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उल्लेखनीय पूर्व छात्र
Outreach Activities
Outreach Activities Plantation
Outreach Activities during Covid Pandemic

Outreach and Internship undertaken by MA (English/ELT) III Semester Students in 2020
Event Registration :
Internship Programme
Feedback from Internship and Outreach Students
Name of the Student : Ayesha Ehsan (M.A ELT - 3rd Semester)
Email : ayeshaehsan20@gmail.com
Name of the Organisation where you worked : Al Barkaat Institute of Education.
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in : Al - Barkaat Institute of
Education is a Government approved Minority Institution, duly recognized by the N.C.T.E. Jaipur and affiliated to Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra which runs the B.Ed. Program. It is situated on Anoopshahr Road, Post C.D.F, Near Jamalpur Railway Crossing, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things : My experience at Al-Barkaat Institute was really amazing. In the internship programme, I along with my fellow interns took different skills of language and taught them to the students of B. Ed. It was a 21 day programme (2nd December 2020- 22nd December, 2020). I took 4 classes - 2 classes individually and 2 classes combined with my fellow interns. I learnt many things like :
a) How to deal with students online as well as offline and also how to continuously monitor them.
b) I learnt to work and overcome my stage fright.
c) I learnt how to manage and organize events.
d) I learnt to work in coordination with my fellow interns. (How to take class without any chaos, devise activities together and to give each other equal time to interact with students).
e) I also managed to take classes individually, create links for the classes and devise activities based on topics and events.
f) I learnt and worked hard on how to record and make videos with clarity and upload them on YouTube.
g) I gained confidence while dealing with students since I used to be under confident.
h) I learnt how to practically apply what I have learnt in my class. (E.g Task components, designing and giving topics for syllabus).
i) I also learnt to maintain and record the important documents related to my internship program. (Like it is done in Portfolio).
In short, working at such a renowned Institution was actually worth it.
How is this going to benefit you in the future? This experience is surely going to benefit me in future since I have always wanted to become a teacher. This internship has helped me in many ways. It has helped me to clear my doubts regarding different topics, to deal with class, manage time and also organize extra curricular programmes. Apart from this, I have gained confidence and learnt to interact with learners smoothly which is surely something required for a teacher.
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why? Definitely, yes. I liked this new component which is introduced here. Because this will help us, the students to discover themselves, to work on themselves, to learn and get exposure to different things. This will definitely help them in building confidence and will make them work hard. It can be an impetus for a positive change in students.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department? The Department of English was very helpful and supportive. When we were offered this internship, our teachers especially our Chairman and the co-ordinators were very much satisfied and gave a yes to this internship. They were quite considerate and had instilled their trust in us.
What challenges did you come across? The challenge was to find the internship programme during the Pandemic. This is the reason it got a little difficult to find the internship programme too early and then I had to manage it alongside (MA ELT) presentations and assignments. Also, it was not a work from home internship. Rather I had to go to Al-Barkaat to take my classes. Apart from going there to take the classes, I also had to go there to discuss the time table and syllabus. Managing to do my assignments and presentations (of M.A- ELT) alongside these things was not an easy task but it went quite well.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme? Yes. Even though the department was quite considerate, I believe the students must have been given more clarity regarding the outreach and internship programmes. There should have been a session regarding these programmes in the starting of our 3rd semester (August, 2020) and then there would have been regular such sessions to check the progress of students since this was something introduced for the first time.
