आधुनिक भारतीय भाषा का विभाग

Modern Indian Languages

Dept. data last updated on :12/03/2025

The Department of Modern Indian languages is a multi lingual department consisting of Seven Indian languages namely Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi and Kashmiri. Article 351 of our constitution envisages the development of national languages to project the composite culture of our country. With the noble and specific idea of strengthening National Integration through the study of these languages and literatures, teaching of regional languages was introduced in Aligarh Muslim University in the year 1959 as part of the Department of Hindi. Gradually teaching of Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Bengali was started at various levels such as Certificate and Diploma courses, Subsidiary subjects at B.A (Hons) and MA. Later Marathi, Punjabi and Kashmiri languages are introduced.


The Department of Modern Indian Languages aims to introduce the languages and to promote national integration and the feeling of togetherness.


To achieve the aim and objectives, the Department of Modern Indian Languages tries

To teach and train our students as the torch bearers of the composite culture of India.

To teach the languages to the non-natives of the regions of the languages.

To train and equip the students in comparative literature and translations.

To encourage students to seek one additional language.

To create possible environments to do research in inter and intra language/literature studies.

To celebrate jubilees, centenaries of poets/writers.

To celebrate regional festivals.

Chairman and Professor