इलाज-बित-तदबीर (प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा) का विभाग


Dept. data last updated on :19/09/2024

General Protocol for Pathology Lab

  1. Eye protection, appropriate gloves, and laboratory coats are required in the laboratory when working with chemicals.

  2. Any additional or specific PPE must be worn where the risk assessment indicates the need. These should be removed before leaving the laboratory.

  3. Disposable gloves should not be re-used.

  4. Closed-toes shoes are required whenever you are working in the laboratory, even if you are just entering data.

  5. Know where the accident and safety equipment are located:

  6. Fire Extinguishers –main exit door

  7. Emergency Shut-off on Equipment – Follow the manual of each system.

  8. A clear path must be maintained at all times.

  9. All members are responsible for maintaining their laboratory in a clean, organized & safe condition.

  10. Always clean up after yourself, as a cleaner or colleague may not know what the spillage is.

  11. When leaving Lab, you are responsible for the safe disposal of all of your chemicals, solvents, cultures, etc.

  12. Food and drink must not be used up in laboratories or be stored in laboratory refrigerators or freezers.

  13. Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, or applying cosmetics is not permitted in the laboratories.

  14. Wash your hands after handling chemical materials, after removing gloves, and before leaving the laboratory.

  15. High-risk work should only be performed during working hours when other members of staff are present.

  16. Working after hours should only be done if it is unavoidable.

  17. The Supervisor is responsible for assessing the risk of work being carried out and whether the person undertaking the work is competent.

  18. If equipment breaks down or needs maintenance, make sure it is decontaminated before asking someone to work on it.

  19. Do not continue using equipment that seems faulty or try to repair it yourself; report it to the Laboratory in-charge or Chairperson of Department.

  20. Before using equipment for the first time, study the instruction manual and seek training from an experienced operator. If in doubt, speak with your Chairperson of Department or Lab Incharge.

  21. After finishing an experiment, or when taking a break or going home, clean up as follows:

  22. Replace tops on solutions and return containers to appropriate places.

  23. Replace lids on all pipette canisters.

  24. Rinse and decontaminate all dirty glassware and place it in the trolley for wash up.

  25. Turn off equipment.

  26. Wipe down benches, close windows and doors, and turn off lights.

Manual for the specific instrument is available in the concerned Lab

General SOPs for Regimenal Therapy Unit

General SOPs for Regimenal Therapy Unit

  • The patients in the hospital shall be referred only by the consulting physician for the various regimenal therapies (massage, cupping, leeching, etc.), and the note shall be put down in the Treatment Card/Case sheet of the patient for such a referral.

  • Every case will be entered in the register for a proper case record, and the data will be provided to the office every month and to the competent authority on demand.

  • After entry in the register, the serial number of registrations will be written on the front page of the IPD file for easy retrieval of the same proforma on the next visit.

  • The regimenal specialist shall go through the Treatment history and ensure to carry out the Procedure accurately according to the SOP available.

  • Before initiating the Procedure, the regimenal specialist shall also examine the patient. If any discrepancy or doubt arises regarding the prescribed therapy, it may be clarified and resolved with the referring consultant.

  • The informed consent must be taken from the patient or the legal guardian in every case by the consultant before commencing any regimenal procedure.

  • The vitals must be recorded by the regimenal specialist before, during, and after any procedure.

  • General and specific parameters of safety related to the ongoing regimenal Procedure shall be strictly followed in every case. These safety measures are extant in the SOP of the specific Procedure.

  • After the regimenal Procedure, the remarks, especially about the occurrence of any adverse event and the measures taken to safeguard the patient, must be put down by the regimenal specialist on the proforma; information shall be given immediately to the consulting physician. The course of the treatment may, thereafter, be changed as per the plan provided by the consultant.

  • If no adverse event occurs, the due date will be given for the next sitting.

  • The patient will be shifted to the ward after the completion of the regimenal Procedure.

  • On completion of the Procedure, it will be recorded in the Treatment Card/Case sheet.

  • The  SOPs of specific Regimens are being displayed in the concerned lab

Policy & Procedures for Seminar Library

Policy & Procedures for Seminar Library

  • The Seminar shall remain open on all the working days.

  • The Seminar Library books are kept in glass almirah with accession numbers provided by Maulana Azad Library.

  • The services of the Departmental Seminar will be provided to the Teaching Staff, Post Graduate Students, and interns of the Department. 

  • In special circumstances, the services of the seminar library may be extended to the other students of the AMU with the permission of the Chairman.

  • The Department will maintain an Accession Register and a Record of Issuing the Books as per norms/ rules of the Seminar Library.

  • Seminar In charge will also maintain the separate register for Departmental Seminar and Journal Club.

Return Policy of Library Books:

  • Academic Staff: 4 books will be issued for Two weeks

  • Non-Academic Staff: 2 books will be issued for five days

  • Research Scholars: 2 books will be issued for one week

SOPs for the Office of Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer

SOPs for the Office of Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer:

  • Official Working Hours
    8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

  • The concerned person will collect the keys from the Chairman and open the Department at 7:45   AM, followed by the Office, laboratories, chambers of the staff, etc.

  • Before closing the Department, all the electrical switches and water taps will be checked by the person designated by the Chairman of the Department.

  • Cleaning & Dusting of the Department will be done on a daily basis by the Unskilled Staff.

  • All the staff members will sign in the attendance register, and “on leave” is written if anyone is on leave.