Event Registration : Internship Programme |
Feedback from Internship and Outreach Students Name of the Student : Ayesha Ehsan (M.A ELT - 3rd Semester) Email : ayeshaehsan20@gmail.com |
Name of the Organisation where you worked : Al Barkaat Institute of Education. |
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in : Al - Barkaat Institute of Education is a Government approved Minority Institution, duly recognized by the N.C.T.E. Jaipur and affiliated to Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra which runs the B.Ed. Program. It is situated on Anoopshahr Road, Post C.D.F, Near Jamalpur Railway Crossing, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. |
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things : My experience at Al-Barkaat Institute was really amazing. In the internship programme, I along with my fellow interns took different skills of language and taught them to the students of B. Ed. It was a 21 day programme (2nd December 2020- 22nd December, 2020). I took 4 classes - 2 classes individually and 2 classes combined with my fellow interns. I learnt many things like : a) How to deal with students online as well as offline and also how to continuously monitor them. |
b) I learnt to work and overcome my stage fright. c) I learnt how to manage and organize events. |
d) I learnt to work in coordination with my fellow interns. (How to take class without any chaos, devise activities together and to give each other equal time to interact with students). e) I also managed to take classes individually, create links for the classes and devise activities based on topics and events. f) I learnt and worked hard on how to record and make videos with clarity and upload them on YouTube. g) I gained confidence while dealing with students since I used to be under confident. h) I learnt how to practically apply what I have learnt in my class. (E.g Task components, designing and giving topics for syllabus). |
i) I also learnt to maintain and record the important documents related to my internship program. (Like it is done in Portfolio). |
In short, working at such a renowned Institution was actually worth it. |
How is this going to benefit you in the future? This experience is surely going to benefit me in future since I have always wanted to become a teacher. This internship has helped me in many ways. It has helped me to clear my doubts regarding different topics, to deal with class, manage time and also organize extra curricular programmes. Apart from this, I have gained confidence and learnt to interact with learners smoothly which is surely something required for a teacher. |
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why? Definitely, yes. I liked this new component which is introduced here. Because this will help us, the students to discover themselves, to work on themselves, to learn and get exposure to different things. This will definitely help them in building confidence and will make them work hard. It can be an impetus for a positive change in students. |
Did you get sufficient help from the Department? helpful and supportive. When we were offered this internship, our teachers especially our Chairman and the co-ordinators were very much satisfied and gave a yes to this internship. They were quite considerate and had instilled their trust in us. |
What challenges did you come across? The challenge was to find the internship programme during the Pandemic. This is the reason it got a little difficult to find the internship programme too early and then I had to manage it alongside (MA ELT) presentations and assignments. Also, it was not a work from home internship. Rather I had to go to Al-Barkaat to take my classes. Apart from going there to take the classes, I also had to go there to discuss the time table and syllabus. Managing to do my assignments and presentations (of M.A- ELT) alongside these things was not an easy task but it went quite well. |
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme? Yes. Even though the department was quite considerate, I believe the students must have been given more clarity regarding the outreach and internship programmes. There should have been a session regarding these programmes in the starting of our 3rd semester (August, 2020) and then there would have been regular such sessions to check the progress of students since this was something introduced for the first time. |
Section 1
Event Registration
Internship Programme
Feedback from Internship and Outreach Students
Students’ Feedback on Internship and Outreach Programme
Name of the Student - Aliza khan
Email - alizakhan3107@gmail.com
Name of the Organisation where you worked - Muslim Taleem-O-Tarbiyat Hr Secondary School
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in.
It is a UP board based school which is established in 1988, which worked for the welfare of the education of the minorities section.
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things.
My experience was good. It taught me so many things in practical life. It made me responsible towards my duties. I got to explore many ways to teach different level of learners. It improved my temperament in dealing with the learners, that is I learnt to be calm while dealing with them.
How this is going to benefit you in future?
It made us all punctual and responsible towards our job, which will help us in the future life whenever we will be exposed to the work.
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why?
Yes, I like the new component of the newly introduced syllabi. It is because it makes us do things in real life which eventually make us experienced.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department?
Yes the department helped us throughout the process. They guided us properly and they were considerate too.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme?
It can be better if the proper guidelines are given for making the portfolios.
What challenges you came across?
Yes, there were many challenges that I came across with one of the main challenge was the "language" that I have to take a lot of care about while teaching the learners.
Feedback Form
Event Registration: Internship Programme
Name of the Student: Aamna Siddiqi
Email: asra27998@gmail.com
Name of the Organisation where you worked: Al-Barkat Institute of Education.
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in:
The Al-Barkaat Institute of Education is a College in Aligarh that offers various graduate and Post Graduate courses for students. As interns, the Institute offered us a great environment to allow us to indulge in developing our teaching skills through proper teaching and learning environment.
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things:
The experience was extremely productive and enhancing in terms of teaching and learning.
The institute offered a purely academic environment as an Assistant Teacher.
We improved on teaching and answering questions/queries
We indulged in practical implications of our M.A.(ELT) lll semester syllabus such as tasks designing and giving feedback etc in our daily lectures.
Developed an all-inclusive syllabus.
Engaged in collaborative and team work.
How this is going to benefit you in future?
