औषधिविज्ञान का विभाग
शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया के लिए सहमति पत्र
मेडिसिन विभाग
जवाहरलाल नेहरू मेडिकल कॉलेज
अलीगढ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी
शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया के लिए सहमति पत्र
मैं (श्री/श्रीमती/कुमारी)............................................................... स्वम/अपने मरीज़ नाम ................................................... CADS न0............................. OPD Reg. न0............................ की शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया (नाम) के लिए सहमति देता / देती हूँ।
मैंने यह भली भाँति से समझ लिया है कि : -
Ø यदि किसी शारीरिक अंग / भाग को शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी के दौरान निकाला जाता है तो आवश्यकतानुसार उसे जांच के लिए कुछ समय तक रखा जा सकता है जिसे बाद में उचित तरीके से हॉस्पिटल फेंका जाता है।
Ø शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया के दौरान किसी अज्ञात स्तिथि के प्रकट होने पर, पूर्व में सोची गयी शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया के अतिरिक्त किसी अन्य प्रक्रिया की ज़रुरत भी पड़ सकती है जिसके लिए में सहमति देता / देती हूँ।
Ø प्रक्रिया के दौरान चित्र / चलचित्र (चेहरे को छोड़कर) लिए जा सकते हैं। इनको बाद में चिकित्सा संबंधी पढाई के लिए प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
Ø इस बात की कोई गारंटी नहीं है कि इस शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया से स्तिथि में सुधार होगा ही होगा तथा इससे मेरे / मेरे मरीज़ की हालत गंभीर भी हो सकती है।
Ø कुछ इस प्रकार की जटिलताएँ हैं जो कि इस शल्य चिकित्सा / एंडोस्कोपी प्रक्रिया में विशेष रूप से हो सकती हैं। इनमे निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं।
इस प्रिक्रिया से संबंधित संभावित जटिलताएं तथा उपचार के अन्य तरीके व उनसे सम्बंधित जटिलताएं मुझे उस भाषा में समझा दी गई है जो कि मुझे समझ में आती है। मुझे ऊपर लिखी बातों से संभावित प्रश्न पूछने का पूरा अवसर दिया गया है तथा मैंने सभी का संतोषजनक उत्तर प्राप्त कर लिया है।
मैने सहमति पत्र स्वेच्छा से, बिना किसी दवाब के, तथा पूरे होश में रहते हुए हस्ताक्षर किये है।
दिनाँक:____________________________________________ |
मरीज़ के हस्ताक्षर: _________________________________ |
डॉक्टर का नाम:____________________________________ |
अथवा |
हस्ताक्षर: _________________________________________ |
रिश्तेदार का नाम: _________________________________ |
गवाह का नाम: ____________________________________ |
हस्ताक्षर: _________________________________________ |
हस्ताक्षर: _________________________________________ |
(रिश्ता लिखें): _____________________________________ |
पता: _____________________________________________ |
पता: _____________________________________________ |
SOP for Endoscopy
Patient Preparation
Patients are advised to fast for 6 hours before gastroscopy
If undergoing colonoscopy, patients are advised to drink plenty of clear fluid after taking a prescribed bowel cleansing agent up to 2 hours before the procedure starts.
Pre-procedural investigations such as for HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV 1 & 2, RT PCR COVID 19are needed. Specialized investigations like ECG, PT-INR, APTT, RFT are advised when required.
Diabetic patients are placed first on the list to reduce their fasting times and patients with other special requirements are catered for accordingly.
Patients on anticoagulant therapy receive a bridging plan if required and Clopidogrel is stopped 7 days before the planned procedure. Cardiology opinion is sought if necessary.
Patients with implantable devices e.g., Pacemakers must be identified before admission and if necessary, cardiology opinion requested.
Steps of scheduled procedure are explained in the patient’s language along with possible adverse events.
Consent for the procedure is taken and documented in Hindi and English.
Infection Prevention
HIV Kits/PPE are worn when undertaking procedure.
Long hair must be tied back and off the shoulder and all staff are required to be bare below the elbow.
Gowns are provided to patients having lower GI procedures
Patients with known infection are scheduled for the end of the list minimising the risk of cross infection e.g., patients with MRSA infection.
Scopes are decontaminated using Glutaraldehyde solution
Standard precautions are taken
Endoscopy Suite and equipment are routinely cleaned pre and post use and the domestic department provides a daily schedule of additional work as agreed.
Work Force Requirements
Colonoscopy, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and Gastroscopy = 2 Endosopy Technicians and the Endoscopist
Performing the Procedure
Procedure specific positioning is required for upper or lower GI endoscopy e.g., colonoscopy
Scope is checked – e.g., light, air, suction
Consumable therapeutic equipment checked before use e.g., polypectomy snare
Dentures removed for EGD and mouth guard inserted
Equipment checks performed before use e.g., lower setting of diathermy confirmed with Endoscopist for right colon
Patients with pacemakers are pre assessed and the Cardiology Pacemaker clinic is contacted for advice re management peri procedure if required.
Patients will be monitored throughout the procedure and the following observed: -
Prevention of Retained Foreign Objects
Sharps used are prepared away from the patient bedside and disposed of post-use as per Hospital Infection Control Policy.
Labelling of Specimens
Any specimens taken during procedure are labelled with patient’s details.
Specimens are sent along with fully filled investigation forms.
Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy
Do not eat anything 2 hours before starting to take the PEG solution and then until after your test
Lunch 12.30 – 1p.m
1p.m Stop Eating
3p.m Begin drinking PEG solution
There are 4 Litres of PEG solution to drink which should be taken over 4-6 hours
No evening meal – clear fluids only(Water with or without squash, fizzy drinks, clear soups, tea, and coffee, but with no milk).
9p.m. Complete the PEG solution
Drink Clear fluids up to 2 hours before your appointment time
Fill a jug with 1 Litre (1 ¾ pints) of water and add 1 sachet of PEG
Drink a glass every 15 minutes and aim to complete the jug in 1 – 1 ½ hours
You can chill the jug of water with PEG in the fridge and/or add squash such as orange, lime, lemon
You will start opening your bowels 1-2 hours after starting the PEG solution, so stay near a toilet.
You will produce watery bowel movements like diarrhoea
SOPs of Teaching
SOP of Teaching
Department of Medicine
Teaching of all courses is as per National Medical Council (NMC) Guidelines and under supervision Dean, Faculty of Medicine.
Curricula for all courses is duly revised and passed through Board of Studies, Department of Medicine every year.
MBBS curriculum is being revised as per Curriculum Based Medical Education (CBME) 2019 as per NMC Guidelines.
Courses Taught
5. Number of Teachers = 15
Professors = 5
Associate Professor = 1
Assistant Professor = 9
Senior Resident = 5
SOP of labs
SOP of Teaching
Department of Medicine
Teaching of all courses is as per National Medical Council (NMC) Guidelines and under supervision Dean, Faculty of Medicine.
Curricula for all courses is duly revised and passed through Board of Studies, Department of Medicine every year.
MBBS curriculum is being revised as per Curriculum Based Medical Education (CBME) 2019 as per NMC Guidelines.
Courses Taught
5. Number of Teachers = 15
Professors = 5
Associate Professor = 1
Assistant Professor = 9
Senior Resident = 5
Mission and vision of department
To achieve regional and international excellence in the field of Internal Medicine through leadership in medical education, medical care and scientific research.
To sensitize the medical students to develop an attitude for Continuous Medical Education and Clinical Research.
To prepare highly competent Physicians capable of providing comprehensive health care to the community.
To inculcate ethical values and behaviors that serve to maintain patient interest above physician self interest.