त्वचा विज्ञान का विभाग
About the Department
The Department of Dermatology was established in 1993 after bifurcation of Department of Medicine. The Department is actively involved in teaching and training of P.G. students, MBBS students, BDS students, Physiotherapy students and Nurses. The clinical services offered by the department include management of patients with skin, hair and nail diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Leprosy, Phototherapy, Dermatosurgery, Laser therapy and Cosmetic procedures for acne, hair, pigmentary disorders and scars.
In 2014, the Department started a new PG course of M.D. (Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) with initial intake of two students and these seats got recognized by MCI during the conduct of first M.D. (DVL) examination in 2017. The MCI granted permission to further increase the M.D. (DVL) seats from two to five in 2017-18 which was granted recognition in 2020. All the residents of M.D. (DVL) course takes part actively in the PG teaching programmes that includes the seminars, journal clubs, case presentations and grand PG round etc. They are also trained with hands-on experience in imparting specialized services such as phototherapy, laser therapy and Dermatosurgery to the needy patients.
The new centralized air-conditioned Skin OPD in the New OPD Block is very spacious with adequate waiting facility and privacy for the patients with consultation rooms, minor O.T., laser therapy room, phototherapy room and laboratory. The Department of Dermatology caters to more than 1,00,000 patients/ year and is one of the best equipped departments in the state.
Specialized Therapeutic Services Available in the Department:
1. Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
2. IPL System
3. Co2 Laser Therapy
4. Phototherapy (Whole Body/Hand & Feet)
5. Microdermabrasion
6. Radiofrequency
7. Electrical Cauterization
8. Chemical Cauterization
9. Cryotherapy
10. Ionotophoresis
11. PRP & PRF therapy
12. Microneedling (Dermaroller & Derma-pen)
13. Vitiligo surgery
14. Nail surgery
15. Intralesional therapy
16. TCA CROSS & Subcision
17. Chemical peeling
Specialized Investigational Facilities Available in the Department.
1. Skin & Nail Biopsy
2. Dermoscopy
3. Scrapings for fungus/ parasites
4. Dark Ground Immunoflorescence Microscopy
5. Staining for AFB (Mycobacterium Leprae)
6. Gram’s staining, Giemsa staining & Tzanck smear
7. Wood’s lamp examination
Specialty Clinics Conducted by the Department.
1. STI Clinic
2. Leprosy Clinic
3. Psoriasis Clinic
4. Pigmentary Disease Clinic
5. Autoimmune & Vesiculobullous Disease Clinic
Specialized Clinical Activities:-
Department is one of the best centre in the region, where Laser therapy is performed for various skin diseases i.e. Acne, Hirsuitism, Hypertricosis, Melasma and other Pigmentary diseases. Scar Resurfacing, Moles, Skin Tag, Warts etc. and Tattoo removal.
Department is fully equipped for providing Phototherapy (Whole Body Hand & Feet, UVA/UVB) for treatment of Psoriases, Vitiligo and other Chronic Skin disorders.