It was an insightful experience and it developed our confidence as a teacher and provided a platform to practice our skills.
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why?
Yes. It paved way for practical learning and gave an insight about our strengths and weaknesses in terms of teacher and learner.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department?
Yes. All the time.
What challenges you came across?
Due to the ongoing pandemic, We grappled a lot to find an internship that best suited our course and would have enhanced our experience, but fortunately we got one which is why we joined it a little late
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme?
Email: afreensauma@gmail.com
Name of the Organization that I worked at:
Pocketful of Sunshine India
Describe in 20 words the organization that you worked at.
An organization focused on providing a safe environment for children, with special focus on underprivileged children of day laborers and housemaids etc., in Delhi. Their aim is to prevent children falling prey to various kinds of exploitation.
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things.
It was my first real time working experience so naturally work ethics was one. Other than that,
This gave me an opportunity to reflect on the conditions of an underprivileged lot of our society, learning about things they cannot access.
I definitely brushed upon my writing skills, a slight difference to my usual creative writing.
Realtime application of the writing techniques I learned during coursework and other programs that I undertook over years.
Deadlines, formal correspondence, maintaining a balance between work and my studies.
An experience worthwhile and also an improvement in my researching skills.
How this is going to benefit you in future?
Apart from reflecting nicely on my CV, this was a good experience for me as I have always been passionate regarding these sensitive issues that our society has been struggling since forever. Writing about them is perhaps a very small thing, but it is a step in my drive to be a bit helpful to those in need by first educating myself on the related issues and then using the knowledge to help them out.
Do you like this component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why?
Yes, this indeed is a great initiative taken by the department and I would like to thank the department for this opportunity. I quite liked doing what I did as it was something practical and beneficial.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department?
For this particular internship that I applied for, I did not need any approval or such thing from the Department. However, the Department did help others for the same.
What challenges did you come across?
The guidelines and specifications for both Ability Enhancement Programme and Dissertation Project were informed to us quite late into the semester. Both the programmes were quite intensive and required students to prepare ahead of time. Particularly for Internship, applying and securing an internship during a pandemic where remote working was the only available option, was a tough job. Another thing was simultaneously attending classes and for preparing for continuous assessments.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme?
For this, I believe briefing students a semester prior would help in a better facilitation of this great initiative so that students could apply and work in person during the summer break. Since this was an unusual past year, most of the things were moved online and some of us were able to attend virtual classes and work offline. But this perhaps might revert back again by next year.
Also, I would like to suggest the Department to connect and collaborate with a few institutions locally and for online work opportunities as a safe option for those who could not secure internships on time.
Feedback from Internship and Outreach Students
Event Registration: Internship Programme
Name of the Student: Mohd Ahmad
Email: ahmadasadullah22@gmail.com
Name of the Organisation where you worked
Swami Shiksha Charitable Trust
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in.
It is an organisation which aims at reaching out to the underprivileged children of our society for their basic needs, like: their education and basic amenities through various campaigns and events on regular basis.
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least FIVE good things.
My experience was good. It taught me so many things in practical life. It made me responsible towards my duties, my responsibilities for needy people how to help them. Five good things I want to share that “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”. 1 Talk with yourself
2 Habit of Physical activity
3 Imagine your goal
4 Note down your “to do list”
5 Study or read books
How this is going to benefit you in future?
It made us all punctual and responsible towards our responsibility to helping needy people, which will help us in the future life whenever we will be exposed to the work.
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why?
Yes, I like the new component of the newly introduced syllabi. It is because it makes us do things in real life which eventually make us experienced.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department?
Yes, the department helped us throughout the process. I got this internship through the department. They guided us properly and they were considerate too.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme?
It can be better if the proper guidelines are given for making the portfolios.
What challenges you came across?
Yes, there were many challenges that I came across with one of the main challenge was to search needy people.
