प्रसूति एवं स्त्रीरोग विज्ञान का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :13/02/2025
Prize Participation Resident in AICOG -20251

Dr. Sifat Tanveer 2nd Prize of Rs.50000/- in FOGSI KBC-Quiz 

Dr. Anand Lakshmi -  2nd Prize of Rs.30000/- in FOGSI KBC-Quiz (

Audience Round)

Dr. Anand Lakshmi JR-2 - A Glance at the rising trajectory of Preterm Premature rapture of Membranes cases and fetomaternal Consequences: A Prospective Cohort Analysis  

Report on events conducted to commemorate Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action on 18-11-24

  • A Quiz competition, where 35 PG residents from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radiotherapy, Pathology, Community Medicine and Surgery participated actively. Quiz was conducted on an online platform (Kahoot). 
    • A poster making competition where PG residents and UG students from Department of Pathology, Radiotherapy, Community Medicine and College of nursing and paramedical sciences participated actively. Posters were judged by Professor Nishat Akhtar, Professor Nasreen Noor Dr. Deeba Khanam and 3 prizes and winning certificates were given to top 3 winners.
        A health awareness talk for all the OPD patients by Professor Zehra Mohsin, Professor Seema Hakim, Dr. Roshan Perween and Dr. Mariyam Faruqui in OBGYN OPD to raise awareness about cervical cancer symptoms, screening and prevention/vaccination


I prize Dr. Sifat Tanveer JR-3 , Dr. Niharika Tyagi JR-3

II prize Dr Naghma Khatoon JR-3 , Dr. Ritika Jain JR-3

III Prize Dr. Ariza Zaidi JR-2 , Dr. K. Anand lakshmi JR-2

Prize In Paper Presentation

II Prize Dr. Niharika Tyagi JR-3 (HIMSR, Dehradun)

III Prize Dr. Asha Kumari JR-3 Effect of Probiotic supplementation on Hormonal and Biochemical profile in PCOS

III Prize Ritika Jain JR-3: Impact of timing and frequency of counselling on PPIUCD acceptance   

Prize in poster presentation

  1. I Prize Dr. Sumaira Sadeed (JR-3) : A huge load  ligament fibroid with pulmonary Embolism: A management and Diagnostic Odyssey.

  1. II Prize Dr. Adigoppula Supriya JR-2 : Unmarking TB in pregnant women: A spectrum of Atypical presentations and Diagnostic Dilemmas

  1. III Prize Dr. K. Anand lakshmi JR-2: Perforation Peritonitis after Maternal fulminant Hep with infection A rare case of sepsis

Active Participate of PGs and Faculty in Midterm ISO PARB National Certificate

Jan Bhagidari’ events during India’s G20 Presidency-reg

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, J.N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, celebrated ‘Jan Bhagidari’ events during India’s G20 Presidency-reg and below activities were held on 06.07.2023 at 02:00 pm in the Seminar room of the department.

  1. Poster Making Competition

The poster making competition was held for Non-Teaching Staff in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, J.N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. The theme of the competition was "One Earth, One Family & One Future. Staff were given two hours to create a poster that conveyed their understanding of the G20 and India's role in it.

  1. Quiz Competition

The quiz competition was conducted by Dr. Nishat Akhtar, Assistant Professor for Post Graduate students in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, J.N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. The quiz consisted of questions on the G20, India's economy, and global economic issues. The questions were designed to test the participants' knowledge of the G20 and its role in the global economy.

The two events were a great success. They helped to raise awareness of the G20 and India's role in it. They also provided a fun and educational opportunity for students and employees to learn more about the G20 and its importance to the global economy.

I believe that they were a valuable contribution to India's G20 presidency.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, JN Medical College in Collaboration with PSI-INDIA winder TCIHC program organised a workshop on “Whole site Orientation on Quality family planning services for Doctors/Paramedical staff held on 28th Aug 2021 in the Seminar Room.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, JN Medical College in Collaboration with PSI-INDIA winder TCIHC program organised a workshop on “Whole site Orientation on Quality family planning services for Doctors/Paramedical staff held on 28th Aug 2021 in the Seminar Room.

