,et al. Cutaneous metastasis disclosing lung cancer- A case report. Journal of Medical Science 2004; 7(1): 63-66.23. D.K. Sharma, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Asif Hasan, et al. Pleurodesis in recurrent pleural effusions by iodopovidone and bleomycin: a comparative study. Indian Journal of Bio Research 2004; 53; (2): 178-181.
24. D.K. Sharma, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad. Role of oral corticosteroids in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Indian Medical Gazette 2003; 12: 508-511.
25. Ahmad Z, Bhargava R, Pandey DK, Sharma DK, Beg M. An uncommon presentation of Achalasia Cardia, JIACM 2004: 5(2) 147- 148.
26. Zuber Ahmad. Treatment of Tuberculosis in special situations. Current Medical Journal of India 2004; 2: 61-63.
27. Zuber Ahmad, Ibne Ahmad. Lung imaging techniques. Current Medical Journal of India 2005; 10: 37-42.
28. Zuber Ahmad. Haemoptysis – Unusual and uncommon causes. Current Medical Journal of India 2005, 11(2): 35-40.
29. Mohammad Shameem, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad. Monteleukast – A steroid sparing strategy in bronchial asthma, J Med Sc 2005; 8(1): 34-36.
Imrana M, Bhargava R, Zuber Ahmad et al. A case of double malignancy – carcinoma lung and rhabdomyosarcoma in a 90 year old male. JIACM 2005; 6(2): 167-70.31. Mohd. Sahmeem, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Faisal Haq. Atrial fibrillation – an unusual presentation of metastatic lung cancer. Lung India 2005 ; 22 : 92 – 93.
32. Imrana Masood, R Bhargav, Zuber Ahmad et al. Gatifloxacin induced purpura – An unsual adverse Drug Reaction. JIACM 2005 ; 6 (3) : 239 – 40.
33. Mohd Shameem, Rakesh Bhargav, Zuber Ahmad Effect of Bronchovaxom on incidence and severity of upper respiratory tract infection in COPD patients. Ind J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2005; 19(1): 37-42.
34. Mohd Shameem, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad Intrathoracic goitre presenting as posterior mediastinal mass.JIACM 2005; 6(4): 343-4.
35. Mohd Shameem, R Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Naveed. Multiple bilateral rib fracture associated with severe coughing (Case report and review of literature). JK- Practioner 2005; 12 (4): 199-200.
36. Zuber Ahmad, Mohd Shameem. Manifestations of Tuberculosis in HIV infected patients.JIACM 2005; 6 ( 4 ) : 302-5.
37. Mohd Shameem, Bhargava R, Zuber Ahmad. Identification of preadmission predictors of outcome of non-invasive ventilation in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Indian J Crit Care Med 2005; 9 (4): 200- 204.
38. Bach A A, Shah N N, Bhargava R, Zuber Ahmad, Pandey DK, Shameem M. Mono therapy with long term ?2 agonists as an alternative therapy to inhaled corticosteroids in Bronchial Asthma. Ind J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2005; 19 (2) 81-84.
39. Zuber Ahmad. Lungs in pregnancy. Current Medical Journal of India 2006; 11(11): 51-54
40. N N Shah , A A Bachh , R Bhargava , Zuber Ahmad , D K Pandey , Mohd Shameem. Role of Intrapleural Streptokinase in Management of Multiloculated Thoracic Empyemas. J K Practitioner 2006; 13 (2) : 91-94.
41. Imrana Masood , R Bhargava , Zuber Ahmad , D K Pandey , Shabaz Ahmad . Role of Intrapleural Streptokinase in Empyema . JIACM 2006; 7 (4): 313 – 315.
42. Naveed N Shah, Arshad A Bachh, Rakesh bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, D K Pandey, Mohd Shameem, Khurshid A Dar, Inamul Haq. Comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid with sputum culture in the diagnosis of smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Journal of Medical Sciences 2006; 9 (2): 136 – 139.
43. Zuber Ahmad, D K Pandey, Mohd. Shameem, Asif Hasan, Ibne Ahmad. Multiple radiological presentations of hydatid cysts with a new sign of ring shadows in a 17 year old boy. Journal of Medical Sciences 2006; 9 (2): 163 – 165.
44. Zuber Ahmad. Inhalation Devices in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma. Current Medical Journal of India 2007; 12 (10): 21-27.
45. N.N. Shah, R Bhargava, Z. Ahmad, D.K. Pandey, M. Shameem, A.A. Bachh, Md. S. Akhtar, K.A. Dar, M. Mohsina. Unilateral bullous emphysema of lung. Lung India 2007; 24: 30 – 32.
