अनुप्रयुक्त रसायन का विभाग
About the Department
The Department of Applied Sciences was established in 1958 in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, which was subsequently split into 3 sections namely, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. In 1988, the chemistry section was upgraded to a full-fledged Department of Applied Chemistry. The Department is offering the following courses:
1. Applied Chemistry to B.Tech./B.E. (Evening) I year (All branches of Engineering)
2. Engineering Chemistry to B.Tech II year (Chemical Engineering)
3. Material Science and Engineering Materials to B.Tech II year (Chemical Engineering)
4. Engineering Materials to B.Tech III year (Petrochemical Engineering)
5. Atmospheric Chemistry (Open elective) to B.Tech. III/IV year (All
branches of
6. M.Sc. in Polymer Science & Technology with an intake of 20 students
The Department is also offering Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry since 1988. Since its inception, the Department has produced 42 M.Phil and 134 Ph.D. degrees.
To become an internationally acclaimed department for higher learning and research in the field of Applied Chemistry
To promote research in interdisciplinary areas
To collaborate with industries and other academic and research institutions
To take up research for the betterment of the society