Prof. Nishat Akhtar, Chairman, Organising Chairperson gave overview about the available contraceptive methods.

Dr. Nasreen Noor was organising secretary & Dr. Shazia Parveen, Dr. Amina Kuraishy, Dr. Aleena Haider were joint organising secretary.

The Department of obstetrics and Gynaecology on 15.9.2021 and 16.9.2021 conducted the following activity among teaching and non-teaching staff.

1. SWACHHTA PLEDGE by all members of the department of obstetrics and Gynaecology

2. Poster making on "Swachhta"

3. Slogan writing on "How to make our India clean"

Maintaining a clean environment is for the health of all humans, as their health completely depends on the atmosphere. A bad environment is solely responsible for spoiling the health of the people around. ... We must maintain the cleanliness of our bodies, homes, buildings, surroundings and environment to have good health.

3 Days TOT on CEmOC Workshops 07.12.2020 to 09.12.2020

A 3 days workshop for Training of Trainers (TOT) on Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and New born Care TOT CEmONC was conducted from 20th  22nd October 2020 on Virtual platform.

TOT was conducted by faculties of OBG department from, Aligarh Muslim University & KGMU, Lucknow who have been recognized as Centre of Excellence by UPTSU for this training.

Training of district trainers was done during the workshop to promote the execution of Emoc programme.

The agenda of 3 days TOT included thorough discussion about topics of comprehensive EmOC , the related methodology in the form of presentation, Checklist, skills, drills and Videos.

Now after this workshop there will be total 6 certified training institute of CEmONC in Uttar Pradesh.

IVF Day Celebration 28.01.2021

 On completion of 3 years of ART Clinic (IVF) the department

 of Obstetrics & Gynaecology celebrated "IVF Day" and organized an online CME on 28th January 2021 for the same.


Worlds AIDS Day 1st December, 2020

Worlds AIDS Day 1st December, 2020

A Webinar was organized on 1st December, 2020 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm; Worlds AIDS Day under the able guidance of Prof. Nishat Akhtar, Chairperson , Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

Prof. Nishat Akhtar was the organizing chairperson of the programme and Dr. Hameeda Tariq was the patron of the event.

The event started with the blessing note of Dr. Hameeda Tariq (Patron) followed by lecture on following topics .

HIV/ AIDS: An overview Prof. Nishat Akhtar (Chairman)

HIV/ AIDS From an Obstetricians perspective Dr. Shazia Parveen

Impact of Covid Pandemic on HIV +ve Mothers Dr. Roshan Perween

HIV +ve Mothers: Recent management protocols Dr. Deeba Khanam

The participants found the webinar very informative & interactive.

Vigilance Awareness week 2020 was organised from 27th October 2020 to 2nd November 2020 with the theme â??Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India) in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, under supervision of Chairperson Prof. Nishat Akhtar.

Integrity pledge was taken by all the employees on 27th October with social distancing. Slogan poster and skit by teaching, non-teaching staff and PGs was presented following the protocols for prevention of Covid-19 pandemic.

Prof. Nishat Akhtar

Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

J.N. Medical College & Hospital, AMU, Aligarh.

3 Days TOT on CEmOC Workshops 20.10.2020 to 22.10.2020

Topic: 3 Days TOT on CEmOC Workshop

From:- 20th - 22nd October 2020.

A 3 days workshop for Training of Trainers (TOT) on Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and New born Care TOT CEmONC was conducted from 20th  22nd October 2020 on Virtual platform.

TOT was conducted by faculties of OBG department from, Aligarh Muslim University & KGMU, Lucknow who have been recognized as Centre of Excellence by UPTSU for this training.

The trainers were faculty from 4 prestigious Medical College namely GSVM, Kanpur, IMS, BHU Varanasi, MLNMC Prayagraj & SNMC Agra.

The agenda of 3 days TOT included thorough discussion about topics of comprehensive EmOC , the related methodology in the form of presentation, Checklist, skills, drills and Videos.

Now after this workshop there will be total 6 certified training institute of CEmONC in Uttar Pradesh.

