कृषि अर्थशास्त्र तथा व्यावसायिक प्रबंधन का विभाग
समाचार और प्रकाशन
Research Papers 2020-21
Classes Notice of MBA (Agribusiness) I & IV Semesters
Time Table of Classes available on the following link:
One-Day International Workshop on Managing Research for Effective Outcome
The Department of Agricultural Economics & Business Management, Aligarh Muslim University organized a work shop entitled Managing Research for Effective Outcome on 6th August, 2018. The aim of the workshop was to bring together a pool of researchers and enlighten them with insights and process to conduct a relevant research. Researchers from different areas of interest participated in this workshop and discussed about the various issues which they faced during their research. Keeping in mind the relevance of research publications, the workshop focused on enhancing the writing skills of the academicians as well as the research scholars to gain at the level of publishing research work in good journals.
The resource persons of the workshop were Prof. Mohammed Chowdhury from Graduate School of Business, Touro College, New York and Prof. Zahurul Alam from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal was the chief-guest for the event and Prof. Mohammad Khalid Azam & Prof. Imran Saleem were the session coordinators of workshop. 150 participants including academicians, professionals and research scholars from different institutes like Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi University, JNU, and Saudi Electronic University, Dammam (Saudi Arabia) participated in the workshop.
Because of the vitality of research in the current era, there were a lot of online registrations done by candidates to attend this workshop but due the venue constraints only 150 participants were selected for participation in the workshop. The program started with the inaugural session in which, the chief guest, foreign guests, session coordinators graced the occasion and interacted with the participants. Prof. Shamim Ahmad (Chairman, Department of Agricultural Economics & Business Management) welcomed the dignitaries with memento and appreciation certificates. In his speech he expressed his gratitude to the foreign dignitaries for their painstaking journey to visit the department. He also outlined the seminar agenda and emphasized on choosing research topic which might give insight and resolution to current day problems. In the lecture sessions the keynote speaker Prof. Mohammed Chowdhury from Graduate School of Business, Touro College, New York, talked about arriving at a good publishable research work. Prof. Chowdhury, out of his extensive world-wide experience in teaching and research, elaborated and illustrated a combination of theoretical and practical issues in research publication and recommended the means of getting the research published in journals of repute. He guided the participants on developing, nurturing and finalizing innovative researches leading to real contribution to knowledge. He also talked about the presentation and issue of plagiarism in research. His style of mixing education with humour kept the participants fully attentive and involved in the sessions. There was a query session at the end of each session, wherein participants sought clarifications and removed their doubts in interaction with the speaker.
Organized 2nd National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Agribusiness Management
& Alumni Meet 2013
Organized by Aligarh Agribusiness Forum
on February 23-24, 2013
Organized 1st National Seminar on on October 22, 2011
Agribusiness in India: contemporary issues and Future prospects
& Alumni Meet on October 23, 2011