  • Concerned staff should update the Notice board regularly.

  • Concerned staff must update the Departmental web page regularly.

Receive & Dispatch:

  • All the papers received in the Office of the Department, the details of the paper will be entered in the receipt register.

  • The Office Clerk will put the Papers before the Chairman for necessary comments, and the papers will be returned to the Office for the record or necessary action as marked by the Chairman.

  • The papers will be placed in the respective file folders.

  • The details of all the papers which are to be dispatched from the Office will be entered in the Dispatch Register.

  • Dispatched letters will be sent to the respective offices on the same day.

Revolving Fund

Rules for operating and Monitoring of revolving fund in the Department of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 
(1) These rules shall be called the rules for operating and monitoring of income derived by way of specialized procedures of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer conducted in the department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer and for incurring expenditure on procurement of material required for conducting specialized procedures and appointment of technical staff on daily wager basis shall come into force with immediate effect. 
(2) The following charges for service rendered by the aforesaid department will be realized from the patients requiring specialized procedures:- 

List of specific procedures with charges

S. No.

Specialized procedures of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer

Rates per Procedure per sitting in Rs




‘Dalak’ (Massage)-Whole Body




‘Dalak’ (Massage)-Half  Body (Upper/Lower/Right/Left Leg)




‘Dalak’ (Massage)-Single Limb (Right/Left arm)Right/Left Leg)




‘Dalak’ (Massage)-Single Joint




‘Inkebab-bil-Advia’ (Medicated Steam Bath )




‘Inkebab Sada’ (Plain Steam Bath )




‘Hammam Irqi’ (Infra red Sauna Bath )




‘Nutool’ (Irrigation ) First Sitting



Subsequent Sitting s




‘Taleeq’ or ‘Irsal-e-Alaq’ (Leeching ) First Sitting



Subsequent Sittings




‘Hijamah-Bila Shart’ (Dry Cupping or Cupping massage)




‘Hijamah-Bish Shart’ (Wet Cupping )




‘Fasd’  (Venesection)




‘Aabzan’ (Sitz Bath)




‘Pa Shoya’ (Foot  Bath)



‘Ilaj-e-Physiai’ (Physio-therapy) procedures


‘Takameed bil As-shua tahat al-humra’ (Infrared fomentation)




‘Takmeed bil warai-Saut’ (Ultrasound therapy)




‘Takameed bil mauj al-qaseerah  (Short wave Diathermy)




‘Takameed bil mauj al-taweelah  (Long wave Diathermy)




Interferential Therapy




Nerve Stimulation




Intermittent  Traction




Paraffin Wax  Bath




Exercise Therapy




Specialized Gait Therapy 




Trans-cutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)



 i. The above rates are subject to the change in the cost of material and approval of the competent authority (Vice-Chancellor) shall be obtained whenever necessary.
 ii. All the modes of intervention shall remain free of cost for the bonafide University students. 
iii. For University employees and their dependants (Included in the MAS book) attending OPD/IPD shall have to pay for few interventions, as applicable to Indoor (IPD) patients, however they may claim reimbursement as per University rule. 
iv. For retired University employee, no charges shall be taken. 
v. For Indoor (admitted) patients, no charges shall be taken except few interventions, as depicted in table. 
vi. No charges will be taken from M.D. scholars requiring the aforesaid procedures as a part of their thesis work. They will have to submit an official letter from their respective Chairman mentioning the title and study protocol of the thesis.
vii. For cases of academic interest/destitute, the tests/ procedures will be done free of cost. Approval of the consultant in charge of the case and Chairman is mandatory for this. viii. Patients will deposit the charges/ fee to the person authorized to collect the money and will get the cash receipt. The cash receipt will be supplied by finance and accounts department. 
ix. No extra duty allowances (EDA) will be paid to the person involved in conducting the procedures. 
x. No individual consultant will be paid any remuneration. 
xi. The income so fetched will be registered in the cash book as per orders issued and shall be deposited in the “Revolving Fund” department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer, under AMU deposit account on the same day or the following day after being counter checked by a person other than authorized to maintained the account, bills / receipt. 
xii. The technician in the lab will check the requisition form and cash receipt before performing the required procedure. 
The aforesaid fund will solely be spent by the department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer for:
 a) To make Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer a center of excellence in Unani Medicine in India & abroad 
b) Upgrading the laboratories and purchase of equipments required for patients care not covered by allocated budget of laboratories expenses. 
c) To purchase perishable items used in the laboratories. 
 d) For enhancing teaching / training facilities for UG/PG students of the Faculty of Unani Medicine 
e) To sustain existing facilities of the department e.g. repair and replacement of sanitary and electrical fitting, repair of doors / windows and painting of rooms etc. 
f) To provide / replace linen, sheets, curtain, towels in the department. 
g) To provide facilities to the staff on duty. h) For the treatment of destitute patients. 
i) To provide salary of daily wagers/Technical staff.
 j) The Chairman department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer will be the drawing and disbursing officer. 
k) The Chairman shall depute one Non-Teaching staff for collection of procedure charges and further submission of said amount to cash section of the University. 
l) The income shall be periodically reconciled with the accounts maintained in the finance and accounts department of the University. 
m) The accounts will be subject to Annual Internal Audit. 
n) The purchase and procurement of any material/equipment will be made by the department as per rules of finance and account of the University. 
o) Decision of the Vice Chancellor will be final as far as the interpretation/implementation of rules is concerned. 


Chairman and Professor