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Minimally invasive bypass-surgery done at JNMC
ALIGARH May 17: The cardiothoracic surgeons at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University have done a bypass surgery using minimal invasive technique for the first time in western Uttar Pradesh.
Dr Mohd Azam Haseen, Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery said that a patient, Sadiq (50), a resident of Aligarh, consulted Prof Malik Mohd Azharuddin in the Cardiology OPD complaining for chest pain, and on his advice underwent angiography which revealed blockages in his heart vessels for which he was advised bypass surgery. He was then referred to cardiothoracic surgeons, who planned and executed his surgery successfully.
Prof Haseen stated that conventionally, cardiac surgery is done by cutting the breast bone, however in this case the surgery was done through an 8 cm incision in the chest and the advantage of this approach is good cosmesis, less pain and early recovery. He said that the surgery was done free of cost under PM’s Ayushman scheme of Government of India.
He said that the patient recovered well and has been discharged with no visible scar on his body.
The team of doctors who performed the bypass surgery led by Prof Mohd Azam Haseen, comprised, Dr. Shamayal Rabbani and Dr. Mohd Aamir, with Dr. Sabir Ali khan and Irshad Qureshi as the team of perfusionists who remained on standby during the entire procedure. The anaesthesia was handled by the expert team of Dr. Dipti Channa and Ms Nida.
Mr Salman, Mr Aslam, Mr Kamran and Mrs Ayesha assisted in the surgery while the post-operative care was provided by Dr. Kartik, Dr Lalitha, Dr. Praveen, Dr. Sayantan, Mr Suhail-ur Rahman, Mr Imran, Mr Nadeem and Mr Rinu.
Dr. Shamayal Rabbani claimed that a bypass surgery (CABG) via minimally invasive approach (MICS) has been done for the first time in western Uttar Pradesh, while Dr Mohd Aamir said that MICS is being used routinely for valve relatd surgeries in JNMC for the past 3 years and the team has done more than 50 such cases.
Prof Veena Maheshwari, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Principal and CMS J.N. Medical College congratulated the team of doctors and support staff for the successful surgery. She said that it’s a proud moment for Aligarh that such complex surgeries are being done in JNMC.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
Papers published
Mansoor T, Aslam M, Rizwi SA, Haseen MA. “Copper-T Causing Perforation Of Sigmoid Colon.” The Internet Journal of Surgery; 2007 Volume 13 Number 1.
Salman MT, Akram MF, Rahman S, Khan FA, Haseen MA, Khan SW. “Drug Prescribing Pattern in Surgical Wards of a Teaching Hospital in North India.” Indian Journal for the Practising Doctor, 5, 2008,05-06.
AimanU , Haseeen MA, Rahman S Z . “Gynecomastia: An ADR due to drug interaction.” Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Dec 2009;41 (6):286-7.
Gupta Manju ,Haseen MA , ShrivastavAmit , Soumya , Prasad Jagdish , Singh, Rajpal. “Giant Unruptured Calcified Aneurysm of Non-coronary Sinus of Valsalva”.Heart, Lung and Circulation; October 2010 (Vol. 19, Issue 10).
Haseen MA
; Beg MohdHaneef
; Akhtar Mohammad Sadik ; Khurana Manoj. “Cold abscess neck with horner’s syndrome - a rare entity”.Indian J ThoracCardovascsurg (july- september 2013)29(3);207-209.Ali Syed Asmat, Haseen MA, Beg MH. “Agenesis of Right Diaphragm in adults : a diagnostic dilemma” .Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2014;56:121-123.
Firdaus Uzma, Haseen MA ,Ansari A,Beg MH, , Laskar IA .“Complicated pneumonia with pneumothorax: Can it be congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation”. Indian J Thorac Cardio vasc Surg; December 2014, Volume 30, Issue 4, pp 299-302.