Event Registration: |
Internship programme |
Name: |
Md Saquib |
Email: |
mdsaquibgi8789@gmail.com |
Organization: |
Swami Shiksha Charitable Trust (SSCT) |
Question: 1 |
Describe in 20 words the organization that you worked in. |
Answer: |
It is an NGO which is established by Sachin Swami in 2013. The aim |
of this to reach out one lack underprivileged children and create |
opportunity to go to school, it approached two thousand children till |
now. It is good effort from the point of education. |
Question: 2 |
describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 |
good things. |
Answer: |
We got lot experience in outdoor activities and felt confidence how to |
handle any situation, it makes punctual and creates leadership quality. |
We go for survey (offline and online) and gets new experience from the |
children. |
Question: 3 |
how this is going to benefit you in future? |
Answer: |
It will be very helpful for me in future, it will be increase the weightage |
of our CV. We can do work in team or group easily and it is necessary |
for everyone who want to work in collaboration. |
Question: 4 |
do you like new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why? |
Answer: |
Yes I like it, because it gives opportunity to participate in outdoor |
activities which is compulsory for smooth life. |
Question: 5 |
did you get sufficient help from the department? |
Answer: |
Yes I got. |
Question: 6 |
what challenges you came across? |
Answer: |
To do survey in pandemic it is little bit tough, actually it is offline |
course, and gives more benefits. |
Question: 7 |
Do you have any suggestion to improve the program? |
Answer: |
It should be launch earlier then more students take benefit to it. |
Section 1
Event Registration
Internship Programme
Name of the Student- Bushra Salahuddin
Email- enmlit2002@gmail.com
Name of the Organisations-
Pro-Orator Academy
Kalam Foundation
Describe in 20 words the Organisation that you worked in.
Pro-Orator Academy is a Confidence building platform aimed at public speaking and personality development of individuals from different corners of professional areas, working officials to business owners and students
Kalam Foundation is a non-profit organizations which aims to provide financial services and health benefits to the underprivileged sections of the society
Describe your experience of this work in 50 words including at least 5 good things.
The Paid Internship for Content Writing with the Pro-Orator Academy was a writing as well as learning experience for a duration of 2 months. It was beneficial in many ways-
Improved my content writing skills
Improved Language skills
Enhanced vocabulary
Improved Multi-tasking skills
Helped in building CV résumé
The Unpaid Internship for a Student Campus Ambassador with the Kalam Foundation was a training into practical application and learning experience with management and organization of events. It was beneficial in the following ways-
Helped to contribute to the society
To become a part of some noble work by providing financial support and health benefits to the needy
Helped in building a strong CV
Helped to gain experience in conducting Online festivals
Helped with managerial skills
How this is going to benefit you in future?
Both the Internships were of a different nature of work, from Content Writing to student Campus Ambassador, which were very beneficial in not one, but many aspects. These Internship experiences are going to benefit a lot to me in future, thereby increasing my job prospects other than providing me a plethora of opportunities in the particular area of work. The Internships proved to be a good experience gaining platform for me and would also help me into enhancing my knowledge and Communication skills.
Do you like this new component of the newly introduced syllabi? Why?
This new component recently induced was a very impressive boundary pushing move to the overall teaching and learning system. Also, it was quite receptive among all the students for the major reason being- personality and CV development of students with experience and a practical approach to applied educational skills.
Did you get sufficient help from the Department?
The Department was very cooperative and helpful in all possible ways along with proper guidance and leniency on deadlines from the teachers and course coordinators.
What challenges you came across?
There were quite a few challenges-
Tight Academic Schedule with assessments and online classes
Time Constraints
Regular Internship Commitments that demanded regular research and writing
Managing Internship work and studies along with Preparation for Exams
Do you have any suggestions to improve the programme?
Although the Programme is quite acceptable for practical reasons but it would be highly appreciated if the students be made aware and provided a prior information about any such programme, for the reason that getting enrolled in any Internship requires prior application and scrutiny time, which some students found very difficult-to get enrolled into the Internships.
