रसायन विज्ञान का विभाग
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Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of Doctoral Study are:
To identify the complex problems in contemporary subareas of chemical sciences including theoretical, analytical organic, inorganic, bio-inorganic, physical, biophysical, nano-materials, synthetic and natural products medicinal chemistry and to provide an effective solution for economic growth, sustainable development, and enrichment of the quality of human life and ecosystem.
To carry out innovative and translational research monitored by research committee periodically and following a standard safety procedure and good laboratory practice.
To develop the scientific temper that enhances the ability of questioning, testing, hypothesizing, critically analyzing the research problem, and meeting the expected research outcome.
To improve communication and writing skills, ethical behavior, and proactive involvement in quality research.
At the end of the program, a doctoral student will be able to:
Recognize the problems related to diverse areas of chemistry and their effective solution by proper strategic research.
How to carry out literature survey using Sci-finder and other websites to obtain the coherent information about a topic.
Handle sophisticated instruments such as NMR, Single-crystal X-Ray diffraction, EPR, ITC, FTIR, GCMS, AAS, CV, UV-Vis, and Fluorescence spectrophotometer and software for statistical treatment and interpretation of data.
Use ethical sensibilities to conduct their research as responsible scientists to meet social and professional requirements.
Effectively communicate the results of their research work to both scientific and non-scientific communities.
Communicate well, make effective presentations, and write effective reports, documentation, and research papers for publication.
Our doctorate program is designed to develop outstandingscholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions, industries, and chemical laboratories throughout the world.