Aiman U, Haseen MA, Beg MH, Khan RA .“Profile of Atherosclerotic Risk Factors and Management in Patients of Peripheral Arterial Disease at A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of North India” .Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences .Nov-Dec 2014,76(6) : 504-509.
Haseen MA, Faizan Mohd ,Beg MA, Asif N, Khaild S. “Femoral artery Pseudoaneurysm following trivial trauma : a rare case scenario”. Indian J ThoracCardiovascSurg; March 2015, Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 34-37 .
Gupta Prakhar, Haseen MA, Beg MH . “Microbiological Prevalence in Empyema Thoracis in a Tertiary Care Centre in North India” .Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) Special Issue-1: 182-188.
Agarwal arjun, Haseen MA ,Garg Cheena . Successful revascularization with baloon catheterization of a six month oldthrombus : a case report. International journal of current research.vol7, issue, 05, pp.15838-15840, may, 2015.
Haseen MA ,Mahmud AA ,Beg MH. Tubercular Cold abscess neck causing thoracic outlet syndrome. Indian J ThoracCardiovascSurg .DOI 10.1007/s12055-015-0402-5.
Haseen MA ,Mahmud AA,Huda Fakhrul ,Beg MH. Temporal artery rupture following firework rocket injury. Indian journal of plastic surgery as Letter to Editor. May-August 2015 Vol 48 Issue 2.
Ali Adil Mahmud ,Haseen MA ,Beg MH , Sinha Shankar Prasad, Sharma S.C. Steven Johnsons Syndrome Following Intravenous Vancomycin Use: A Case Report. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research,2015 0ct-DecVol (1), Issue (3).
Khan MohammadJ, Sabir Aamir B, Ahmad Mehtab, HaseenAzam. Clinical image “A young male presenting with swelling on the left lower anterior aspect of the neck”.Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (7): 880-882.
Haseen MA, Mahmud ,Arshad M, Haneef Beg M.Stab Injury with Tailoring Scissor Causing Inferior Gluteal Artery Pseudo Aneurysm: a Rare Case Report .International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2015;5(4): 218-21.
Ehtesham SEH, Beg Mohammed Haneef ,Haseen Azam, AkhtarSadik. Marble in Oesophagus of Neonate: A Unique and Unprecedented Case Report. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 2015, 3, 31-34.
Naqvi SEH, Haseen MA, Beg MH, Ali Eram, KhanTamkin. Deep vein thrombosis: An experience of 25 years from north India .Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
,2016, Volume 3(1) :2-6.Naqvi SEH ,Haseen MA ,
Beg MH ,
Ali Eram , ArshadMohammed . Median nerve compression by a large cephalic vein aneurysm—a case report. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. First online:
18 April 2016 ,pp 1-4.DOI 10.1007/s12055-016-0416-7.Haseen MA, Naqvi SEH, ArshadM, Beg MH .Cystic Hygroma in Adults: The Forgotten Entity .Int J Med Res Prof.2017; 3(4); 171-73.
Naqvi Sayyed EH, Sadik A, Beg MH, Azam H, Nadeem R, Eram A. Successful management of suicidal cut throat injury with internal jugular, tracheal and esophageal transection: A case report. Trauma Case Rep. 2017;13:30-34. Published 2017 Nov 27. doi:10.1016/j.tcr.2017.11.005.
Haseen MA, Naqvi SEH, Reyaz M., Beg. Mohammad H .Intercostal Artery Psuedo aneurysm following stab injury to chest: a rare case scenario. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery, July - December 2017 ,Volume 3 (2) :208-11.
Ali A, Aiman U, Haseen MA, et al. The Effect of Oral Propranolol versus Oral Corticosteroids in Management of Pediatric Hemangiomas. World Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2018;7(1):16-24.
Rabbani S, Haseen MA, Rizwi AA, Beg MH. Can Mangled Extremity Scoring System (MESS) solve the mess of vascular trauma. Indian J VascEndovascSurg 2020;7:22-8.
