Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA)-VI (Elective) Semester (CABSXO6003) 2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-II Semester (CAMS2P01) 2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF)-II Semester (CSMS2P01) 2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA)-VI Semester (CABSMJ6P06) 2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA)-IV Semester (CABSMJ4P04) 2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA)-II Semester (CABSMJ2P02) 2024-25 | | |
All Curriculum & Roll List 2023-24 | | |
B.Sc., MCA & M.Sc. Feedback | | |
Proof of Higher Education 2023-24 | | |
Proof of Placement 2023-24 | | |
NET, GATE | | |
E-Content Development Lab | | |
List of Mentors for the session 2022-23 | | |
Best Paper Award of Prof. MU Bokhari | | |
Teachers Awards | | |
Proof of Systems Purchase | | |
Supervisor Allocation of All Programmes | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation of M.Sc. (CS & DF) 2023-24 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation of MCA-IV Semester 2023-24 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation of B.Sc. (CA) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) III-Semester (CABSMJ-3P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) V-Semester (CABSXO-5P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) V-Semester (CABSMJ-5P05)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) I-Semester (CABSMJ-1P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF) III-Semester (CSMS-3P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF) I-Semester (CSMS-1P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual MCA III-Semester (CAMS-3P01)-2024-25 | | |
Lab Manual MCA I-Semester (CAMS-1P01)-2024-25 | | |
Application Proforma for the Post of Instructor | | |
B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Applications-VIth Semester Question Papers 2023-24 | | |
B.Sc. (Hons.)-IVth Semester Question Papers 2023-24 | | |
B.Sc. (Hons.)-IInd Semester Question Papers 2023-24 | | |
M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics)-II Semester Question Papers 2023-24 | | |
MCA-II Semester Question Papers 2023-24 | | |
Answer Key of P.G. Diploma in Computer Programming (PGDCP) Admission Test 2024-25 | | |
Answer Key of M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Admission Test 2024-25 | | |
previous Paper | | |
Lab Manual MCA II-Semester (CAMS-2P01)-2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF) II-Semester (CSMS-2P01)-2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) II-Semester (CABSMJ-2P02)-2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) IV-Semester (CABSMJ-4P04)-2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI-Semester (CCB-6S3) Seminar Presentation-2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI-Semester (CCB-6P1)-2023-24 | | |
NET JRF Qualified | | |
Higher Education | | |
Feedback | | |
Offer Letter | | |
Smart ICT Rooms | | |
Research Labs | | |
Smart Classrooms | | |
Computer Purchase | | |
NET JRF Qualified | | |
Awards | | |
Roll List of Open Elective & Syllabus | | |
Pledge-Taking Ceremony for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 | | |
Minutes of RAC | | |
List of Mentors and Supervisor Allocation 2022-23 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation for B.Sc. (CA)-VI Sem Students 2022-23 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation for M.Sc. (CS & DF)-IV Sem Students 2022-23 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation for MCA-IV Sem Student 2022-23 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation for MCA-VI Sem Student 2022-23 | | |
Sessional Marks of M.Sc. Ist Semester (CSMS-1005) | | |
Sessional Marks of M.Sc. III Semester (CSMS-3002) | | |
BCA Project Registration Form | | |
Lab Manual for MCA-III Sem. (CAMS3P01) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for MCA-I Sem. (CAMS1P01) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem. (CSMS3P01) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem. (CSMS1P01) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. (CCB5S2) Senior Project-I 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. (CCB5P2) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem. (CABSMJ3P03) 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual for B.Sc. (CA)-I Sem. (CABSMJ1P01) 2023-24 | | |
Result of M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Admission Test 2023-24 | | |
Answer Key of PGDCP Admission Test 2023-24 | | |
Answer Key M.Sc. (Cyber Security &Digital Forensics) Admission Test 2023-24 | | |
Lab Manual of B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Applications-II Semester 2022-23 | | |
Lab Manual of MCA-II Semester 2022-23 | | |
Lab Manual of M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics)-II Semester 2022-23 | | |
Syllabus FYUP-II Semester Under VOC Category of FYUP | | |
Press Release for ICECI-2023
| | |
Tentative Schedule of Ist International Conference on Emerging Computational Intelligence (ICECI-2023) | | |
List of Delegates/Participants of Ist International Conference on Emerging Computational Intelligence (ICECI-2023) | | |
Press Release of Ist International Conference on Emerging Computational Intelligence (ICECI-2023) | | |
ICECI-2023 Participants | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI-Semester (CCB-6S3)-2022-23 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI-Semester (CCB-6P1)-2022-23 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) IV-Semester (CCB-4P1)-2022-23 | | |
M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Publication Details Form | | |
M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Project Registration Form | | |
Alumni Meet for MCA batch-2022 "Riwayat-2022" | | |