List of Mentors for SKILL/ABILITY ENHANCEMENT/FIELDWORK B.A. Communicative English
BA CE V Semester | SKILL/ABILITY ENHANCEMENT: FIELDWORK | Paper: XV | Total Marks (100) | ||||
Name of the
Teacher |
Name of the Students
allotted |
Roll No. | Enrollment No. | Topic |
Fieldwork (60) | Seminar Presentation (40) | Total |
Mr. Danish Iqbal | SHEERAZ ALI | 19CEB 19 | GL8875 | ||||
Ms. Rabeya | RATCHANON MARUMDEE | 19CEB 15 | GL2911 | ||||
Dr. Muneer Aram Kuzhiyan | MOHAMMAD ADEEB SULTAN | 19CEB 04 | GK3970 | ||||
Ms. Adiba
Faiyaz |
MD YASEER AKHTAR | 19CEB 06 | GK9960 | ||||
Dr. Muhammad Asif | MOHD SAQIB | 19CEB 07 | GL1262 | ||||
Dr. Md. Saquib Abrar | MOHAMMAD MURTAZA | 19CEB 08 | GL1247 | ||||
Dr. Siddhartha Chakraborti | KAPIL CHAUHAN | 19CEB 03 | GL3796 | ||||
Dr. Sunij Kumar Sharma | UMAR FAROOQUE | 19CEB 09 | GK9967 | ||||
Dr. M. Sharjeel Chaudhary | KHURSHID ALAM | 19CEB 10 | GL1251 | ||||
Mr. Ahmar Alavi | SAIFUL ISLAM | 19CEB 11 | GK9948 | ||||
Dr. Zainab Sarwat | MOHAMMAD YASIR | 18 CEB 11 | GL1272 | ||||
Dr. Rehan Khan | ALI ASA | 19CEB 12 | GJ1821 | ||||
Dr. Rehan Khan | WAJIH UR REHMAN KHAN YOUSUFZAI | 19CEB 13 | GJ8750 | ||||
Dr. Fauzia Faridi | MOHD ANAS RAZA | 19CEB 14 | GL7379 | ||||
Dr. Sana Niazi | NAWAMIN PHUNGOEN | 19CEB 02 | GL2853 | ||||
Dr. Sana Niazi | Mohd. Ashar Ali | 19CEB 18 |
BA English 5th SEMESTER (EOBXV) 20-21
S.No. |
Mentor |
Mobile Number |
Email ID |
Mentees |
1. |
Prof. Aysha Munira Rasheed |
9045160189 |
amunira.en@amu.ac.in |
1. Rayyan Ehtesham 19ENB024 2. Mahbub Uddin Al Radwan 19ENB021 3. Mohammad Adnan Khan 19ENB023 |
2. |
Prof. Vibha Sharma |
9634105131 |
1. Faisal Sajad Rather 19ENB003 2. MD Alamin Rari 19ENB001 3. Dwi Ago Mulyawan 19ENB002 |
3. |
Dr. Rehan Khan |
9557055933 |
rkhantesol@gmail.com |
1. Md Aftab Alam 19ENB012 3. Nahmat Mairaj 19ENB011 |
4. |
Dr. Md Sajidul Islam |
9997580079 |
1. Muhammed Farooq Abdullah 19ENB017 2. Mohammad Arif 19ENB018 3. Mohd Usaid Bin Khalid Khan 19ENB009 |
5. |
Dr. Akbar Joseph A Syed |
9897513009 |
1. Mohd Uzair Maqsood 19ENB043 2. Ahmad Abdullah Jameel 19ENB045 3. Azhar Husain 19ENB053 |
6. |
Dr. Kishwar Zafir |
zafir.kishwar@gmail.com |
1. Ahmadullah 19ENB032 2. Fahiq Aziz 19ENB039 3. Mohammad Bilal 19ENB029 |
7. |
Mr. Danish Iqbal |
1. Amanmuradov Rahym 19ENB052 3. Dushyant Kumar 19ENB046 2. Yasir Affan 19ENB05 |
8. |
Ms. Rabeya |
9837314293 |
rabeya.rabeya@gmail.com |
1. Mohd Shazeb Saud 19ENB055 2. Bakyyev Dovrangeldi 19ENB056 3. Mohammad Azhan Khan 19ENB054 |
9. |
Dr. Muneer A. Kuzhiyan |
9847265837 |
2. Satlykov Agatahyr 19ENB057 3. Jumadurdyyev Rejep 19ENB058 |
10. |
Ms. Adiba Faiyaz |
9650839240 |
adiba.english@gmail.com |
1. Hussain Md Shahnwaz Sultan 19ENB06 2. Alijan Muradov 19ENB060 3. Shah Kafeel Ahmad Peerzada 19ENB061 |
11. |
Dr. Muhammad Asif |
9758008660 |
1. Md Sami 19ENB062 2. Sharique Imam Ansari 19ENB063 3. Faizur Rehman Sherwani 19ENB064 |
12. |
Dr. Md. Saquib Abrar |
9897464674 |
saquibamu05@gmail.com |
1. Mohammad
Hashim Tantry 2. Waseem Ahmad 19ENB067 3. Mohd Ahad 19ENB065 |
13. |
Dr. Siddhartha Chakraborti |
9818932779 |
1. Mir Sheezan Hussain 19ENB08 2. Krishna Mohan Singh 19ENB10 3. Saifullah Samar 19ENB14 |
14. |
Dr. M. Sharjeel Chaudhary |
7417620043 |
1. Ayeed Paloli 19ENB16 2. Tuhel Ahmed 19ENB20 3. Shan E Mojeeb 19ENB15 |
15. |
Dr. Sunij Kumar Sharma |
9897528029 |
1. Mohammad Aashik 19ENB35 2. Ahmad Imtiaz Tapadar 19ENB27 3. Fitrah Wilanda 19ENB34 |