Haseen MA, Srivastava A. A Sternal Sparing Approach to Mitral Valve Replacement – Comparative Study. Int Arch BioMedClin Res.2020;6(3):CS1–CS4.
Haseen MA ,Lari NA ,Aiman U. Prescription Writing: Are we Meeting the Standards?. Int J Med Res Prof. 2020 May; 6(3); 44-49.
Haseen MA, Yadav M, Singh SP, Naqvi SEH, RazaN,Beg MH. Our Experience of Rigid Esophagoscopy for Esophageal Foreign bodies. Int Arch Bio Med Clin Res. 2020;6(3):CS5–CS11.
Srivastava A, Kumar S, Haseen MA, Pandey AK. Effect of ARNi (Angiotensin Receptor–Neprilysin Inhibitors) in Post Mitral Valve Replacement / Repair patients with Heart Failure: A Retrospective Analysis. Int Arch BioMedClin Res. 2020;6(3):CS12–CS14.
Shaad A, Kamran Mirza M, Shahzad A, Azam H, Gauhar S, Izharfazil M. Transcatheter closure of patent ductusarteriosus in children weighing 5 kg or less: Initial experience. Int J Pediatr Res. 2019;6(05):246-251.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2019.i05.09.
Singh SP,Yadav M, Siddharth B, Haseen MA, Yadav R. Primary pulmonary hypertension and its management : A complete review. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts . Volume 8, Issue 10 ,October 2020 ,648-63.
Singh A, Singh SP, Tripathi VD, Yadav M, Haseen MA, Krishna V. Comparison of Post Operative Clinical Outcomes Between “ Made in India” TTK Chitra Mechanical Heart Valve versus St Jude Mechanical Heart Valve in Replacement Surgery.Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 , Issue 19 , October 2020.
Alam MS, Haseen MA, Aslam M, Beg MH. Use of thopaz in patients of empyema thoracis undergoing decortication. Lung India 2020;37:511-7.
Yadav M, Singh SP, Haseen MA, Abqari S, Kamran MM. Tetralogy of fallot repair at a new centre in North India: our growing experience. IntSurg J 2020;7:4088-93.
Singh SP, Yadav M, Alim SS, Haseen MA. PostOperative Outcomes of Prosthetic Arteriovenous Graft Access in Upper Limb for Hemodialysis Access: Our Centre Experience. Int Arch BioMedClin Res. 2020;6(4):CS1–CS4.
Yadav M, Singh SP, Haseen MA, Singh BM, Lari NA, Beg MH. Primary pulmonary synovial sarcoma: How to expect the unexpected?. Indian J Respir Care 2021;10:136-13.
Singh SP, Yadav M ,Alim SA ,Haseen MA. A Prospective Study Of Outcomes of ArterioVenous Fistula For Hemodialysis:Our Centre Experience . IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 2 February 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882.
Haseen MA, Yadav M, Singh SP, Yadav R. Outcome of prosthetic arteriovenous graft in lower limb for hemodialysis: A series of 10 patients. Indian J Vasc Endo vasc Surg 2021;8:134-8.
Yadav M, Singh SP, Haseen MA, Yadav R, Beg MH. Brachio basilica arterio-venous fistulas: A comparative outcome of different operative techniques. Indian J VascEndovascSurg 2021;8:216-21.
Haseen MA, Ghazanfar M, Aslam M, Yadav M, Singh SP, Naqvi SE, Gupta M, Beg MH. A prospective study of surgical revascularization in patients of buerger's disease from North India. Indian J VascEndovasc Surg 2021;8:231-7.
Kamran M, Abqari S, Haseen A, Yadav M. Closure of a large upper muscular ventricular septal defect in a 2.3 kg baby using a duct occluder. Pediatric Rev Int J Pediatr Res. 2021;8(3):163-167.
Yadav M, Haseen MA, Singh SP. Extra-anatomical iliopopliteal bypass: A novel revascularization technique for infected femoral grafts and pseudoaneurysms. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2021;8:337-40.