Induction Programme for newly admitted UG students 2022-23 | | |
Online Workshop on Embedded, IoT, Design, Simulation and Rapid Prototyping | | |
Induction programme for newly admitted PG Students (Session 2022-2023) | | |
All Feedback Forms | | |
Certificate for Noor Fatima | | |
Selection for University of Artificial Intelligence | | |
Plantation Drive of high CO2, absorbing plant | | |
Swachhta Pledge taking Ceremony | | |
NET Certificate | | |
MCA Project Certificate 2021-22 | | |
Proof of Higher Education | | |
Offer Letter of Placement | | |
Roll List & Syllabus of Open Elective 2020-21 | | |
Students Awards | | |
Patent for Prof. Tamanna Siddiqui | | |
Syllabus Research Methodology | | |
Research Advisory Committee (RAC) | | |
Mentors List | | |
RAC & Research Methodology Syllabus | | |
Photos of Research Lab I & II & Server | | |
List of Mentors 2021-22 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation of BCA-VI Sem students 2021-22 | | |
List of Supervisor Allocation for MCA-VI Sem Student 2021-22 | | |
FYUP Course Structure for B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Applications | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF)-IIIrd Semester (CSMS-3P01)-2022-23 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IIIrd Semester (CAMS-3P01) 2022-23 | | |
Patents July-2020 to June-2022 | | |
5 Years Syllabi of B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Applications | | |
MCA & M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Guide lines for Dissertation/Project | | |
M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Dissertation/Project Registration Form | | |
Webtalk on "Technology Trends & Industry Expectations" | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. (CS & DF)-IInd Semester (CSMS-20P1)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) IInd Semester (CCB-2P1)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IInd Semester (CAMS-20P1)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IVth Semester (CSM-4471)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) IVth Semester (CCB-4P1)-2021-22 | | |
4 Weeks Hands-on Training Programme | | |
Project Certificate 2020-21 | | |
Supervisor Allocation of BCA Students 2020-21 | | |
Supervisor Allocation of MCA Students 2020-21 | | |
Feedback & ATR 2020-21 | | |
LAB MANUAL: M.C.A. (I Sem) | | |
LAB MANUAL: M.Sc. Cyber Security & Digital Forensics ( I Sem) | | |
Project/Dissertation Registration Form of BCA-VI Semester | | |
Project/Dissertation Registration Form of MCA-VI Semester | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) III Semester (CCB-3P1)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-III Semester (CSM-3371) 2021-22 | | |
Financial Assistance for Research Scholar & Post Graduate | | |
List of Doctoral Students from the other Institute | | |
List of Doctoral Students from the Host Institute | | |
Students Awards | | |
Doctoral & Post Doctoral Fellowship | | |
Award Received by Faculty | | |
Budget provision for R & D | | |
List of Teaching Experience of full time teachers | | |
Completed Research Project | | |
Signed Google Agreement | | |
ERP Mission Project | | |
Award received by teachers | | |
Award for Research Excellence 2015 | | |
Fellowship Award 2017 | | |
Significant Contribution Award | | |
Chaptron Patron Award | | |
Students are grouped into small batches of 5-8 students | | |
Industry Advisory Board | | |
Patents | | |
Members of organizing and technical programme committee | | |
Certificate for Workshop/FDP/Webinar etc | | |
Ph.D. Academic Ethics | | |
CSM1105 | | |
CSM1106 | | |
CSM4403 | | |
Pledge for tobacco free institutional | | |
Additional time to candidates who have been provided scribe | | |
List of Students Placed | | |
Students Selected for Higher Education in Foreign Universities | | |
Grievance Redressal | | |
Swachhta Pakhwada 2021 | | |
List of under Nomination Category for Admission to M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) 2021-22 | | |
List of Chance Memo Candidates of M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics) Admission Test 2021-22 | | |
List of Selected Candidates of M.Sc. (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics)Admission Test 2021-22 | | |
Assessment and Evaluation Processes | | |
Membership Form of Students for Seminar Library | | |
Membership Form of Faculty Member for Seminar Library | | |
NET/GATE/Civil Services Competitive Exams during 2018-19 | | |
Students Selected for Higher Studies | | |
Department Research Collaboration | | |
Saksham: Free Technology Workshop | | |
MoU Signed | | |
List of Publication by the Faculty Member 2014-19 | | |
Lab Manual MCA I Semester (CSM-1171) 2021-22 (Bridge Course) | | |
Lab Manual MCA II Semester (CSM-2271) 2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual MCA III Semester (CSM-3371) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual MCA IV Semester (CSM-4471) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual MCA V Semester (CSM-5571) 2020-21 | | |
Books & Chapters | | |
Lab Manual M.Sc. Cyber Security & Digital Forensics-I Semester (CSC10P1) 2022-22 | | |
Lab Manual-MCA V Semester(CSM-5571) - 2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual-B.Sc.(CA) V Semester (CCB-5P2)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual-B.Sc.(CA) V Semester (CCB-5S2)-2021-22 | | |
Lab Manual 2021-22 Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) II Semester (CCB2P1) 2021-22 | | |
Action Taken Report on Feedback (Year: 2018-19)
Action Taken Report based
on the recommendations of the committee (constituted on March 06, 2020) meeting held on August 20th,
2019. | | |
Lab Manual MCA I Sem (CSM-1171) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) I Sem (CCB-1P1) 2020-21 | | |
