Allocated B.Tech Projects for Session 2024-25 | | |
Stock Register | | |
ICT Enabled Classrooms | | |
Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT - enabled facilities such as LCD, smart board, Wi-Fi/LAN, audio video recording facilities .(Data for the Academic year 2023-24 (1st June, 2023 to 31st May, 2024) | | |
List of M.Tech. registered students 2024 | | |
Particulars of Teachers for Academic Year 2023-24 | | |
Youth Conclave on Mission LiFE | | |
Departmental Committees | Session: 2024-2025 | | |
2024 GATE Score Cards | | |
Collaborative Activities with Other Institutions | | |
External Academic & Administrative Audit | | |
Placement Details of Students Admitted in M.Tech. Electrical Engineering | Session: 2021-22 | | |
Details of Students Qualified GATE | Session: 2022-23 | | |
Placement and higher studies data of students M.Tech. Power System & Drives | | |
Placement and higher studies data of students B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
| | |
Laboratories SOPs | | |
General Hygiene SOPs | | |
Seminar SOPs | | |
1.3.4, NAAC Criteria , Number of students undertaking field project or research projects or internships | | |
1.3.2. NAAC criteria Number of value-added courses for imparting transferable and life skills offered during last five years | | |
1.1.3 NAAC criteria Average percentage of courses having focus on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development during the last five years | | |
1.1.2, NAAC Criteria, Percentage of Programmes where syllabus revision was carried out during the last five years | | |
1.4.1. Criteria for NAAC Proof of Structured Feedback from various Stake holders | | |
1.2.1. Criteria for NAAC Percentage of new courses introduced of the total number of courses across all programmes offered during the last five years | | |
Useful downloads EE691I Rotary Inverted Pendulum Student Workbook | | |
Useful downloads Scholars on Fellowship during last five years | | |
Useful downloads EE691I Observer Design | | |
Useful downloads B.Tech Full syllabi | | |
Useful downloads M.Tech syllabus Complete (All branches) | | |
Useful downloads Brochure - Department of Electrical Engineering | | |
Useful downloads Vision, Mission of the College and the Department | | |
Useful downloads Old Syllabus BTech | | |
Useful downloads M.Tech I&C Curriculum and Syllabi | | |
Useful downloads New Syllabus B.Tech Electrical Engineering (w.e.f 2017 - updated up to 2nd year) | | |
Useful downloads List of Patents awarded/Published during last five years | | |
Useful downloads Brochure - 5 Days Entrepreneurship Development Program on Solar PV Rooftop - An Initiative by MNRE-USAID | | |
Useful downloads Final List of Selected Candidates - 5 Days Entrepreneurship Development Program on Solar PV Rooftop | | |
Useful downloads Lab Manual EE495/EEE495 Control Lab 2018-19 | | |
Useful downloads Old Syllabus M.Tech. Electrical Engineering (All specializations) | | |
Useful downloads Program Objectives and Program Educational Objectives | | |
Useful downloads GATE 2020 coaching registration form - Last Date: 08.04.2019, 04:00 PM | | |
Useful downloads GATE 2019 Coaching Registration Form for B. Tech (Electrical Engineering) Final Year Students | | |
Useful downloads M.Tech Instrumentation Lab Observer Design | | |
Useful downloads EE691I Kalman Filter | | |
Useful downloads List of the Ph.D awarded during last five years | | |
Useful downloads M.Tech Instrumentation Lab Power Quality | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus-Electrical Engineering (B.Tech and M.Tech): Revised 2019 | | |
Useful downloads EE691I Pitch Angle Control | | |
Useful downloads Internship certificates of students for the session 2018-19 | | |