Athar M, Parveen S, Yadav M, Siddiqui OA, Nasreen F, Ali S, Haseen MA. A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Erector Spinae Plane Block in Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Volume 35, Issue 12,2021, Pages 3574-3580.
Reza A, Aslam M, Gupta M, Haseen MA, Yadav M. Safety and efficacy of streptokinase in multiloculated pleural effusion in pediatric population. Indian J Respir Care 2022;11:47-51.
Yadav M, Haseen MA, Rizvi SA, Yadav M. Role of ankle brachial pressure index (ABI) in screening patients with risk factors for developing peripheral vascular disease. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2022;9:139-44.
Ansari MJ, Aslam M, Rabbani SS, Guroo SA, Yadav M, Haseen MA . Correlation of preoperative vitamin D levels with adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in cardiac surgery(MACCE). Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 13, ISSUE 05, 2022.
Alim SS, Ammar A, Yadav M, Rabbani SS, Chawla S, Shama A, Haseen MA et al. Subclavian artery thrombosis post modified radical mastectomy surgery - A rare case report. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2022;9:316-8.
Akhtar MS, Goel A, Guroo SA, Rabbani SS, Alim SS, Haseen MA, et al. Effect of propranolol in cutaneous and intracavitary hemangiomas. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2022;9:291-5.
Kidwai M, Abqaari S, Kamran MM, Haseen MA, Yadav M, Rabbani S. Anatomical variation in patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization for Tetralogy of Fallot. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research ISSN: 0975-3583,0976-2833 VOL13,ISSUE07,2022.
Aligarh, April 7: Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU faculty members Prof Mohd Azam Haseen and Dr Shaad Abqari were felicitated by District administration for their contribution in the field of Pediatric Care.. JNMC has done the largest number of Pediatric Cardiac Interventions under Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), National Health Mission (NHM), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India. DEIC- Manager Mr Monazir was also facilitated on the occasion.
The services of the Pediatric Cardiac Unit were appreciated by the Aligarh Commissioner Shri Gaurav Dayal, IAS, who was also the Chief Guest for the felicitation ceremony. He insisted that more and more children should get the benefit of this scheme and also distributed certificates to the Nodal Officer at the block level team.
Prof Azam Haseen, Chairperson CTVS informed that JN Medical College is doing all complex heart surgeries in children and has performed more than 750 heart procedures which included more than 300 open heart surgeries under this scheme.
Dr Shaad Abqari, Nodal Officer, RBSK and Pediatric Cardiologist apprised that this programme is a boon to the Children with birth defects and other diseases.
Dr Surendra Kumar Upadhya, Additional Director Health, Aligarh Division chaired the proceedings and CMO, Dr Neeraj Tyagi presided the programme.
The event included the RBSK teams from various block level, representatives of various NGOs, and personnel from District Health Society.
Dr SK Upadhya, AD Health paid vote of thanks and instructed active screening of children for various defect.
Dr Bhashkar Varshney Conducted the Programme & provided the vote of thanks.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
New Court Members
Aligarh, March 16: Prof Syed Amjad Ali Rizvi (Chairman, Department of Surgery) and Prof Mohd. Azam Haseen (Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery) have been declared as Aligarh Muslim University Court Members on the basis of their seniority for a period of three years or till they remain chairmen of their respective departments.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
JNMC surgeons complete 300 rare open-heart procedures
Aligarh, March 3: It was not as late as the 2016 midyear, when patients were thronging hospitals in metropolitans and forking out a nice chunk of change for the treatment of intricate heart problems. An affordable amenity at a public health centre in Aligarh was desperately needed.
The faculty members of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and the university administration endeavoured to find a remedy and the ‘Open Heart Surgery’ programme, which began in October 2016 at the Department of Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery, has now completed 300 successful rare and complicated surgeries.
“It all began with eyes eagerly set on the results of the first case in 2016,” recalled Prof Mohd Azam Haseen (Chairman, Department of Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) adding that a middle-age Aligarh resident, Khushbu was admitted for a replacement of a heart valve, which was not working properly.