Value Added Courses_Comp_Sc | | |
Programmes with Syllabus Revision_Comp_Sc | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2019_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2018_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2017_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2016_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2015_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Collaborative Activities with other Institute 2014_Comp_Sc_NAAC | | |
Students Support_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Lab Manual MCA IV Semester (CSM-4471) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual MCA II Semester (CSM-2271) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI Sem (CCB-6S4) 2020-2021 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI Sem (CCB-6S3) 2020-2021 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) VI Sem (CCB-6P1) 2020-2021 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) IV Sem (CCB-4P1) 2020-2021 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (CA) II Sem (CCB-2P1) 2020-2021 | | |
Placement Brochure 2020-2021 | | |
Syllabus of Ph.D. Course Work Paper-I & Paper-II | | |
Feedback for Review of Syllabus Students, Teachers, Employers & Alumni_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
ICT Enabled Facilities_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
MCA Project/Dissertation Format | | |
Awards Received by Teachers_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Students doing projects_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Workshop Conducted_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Programmes with CBCS/Elective Course Implemented_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Courses Focus on Employbility_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
New Courses Introduced during the last five years_Comp_Sc_NAAC_2014-2019 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-5th Semester (CSM-5571) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-3rd Semester (CSM-3371) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-1st Semester (CSM-1171) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-5th Semester (CCB-5S2) Senior Project-I, 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-5th Semester (CCB-5P2) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-3rd Semester (CCB-3P1) 2020-21 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-1st Semester (CCB-1P1) 2020-21 | | |
Online Viva-Voce Examination Schedule with Time Slots | | |
Students undertaking field projects/internships | | |
List of Ph.D's Awarded per teacher during the last five year | | |
Lab Manual BCA-6th Semester (CCB-6P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-6th Semester (CCB-6S3) Seminar Presentation 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-5th Semester (CCB-5P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-4th Semester (CCB-4P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-3rd Semester (CCB-3P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-2nd Semester (CCB-2P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-1st Semester (CCB-1P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-5th Semester (CSM-5571) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-4th Semester (CSM-4471) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-3rd Semester (CSM-3371) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-2nd Semester (CSM-22P1) 2019-20 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-1st Semester (CSM-1171) 2019-20 | | |
Ph.D. Admission Test Syllabus 2019-2020 | | |
Lab Manual B.C.A. Vth Semester (CCB-5P1) Mini Project/Computer Lab 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual B.C.A. Vth Semester (CCB-5P2) Seminar Presentation 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual B.C.A. IIIrd Semester (CCB-3P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-IInd Semester (CCB-2P2) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual B.C.A. Ist Semester(CCB-1P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual M.C.A. Vth Semester (CSM-5071) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual M.C.A. IIIrd Semester (CSM-33P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual M.C.A. Ist Semester (CSM-11P1) 2018-19 | | |
Ph.D. Admission Test Syllabus (2018-19) | | |
Lab Manual BCA-Vth Semester CCB-5P2-Seminar Presentation | | |
Lab Manual MCA-Vth Semester CSM-5071 Mini-Project | | |
Lab Manual MCA-Ist Semester CSM-11P1- 2017-2018 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IIIrd Semester CSM-3071 Lab Project | | |
Lab Manual BCA-Vth Semester CCB-5P1- Mini Project | | |
Lab Manual BCA-IIIrd Semester CCB-3P1 Lab | | |
Lab Manual BCA-Ist Semester CCB-1P1--2017-2018 | | |
Guidelines for Synopsis of Mini Project | | |
Lab Manual BCA-IV Semester (CCB-4P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-VIth Semester (CCB-6P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IVth Semester (CSM-44P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IInd Semester (CSM-22P1) 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Application (BCA) - VIth Semester CCB-6P2 | | |
Lab Manual BCA-VIth Semester (CCB-6S1) Viva 2018-19 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Application (BCA) - IInd Semester CCB-2P1 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Application (BCA) - IVth Semester CCB-4P1 | | |
Lab Manual B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Application (BCA) - VIth Semester CCB-6P1 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IInd Semester CSM-22P1 | | |
Lab Manual MCA-IVth Semester CSM-4071 | | |
Skill_genie-A Student Handbook of Soft Skills Development | | |
BCA Project/Dissertation Format | | |