Department of Mathematics
Dept. data last updated on :04/11/2024
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Management of Departmental Resources
I- SOP of Computer Laboratory
- The Department of Mathematics has a computer laboratory that was opened for PhD, postgraduate, and undergraduate students. The labs are used to promote teaching/learning of mathematical skills. This lab also works as a training platform for research and development activities.
- The lab is used to promote scientific research in cutting-edge topics.
- Each student visits the lab according to his/her timetable. He/she needs to enter his/her details in the computer lab register at the time of entry. The lab computers can be accessed through the unique login id provided to every student of the department. Before leaving the lab, students need to enter the time of exit in the computer lab register.
- The software installed in the computers is licensed wherever needed. The department follows a standard procedure of procurement and usage in line with the Central purchase policy of the university.
II- SOP of Seminar Library
- The seminar library of the Department of Mathematics is our pride possession indeed, and we claim that it is the most valuable mathematics library in any university in the country. Over a century, the department has acquired more than 20,000 higher mathematics books during the years that span over a century. The seminar library also contains 50 valuable collected works of eminent mathematicians. Apart from steadily acquiring recent books on advanced mathematics, it also receives more than 150 periodicals through subscription and mutual exchange. It facilitates both faculty and students and anyone who would like to use the books for academic purposes. The books can be issued to the faculty members, research scholars and postgraduate students of the department as per the seminar rules. The seminar library can be accessed from 08:00 am to 8.00 pm.
- The seminar library books are catalogued with accession numbers for each, in line with the procedure followed by the Maulana Azad Library of the university.
- In addition, to facilitate the postgraduate students in studying and preparing for competitive examinations (specially NET/JRF), a separate section consisting of books and study materials is available in the seminar library. These books can be accessed/borrowed by producing valid university identity cards after making entries in the issue/return register.
- A separate section is also allocated for the faculty members/research scholars with reading space and internet, scanning/xerox facilities. One separate room with a locked facility is also available for the research scholars.
- Department of mathematics seminar library has the following Books Issue and Return Policy:
III- Infrastructure Maintenance (Equipment and Buildings)
Equipment’s Maintenance
- Enter the details of the faulty equipment’s in the register assigned for it
- In-charge/department committee takes the estimate for equipment that needs to be repaired.
- As per requirement and availability of funds, In-charge/Department committee will take permission to repair the equipment from the university.
- After approval, place an order for repair (Invite quotations if required) as per GFR rules applicable at the time.
- Suppose the faculty is satisfied with the equipment working. In that case, the In-charge/Department committee submits the bills to the accounts section to make payment to the vendor only after satisfying with the repaired Instrument.
Building Maintenance
Department submits its maintenance requirements to the Building
Department of
the university for necessary action.
IV- Sop of the office
- Office work is divided according to the capacity of the employees and the need of the department.
- Necessary furniture and modern computers are provided to all the employees for an effective academic atmosphere.
- A separate chamber is fiving to the PA of the chairperson of the department. The Personal Assistant and accountant have different places to work for effectiveness.
- One staff, each for research scholars, postgraduate students and undergraduate students has been fixed.
- An employee is assigned only to do the work related to examination and sessional tests.
- Arrangements for a training programme on innovative new modes of modern technologies and office techniques for all the employees are assured in proper intervals.

Chairman and Professor