“Her heart was working harder than usual to pump the blood through the valve. Had it not been treated on time, she would have suffered the narrowing of valves and the leaky valves condition, which meant that the blood would leak backwards and a lesser amount pumped in the right direction,” he added.
Remembering the first case under the ‘Open Heart Surgery’ programme, Prof Azam Haseen and his team members, Dr S P Singh and Dr Mayank Yadav said: “JNMC Cardio Vascular and Thoracic surgeons and a team from the VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi collaborated to perform the first of its kind surgery in the AMU Medical College. Khushbu’s affected valve was replaced and she was discharged after a successful recovery.
“Since, the first procedure under the ‘Open Heart Surgery’ programme, patients in very large numbers from Aligarh, various urban and rural parts of Western Uttar Pradesh and other neighbouring states have undergone rare and complicated surgeries at modest fees,” they added.
Prof Azam Haseen led team comprising Dr S P Singh and Dr Mayank Yadav has recently operated upon the 300th rare surgery patient with a favourable result. A 25-year-old woman, Saima, diagnosed with severe and rare aortic regurgitation after complaining of continuous wheezing underwent an eight-hour-long Bentall procedure for the reconstruction of ‘great vessel’ and implant of a valve in her heart. The patient’s heart and lung functions were stopped for three hours during which her physiology was maintained through artificial circulation.
After the successful surgery, Saima now sits fit and able, savoring life to the fullest.
“A highlight of the four-years of the Open Heart Surgery programme has also been the collaboration of the Department of Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery with the Government of India in 2017 for conducting free-of-cost heart surgeries of minor children under the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karykram (RBSK) scheme,” said Prof Azam Haseen adding that over 200 complex surgeries have so far been performed under the scheme.
Recently a minor boy from Bihar with a rare disorder of overgrown heart muscles was operated under the RBSK scheme.
The Department of Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery also has a Memorandum-of-Understanding (MoU) with United Kingdom-based Healing Little Hearts (HLH) for carrying out complex cardiac surgeries and the faculty members of the department are mentoring the surgeons of Government cardiac centres such as Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh and RIMS Imphal, Manipur for starting open heart surgery programmes.
The surgeons at the department now conduct over 400 cardio vascular and thoracic surgeries on yearly basis with a waiting list of two months for adult patients and five to six years for paediatric cardiac surgery cases.
Besides Prof Azam Haseen’s team, the department has the expertise of four cardiologists headed by Prof M U Rabbani.
Dr Sabir Ali Khan (Clinical Perfusionist), Dr Shaad Abqari (Paediatric Cardiologist), Dr Kamran Mirza (Paediatric Cardiologist) and Dr Dipti Channa (Cardiac Anaesthetist) are also attached to the Open Heart Surgery programme.
Extending congratulations to the surgeons on reaching the milestone, AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor said: “JNMC doctors have been conducting successful life-saving procedures despite the Covid pandemic and it is heartening to see that the patients have no longer to reach private hospitals charging exorbitant fees. With the success in such surgeries, JNMC has opened the doors for treatments of people from lower economic strata”.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
मध्य प्रदेश-मणिपुर के बच्चों का दिल धड़काने जा रही है एएमयू के 5 डॉक्टरों की टीम
Aligarh, February 1: Twenty-five-year-old Aligarh resident, Saima was fit, able and savoring life to the fullest. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary-there were no abnormal symptoms, until she started wheezing.
She eventually went to a neighbourhood doctor, was put on a course of antibiotics, but the breathlessness continued.
Her life upended when an Echocardiohraphy procedure at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) by senior cardiologist, Prof Asif Hasan and a CT scan done under supervision of senior cardiac radiologist, Dr Mahtab Ahmad revealed a diagnosis of a severe and a rare aortic regurgitation, a condition where leakage of pumped out blood back into the heart occurs. Saima's cardiac functions had deteriated to very low levels.
