
Sir Syed Academy


A part from the hard information available on Sir Syed in English, this part of the bibliography is a supplement with an online access to some important works by Sir Syed and selected articles published in referred journals on Sir Syed and Aligarh Movement.

Works by Sir Syed


Books Authored by Sir Syed

Sir Syed Bicentenary Celebration

A Joint Project of AMU and FAAA, USA

Articles on Sir Syed and Aligarh Movement


The Interpretation of the Birth of Jesus and his Miracles in the Writings of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan

Negotiating with Patriarchy: South Asian Muslim Women and the Appeal to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Impact of West on Muslim Education

Afghanis Indian Contacts

Sayyid Amad Khan, Jamal al-din al-Afghani and Muslim India

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Muslim Female Education: A Study in Contradictions

Literary Romanticism and Islamic Modernity: The Case of Urdu Poetry

Evolution of Syed Ahmad Khans Religious Thought: A Note

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and His Audiences

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Muslim Nationalism in India

A Study of Sir Syeds Aligarh Movement: From Vision to Mission

A Socio-Political Conflict Between Religious Conservatism and Liberalism in Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Aligarh and Deobandi School of Thought

The Aligarh Scientific Society 1864-1867

Reform and Identity: Purdah in Muslim Womens Education in Aligarh in the Early Twentieth Century

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898)

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khans Framework for the Educational Uplift of the Indian Muslims During British Raj

Muslim Separatism in Post-Revolt India: A British Game of Divide et Impera?

Sir Syeds Views on Female Education

Islamic Modernism in South Asia: A Reassessment

Post-1857 Economic and Administrative Policies of the British in India and the Muslims

Each Others Face, Some Thoughts on Muslim-Christian Colloquy Today

Theology Thought of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan

India 1857: A Mutiny or a War of Independence?

Aligarhs Long Quest for Minority Status: AMU (Amendment) Act, 1981

Christian Responses to Ahmad Khans Commentary on the Bible

Response of Sayyid Ahmad Khan to Sir William Muirs Evaluation of Hadith Literature

Socio-Political Consciousness of Muslim in British India: A Comparative Study of Aligarh and Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband

Reconciling Science with Islam in 19th century India

Sir Syed Ahmad Khans Controversy over Abrogation in the Quran

Nationalist and Separatist Trends in Aligarh, 1915- 47

Aligarh Muslim University: Recalling Radical Days

Aligarhs Notre Eminent Contemporain: Assessing Syed Ahmad Khans Reformist Agenda

Muslim Intellectuals, Institutions and the Post-Colonial Predicament India

Crises of the Public in Muslim India: Critiquing Custom at Aligarh and Deoband

Principles of Movement in Modern Islam: An Analysis of Some Ideas Developed in the 19th and 20th Centuries by Indo-Pakistani Muslims in Justification of Change in Religious Thought and Structure

Religion and Modernity: Some Nineteenth and TwentiethCentury IndoPakistani Ideas

The Evolution of Sir Syed Ahmad Khans Political Identity

Some Aspects of Neo-Mutazilism

Sayyid Ahmad Khans Representations of Sufi Life of Shahjahanabad

Disenchantment at Aligarh: Islam and the Realm of the Secular in Late Nineteenth Century India