कृषि सूक्ष्म जीव-विज्ञान का विभाग

Agricultural Microbiology

Dept. data last updated on :07/03/2025

The Department of Agricultural Microbiology was established in the Institute of Agriculture, AMU with the generous funding from ICAR in the year 1993. The post-graduate teaching and research programs were initiated in 1995 with meagre facilities and initial intake of five (5) students. Later, the executive council, A.M.U. in its meeting held on 18/10/1997, approved the amendments to statutes 20(1) and 20(2) (c), for establishment of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, which came into existence with the four full-fledged Departments including the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, vide letter No. C-III-Stt.-1/613 dated 21.7.2000. Gradually, the Department of Agricultural Microbiology has evolved with the mandate of achieving academic excellence in the field of education and research in Agricultural Microbiology. The Department now provides a true academic ambiance and work culture to the students and research scholars, enabling overall personality development, carrier-oriented guidance and motivation for pursuing innovative research, to help building successful carrier as scientists and academicians par excellence. With these strategies aims and goals, the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, A.M.U., is imparting teaching and training at Post-graduate and Doctoral levels in wider domains of Microbiology including Soil Microbial Ecology, Immunology, Biochemistry, Food Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Molecular Microbiology and Nanotechnology.

The highly competent faculty members of the Department are committed to provide hand-on training in the areas of cutting-edge research and technology with the potential for creating job opportunities/placements for students in the Biotechnology industry, Agriculture sectors and national/International Institutes and Universities. The faculty members have excellent track records of high quality publications in journals of international repute with fairly good citations and h-index. Over the years, the Department is getting a generous financial support from ICAR as Development Grant and also obtained significant funding through the extra-mural research projects, funded by national (UGC, DST, DBT, UPCST etc.) and international (Germany & Portugal) funding organization, which has led to the development of excellent research infrastructural facilities, accessible to all research scholars of the Department and other Departments of the University. The Department has an open policy for collaborative research, and attract eminent scholars and scientists within the country and abroad for active participation in scientific interactions and joint research projects and publications. The Department thus provides a global scientific interface for unfolding the research potential and augments the scientific horizon of the students and faculty alike.


Following the golden traditions of the Aligarh Muslim University and the dreams of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, we strive hard to bring academic laurels to our alma matter and serve the greater cause of humanity.

  • Strengthening teaching, research and innovation to produce highly trained and dedicated workforce in the field of microbial exploration and exploitation


  • To provide quality education, training and research for the development of a knowledgeable populace.

  • To impart scientific and technical knowledge in all domains of microbiology, nanotechnology and natural products for solving the problems of local and global importance.

  • To develop highly motivated and trained researchers as future leaders for global academic and industrial markets.

  • To establish microbial culture collection and bio-resource management facility to help facilitate agricultural research and agroindustry.

Chairman and Professor