"She was advised for Bentall procedure to help correct problems with her aorta, the largest artery in the body," said Dr Mohd Azam Haseen (Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery).
He added that that the procedure became very risky and challenging because of the dilated, thinned, and calcified nature of the aorta and unrolled hypertension suffered by the patient.
Subsequently, the patient was taken in for surgery and an eight-hour long Bentall procedure was successfully performed by Dr Azam Haseen and his team comprising Dr S P Singh and Dr Mayank Yadav. The surgeons reconstructed Saima's great vessel and implanted a valve in her heart.
"The patient's heart and lung functions were stopped for three hours during which her physiology was maintained through artificial circulation," said Dr Sabir Ali Khan, Clinical Perfusionist.
Prof Kafil Akhtar, the Blood Bank Incharge said that the patient needed a lot of blood products that were readily made available by the Blood Bank.
Dr Nadeem Raza, who provided the patient with the anaesthesia, said that since the patient was in a very critical condition, it was difficult to give her a combination of intravenous drugs and inhaled gasses.
Applauding the team of surgeons for performing the rare procedure, AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor pointed out that JNMC doctors have been conducting successful life-saving surgeries despite the Covid pandemic.
Prof Rakesh Bhargava (Dean, Faculty of Medicine) said that usually, people reach private hospitals charging exorbitant fees in metropolitans for such procedures.
"With the success in such surgeries, JNMC has opened the doors for people from lower economic strata for affordable treatments," pointed out Prof Shahid Ali Siddiqui (Principal JNMC).
For a few days, Saima will sit hugging a pillow tightly, while coughing or sneezing to help contain the expansion of her chest so the incision does not hurt.
She has been discharged after a fine recovery, said the post-operative care medical officers, Dr Saif, Dr Shabnoor, Dr Salik and Dr Shalini.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
Prof MH Beg accorded Life time Achievement Award
Aligarh, December 24: Doctor never retires was well exhibited as one more feather was added to the career of Ex Pro-Vice Chancellor of AMU and Retired Professor of Cardiothoracic surgery JNMCH, Dr Mohd Hanif Beg, who has been accorded with the life time achievement award for his contribution in field of Cardiothoracic surgery by Cardiothoracic and Vascular surgeons Progressive welfare Association of Uttar Pradesh recently in its 2nd annual conference held at Lucknow.
Speaking on this occasion, the Chief Guest, Prof. R K Singh, the Vice Chancellor of Atal Bihari Medical University, Lucknow said that Dr Beg established the department of cardiothoracic surgery at JNMCH and because of his efforts today the departments is thriving and providing state of art services to people of western Uttar Pradesh.
Professor DK Srivastava Secretary of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons Progressive welfare society of Uttar Pradesh said that Professor Hanif Beg has been an excellent academician and mentor to many Cardiothoracic Surgeons. He has been an academic enthusiast in surgery and Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery for nearly four decades.
He has served AMU in the capacity of Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dean Faculty of Medicine, Principal JNMCH, Chairman Department of Surgery Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, and Director Centre of Cardiology and Cardiovascular research, A M U. He contributed and implemented very successful Clinical Governance programs and brought into focus the processes and outcome measures leading to better patient care and training of Medical students.
News of Cardiothoracic surgery department
3rd April 2013 : The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University performed a peripheral bypass limb saving surgery for arterial disease.
complete news - https://amu.ac.in/news
24th December 2013 : The Department of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases and department of Cardiothoracic Surgery (CTVS), J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University has jointly started the facility of Rigid Thoracoscopy. It is a new important diagnostic and therapeutic tool especially for undiagnosed cases of Carcinoma Lung and other lung diseases.