16. |
Mr. Ahmar Alvi |
9897959878 |
1.Shoaib Mohd 19ENB37 2. Md Shuaib Akhtar Choudhury 19ENB41 3. Md Sadique Alam 19ENB36 |
17. |
Dr. Zainab Sarwat |
9897848895 |
zainabsarwat@gmail.com |
1. Kakajan Yemshikov 19ENB42 2. MD Sanaul Mustafa 19ENB04 3. Muneeb Ahmad 19ENB040 |
18. |
Dr. Fauzia Faridi |
9450897638 |
1. Ehtesham Gul Khan 19ENB47 2. Meredov Shatlyk 19ENB51 3. Ahmad Husain 19ENB44 |
Skill/Ability Enhancement/Fieldwork
Title of the Paper: Skill/Ability Enhancement/Fieldwork
EOBXV 2021-22 Department of English, AMU
(Syllabus attached)
Important: This is a flexible plan of work whose finer details the mentorees have to finalize in consultation with the mentors. It is important to remember that students' activities must be viable keeping in mind the present constraints. They must neither be too easy nor too difficult. Mentors are requested to make sure that mentoree-mentor consultation, teamwork, statement of objectives and plan of work, research questions, review of literature, analysis, outcomes, and findings followed by a team presentation, and the submission of a written draft must be done by the mentorees.
Instructions for the mentors:
We shall preferably focus on Community Service with the idea of paying back to society as a part of the Field Work. The following ideas may be integrated with the assignment prepared by the mentees.
The mentees will write a hypothesis, rationale, and objectives to present the findings of Fieldwork in the assignment, to be submitted by 1st December 2021.
Mentees will (in the First Two Weeks)
- Consult the mentors without any failure with the first week
- Identify target respondents/subjects
- State objectives; prepare rationale and research questions
- Prepare an initial Google form for entering/inviting particulars of target learners’ learning objectives and initial responses to brainstorming questions (teamwork)
- Make a spreadsheet with the details of the target learners, to be shared among the team members
(3rd and 4th weeks)
- Prepare a literature review related to the topic (individual work)
- Prepare a bibliography (individual work)
- Prepare a final Google form for findings of learning outcomes at the end (teamwork)
(5th and 6th week)
- Write findings in the form of a research paper
- Make a presentation and get feedback from the mentors (teamwork)
(Final week)
- Submit it as a written assignment (individual work)
May combine empirical, analytical, discursive methods; may incorporate reader-response theory; may use sensitization
- For Literature students: MLA
- For CE students: APA
Follow the 8th edition
Identify Target respondents/learners/stakeholders/subject possibly from the juniors (seek permission from the chairperson)
- Juniors in Graduation
- Intermediate students
- Schoolchildren
- Family/friends/neighbors
On Topics/Issues such as Health, Life during Pandemic, Old age, Childrens Rights Gender, Environmental issues, Marginalized section of the society, or any other relevant issue
(It can be based on interaction or teaching; Content to teach and have interaction about can be
Short story,
Any prose text such as articles
- In order to make it comprehensive, we may think of relevant texts regarding the topics chosen and suggest them to the mentees. Mentees are encouraged to find their own texts.
- We can induct research scholars as co-mentors
- Teachers/mentors can have a meeting in case there is a need.