46. M. Shameem, R. Bhargava, Z. Ahmad, N.N. Shah, N. Fatima, A. Bhargava. Pulmonary artery aneurysm mimicking lung mass. Lung India 2007; 24: 22 – 24.
47. Mohd Shameem, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, Naveed Nazir Shah, Faisal Haque, Zafar Abbas, Syed Ameer. Epidural extension of tuberculosis empyema thoracis causing spinal cord compression. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2007; 49: 107-110.
48. Md Shamim Akhtar, Rakesh Bhargava, Nazoora Khan, Zuber Ahmad, Nishat Afroz. Metastatic mandibular adenocarcinoma. JIACM 2007; 8: 196 – 198.
49. A A Bachh, N N Shah, R Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, DK Pandey, Khurshid A Dar, I Haq. Effect of oral N- Acetylcysteine in COPD – A Randomised Controlled Trial. JK- Practioner 2007; 14 (1): 12 – 16.
50. I Masood, Z Ahmad, F Haque, Z Abbas, Z Tamanna, S Amin. Tubercular Osteomyelitis of Zygomatic Bones. JIACM 2007; 8 (3): 276-7.
51. Md Shamim Akhtar, R Bhargava Z Ahmad, DK Pandey, Naveed Nazir Shah, Khurshid A Dar. To study the effectiveness of DOTS at J N Medical College Aligarh. Lung India 2007; 24: 128-131.
52. Imrana Masood, Z Ahmad, D K Pandey, S K Singh. Role of simple needle aspiration in the management of spontaneous pneumothorax. JAPI 2007; 55: 628-629.
53. Zuber Ahmad, D.K. Pandey, Afzal Anis, Asif Hasan. Trauma: An unusual etiology of pulmonary pseudocyst. Indian J Chest Allied Sci 2008; 50: 293-294
54. S.K.Singh, Z. Ahmad, D.K. Pandey, V. Gupta, S. Naaz. Isoniazid causing pleural effusion. Indian J Pharmacol 2008; 40 (2) : 87-88.
55. Akhtar S M, Bhargava R, Ahmad Z, Pandey D K, Mohd S, Shah N N, Dar KA.
To study the clinical profile and treatment outcome of patients with co-existent diabetes mellitus and pulmonary tuberculosis. The Indian Practioner 2008; 61(8): 501- 50656. DK Pandey, Zuber Ahmad, I Masood, SK Singh, Z Jairajpuri. Role of fine – needle aspiration cytology in evaluating mediastinal masses. Lung India 2009; 26 (4) 114-116
57. Zuber Ahmad, R. Gulati, S. Singhal, M. Aslam. H1N1 Influenza (swine flu) Pandemic 2009. GJAPAS 2009; 1(1): 8-10.
58. Zuber Ahmad. Recent advances in the diagnostic imaging of lung. Current Medical Journal of India 2010; 16(1): 14 -22.
59. Zuber Ahmad. Interstitial Lung Diseases. Current Medical Journal of India 2010; 16(9): 29 -36.
Zuber Ahmad. Haemoptysis- Diagnosis and Treatment. Current Medical Journal of India 2011; (17) 2: 7-14.
Shah Mohammad Abbas Waseem, Mohd. Mobarak Hossain, Najmul Islam, Zuber Ahmad. Comparative study of pulmonary functions and oxidative stress in smokers and non–smokers. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2012; 56(4): 345–352.
Shah Mohammad Abbas Waseem, Mohd Mubarak Hussain, Zuber Ahmad, Najmul Islam. A Study of Pulmonary Functions and Lipid Peroxidation Biomarker in COPD: Correlation between Malondialdehyde and Lung Functions. Biomedical Research 2012; 23 (1): 66-71.
Shah Mohammad Abbas Waseem, Mobarak Hossain, S A Azmi1, S Aijaz Abbas Rizvi, Zuber Ahmad2, Sabahat H Zaidi. Assessment of anxiety and depression in COPD patients-A pilot study. Current Neurobiology 2012; 3(2): 112-116.
SMA Waseem, Zuber Ahmad, Najmul Islam. Few minutes a day for exercise: Comparative study of CRP, oxidantantioxidant status in COPD: Self's good, supervised can be great. Biomedical Research 2013; Biomedicine (India). 33. 533-536.
65. MD Faiz Akram, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Zuber Ahmad, Rahat Ali Khan. Doxofyllin and Theophyllin: A comparative clinical study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2012 December, Vol-6(10): 1681-1684