complete news - https://amu.ac.in/news
6th may 2014 : conducted a pacemaker checkup camp in association with centre of cardiology
complete news - https://amu.ac.in/news
18th sept 2014 - A team of doctors, comprising Professor MH Beg, Chairman and Dr Mohd Azam Haseen, Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University performed a rare life saving heart surgery.complete news -https://amu.ac.in/news
13th Oct 2014 - Dr Mohd Azam Haseen and team won 2nd Prize in poster competittion organized by AMAANA
complete news - https://amu.ac.in/news
9th june 2015 - A team of doctors from the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University successfully performed a complex surgery under the guidance of Professor MH Beg, Chairman of the Department in which an impacted denture was removed from the food pipe of the affected patient. Dr Azam Haseen, Assistant Professor at the Department, assisted the surgery. complete news at https://amu.ac.in/
20th may 2016- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) has reached new heights as the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, JNMC has become the only department in various medical colleges of Western Uttar Pradesh doing cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgeries routinely.complete news at https://amu.ac.in/.
9-OCT-2016: The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC) recently carried out a successful open-heart surgery on 25-year-old, Khushboo, a native of Hathras in Uttar Pradesh.https://amu.ac.in/news.
24-OCT-2016: Dr Akif Shiraz Ziauddin, MS General Surgery Student, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has won the coveted first prize in a poster competition at the 2nd World Federation of Vascular Societies and 23rd Annual Conference of the Vascular Society of India held at Bengaluru.https://amu.ac.in/news.
10-DEC-2016: A team of surgeons from Jawaharlal Nehru College's Department of Cardio Thoracic Surgery recently performed a successful open heart surgery of a nine-year-old girl. The surgery was performed by the team under Professor M H Beg, Chairman, Department of Cardio Thoracic Surgery. https://amu.ac.in/news.
23-DEC-2016: A team of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University surgeons associated with the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery has successfully operated a 73-year-old man suffering with abdominal aortic aneurysm problem. https://amu.ac.in/news
20-MAR-2017: JNMC team successfully operates heart of 14-year-old, Sajan. https://amu.ac.in/news.
03-APR-2017: Surgeons successfully conduct first coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in JNMC, AMU:
3rd may 2017 : Prof Beg and his team successfully conduct complex cardiac surgery : https://amu.ac.in/news
03-JUN-2017: JNMC surgeons save 24-year-old with slit throat :https://amu.ac.in/news
29-AUG-2017: JNMC conducts first double valve replacement surgery: https://amu.ac.in/news
29-SEP-2017: 78-year-old discharged after successful Bypass surgery: https://amu.ac.in/news
23-FEB-2018: 85 year old patient undergoes Bypass surgery at J N Medical College: https://amu.ac.in/news
23-MAR-2018: Professor M H Beg receives Godrej S Karai Oration award: https://amu.ac.in/news
13-JUL-2018: Prof Mohammad Hanif Beg joins as new Pro Vice Chancellor: https://amu.ac.in/news
14-SEP-2018: AMU doctors save man from amputation: https://amu.ac.in/news
04-NOV-2018: New chairmen appointed in JNMC departments; https://amu.ac.in/news.jsp?did=4209
27-FEB-2019: JNMC successfully treats 150 children with heart problems in 2018: https://amu.ac.in/news.jsp?did=3836
06-MAR-2019: AMU Pro Vice Chancellor attends 65th Annual Conference of Indian Association of CVTS in Chennai:https://amu.ac.in/news.jsp?did=3807
23-APR-2019: JNMC surgeons remove rare tumour from man's gluteal region: https://amu.ac.in/news.jsp?did=3620
11-MAY-2019: JNMC surgeons perform rare surgery on thirteen-months-old:https://api.amu.ac.in/storage/file/newdata/newspubpanel.jsp
23-JUN-2019: Four-month old baby braves heart closure operation:https://amu.ac.in/news.jsp?did=3479
20-SEP-2019 Rare tumour removed from woman's heart at JNMC Aligarh, September 20: When Harpyari, 60, a residen
25-OCT-2019 Sixteen-year-old successfully undergoes MVR at JNMC Aligarh, October 25: Parents of 16-year-old, M