To be provided by the teacher/mentor at the beginning of the
Assessment Plan
Fieldwork with Report: 60 Marks
Literature Review: 10
Plan of work/questionnaire in Google form/research tools: 10
Findings/conclusion: 10
Stylesheet conformity: 10
Tardiness (not following the timeline, not reporting to the mentor/ Late submission: -5 for each
Seminar Presentation: 40 Marks
Language, clarity, coherence: 10 marks
Slide presentation: clarity, design, usefulness & appropriateness: 10 marks
Content demonstrated through visual & oral presentation: 20 marks
Skill/Ability Enhancement/Fieldwork
Code: Credits: 04
Through mentor-mentee relationship, this course is set to train
students into close-group participatory-collaborative learning
and acquisition of research ethics, presentation skills,
interdisciplinarity, teamwork and various other relevant aspects
of academic writing and research.
Mentees/students will be guided to:
Undertake field research.
Write a term paper.
Conduct a literature survey.
Analyze and interpret data.
Train in acquiring presentation techniques and skills.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this course, mentees/students will be able to:
Exhibit basic knowledge in research and academic writing.
Present their ideas and point-of-view through formal modes.
Demonstrate grounding in collaborative and participatory
Formulate original research drafts with awareness of
intellectual property issues.
Students will be allotted mentors.
There will be 04 classes/lectures/mentorship sessions per week
conducted by the Mentor.
Mentees will be guided to write a term paper, conduct literature
the survey, undertake field research, analyze and interpret data,
presentation techniques and skills.
To be provided by the teacher/mentor at the beginning of the
Assessment Plan
Fieldwork with Report: 60 Marks
Literature Review: 10
Plan of work/questionnaire in Google form/research tools: 10
Analysis presented in the term paper:20
Findings/conclusion: 10
Stylesheet conformity: 10
Tardiness (not following the timeline, not reporting to the mentor/ Late submission: -5 each
Seminar Presentation: 40 Marks
Language: 10 marks
Slide presentation: clarity, design, usefulness & appropriateness: 10 marks
Content: 20 marks
Important Notes:
i. Suggestions to students on reading/expectations from students:
a. Each student will join the course with a prior understanding of the nature
of the course and mode of teaching/learning
b. Students will come to the class with a prior reading of the prescribed
text / essential study materials / suggested study material that the teacher
wishes to discuss in the classroom.
c. Students need to be aware of the developments in the classroom.
d. students need to read additional materials on research methodology and
research ethics.
ii. Suggestions to students on writing assignments/expectations from students:
a. Students need to meet the deadlines for each instruction/assignment given
by the teacher.
e. Students need to follow the detailed guidelines for each assignment and
presentation as provided by the teacher.
f. Students need to follow research methodology and ethics and avoid any
stance of plagiarism. Cases of plagiarism will be penalized as per the
gazette notification of the government of India, as adopted by AMU.
iii. Teachers Role:
a. Teachers will provide the syllabus, guidelines, study materials (except
prescribed materials) in the form of hard or soft copies.
b. Teachers will announce each test/quiz/assignment / sessional well in
c. Teachers will share the answer scripts and provide feedback if the students
want to have it.
d. Marks obtained by students for all tests / continuous assessments will be
announced by the teacher.
e. The teacher will destress students by explaining to the students that
continuous assessment is not an examination, rather it is a part of teaching
and learning where they get marks for their efforts and contributions in the
form of assignments/presentations. They have an opportunity to improve
their grade by taking a make-up test.
iv. Class Policies:
i. Policy on late and unsubmitted tasks: those students who submit their
assignments will not get the same / better marks than those who submit in
time. Teachers are always receptive to any emergency situations.
ii. Class attendance: as per university rules, 75% attendance is mandatory.
v. Additional Weekly, Post Class Discussion Sessions:
Students may arrange additional classes in consultation with the teacher
concerned, if time and situation permit.
Framework prepared by-
Prof. Aysha Munira Rasheed
Prof. Nazia Hasan
Prof. Rubina Iqbal
Dr. Sajidul Islam
English Only : An Outreach Programme at the Department of English
English Only is an Outreach Programme to facilitate English learning of the academically under-privileged. The course offers cost-effective degrees through distance mode. The course is undertaken by professionals and higher education dropouts (adult learners) who either seek career promotion through the acquisition of a degree in English or have remained deprived of studying English. Learners from various backward regions of the country, such as Kashmir, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar, interior Uttar Pradesh, etc. have been benefitting from this programme since 1984.
Coordinators in charge of Outreach & Ability Enhancement Activities
Committee for Outreach & Extension Activities