Dept. of Obst & Gyneacoly JNMCH AMU Aligarh, conducted a workshop on Prevention of surgical site infection for all faculty members, nursing incharges and all residents on 26-7-2019 at 8:00 a;m to 8:30 a:m in the seminar room of old building Dept. of

Dept. of Obst & Gyneacoly JNMCH AMU Aligarh, conducted a workshop on Prevention of surgical site infection for all faculty members, nursing incharges and all residents on 26-7-2019 at 8:00 a;m to 8:30 a:m in the seminar room of old building Dept. of Obst & Gyneacoly JNMCH. Dr Fatima Khan Assistant professor Deprt. of Microbiology was the speaker.All the consultants, Nursing Incharges, SRs and JRs were attend the workshop.

On the occasion of swachhbharatpakhwad on 29/01/2020,

On the occasion of swachhbharatpakhwad on 29/01/2020, a speech on swachhbharatabhiyaanand it's importance was delivered by Dr.NazliTarannum, department of obstetrics and gynaecology in the departmental seminar hall followed by a slogan writing competition between all the residents of the department. An oath for keeping our society and country clean was taken by all the faculties and residents. The event was concluded with a speech by Prof.Tamkin Khan, chairman dept. Obst and gynaeand Dr.ShaziaParveen.

Department of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh in collaboration with PSI (population services international) organised a workshop on Contraceptive Update on 14th June 2019 from 7:45 am to 9:00am in the conference Hall of New OBG Block.Topics &

Department of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh in collaboration with PSI (population services international) organised a workshop on Contraceptive Update on 14th June 2019 from 7:45 am to 9:00am in the conference Hall of New OBG Block.Topics & speaker were as follows : -Introduction : Prof Tamkin Khan -Permanant Method: Dr Roshan Parveen -OCP : Dr Enas Mushtaq -IUCD: Dr Bushra Fatima -DMPA : Dr Aleena Haider -Pops Non Harmonal Centchroman & Emergency Contraception : Dr Mamta singh -Infection Prevention : Dr Samra Parveen All the faculty members, SRs, JRs, Sister In charges, & other staff of Gyneacology were attend the workshop.

Dr Nandini Jain and Dr Ghazali Farooqi JR3 from the Department of Obstetrics and Gyneacology stood as 2nd runner up in the Dr Usha Krishna quiz in the All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gyneacology held in Bengaluru on 11th January 2019.

Dr Nandini Jain and Dr Ghazali Farooqi JR3 from the Department of Obstetrics and Gyneacology stood as 2nd runner up in the Dr Usha Krishna quiz in the All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gyneacology held in Bengaluru on 11th January 2019.

Department of obst & gyneacology organised an Adjunct Faculty lecture on 7/3/2019 at 8:0a to 9:0am in the seminar room of department on the topic of Aspirin prophylaxis for pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Dr Shireen Mehar, Consultant

Department of obst & gyneacology organised an Adjunct Faculty lecture on 7/3/2019 at 8:0a to 9:0am in the seminar room of department on the topic of Aspirin prophylaxis for pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Dr Shireen Mehar, Consultant maternal & fetal medicine sandwell and west birmingham hospital NHS Trust university of Birmingham united kingdom was the speaker.All faculty members, SRs & P.G students were attend the lecture.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology J.N.Medical College AMU, Aligarh organised a workshop on zero infection and respectful maternity care on 13/07/2019 & 20/07/2019 in the new seminar room of OBG Block trauma centre. Dr. Fatima Assistant

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology J.N.Medical College AMU, Aligarh organised a workshop on zero infection and respectful maternity care on 13/07/2019 & 20/07/2019 in the new seminar room of OBG Block trauma centre. Dr. Fatima Assistant professor, Department of Microbiology J.N.Medical College AMU, Aligarh was the trainer. She train all the nursing staff & technical staff & MTS staff of Gynecology on infection control prevention practices in two groups which are as follows: Group A- was trained on 13/07/2019 at 02:00.pm to 04:00.pm in which 23 nursing & technical staff & 33 MTS were trained. Group B -was trained on 20/07/2019 at 02:00.pm to 04:00.pm in which 23 nursing staff & technical staff & 33 MTS staff were trained. Topics & Speaker of the workshop are as followed 1. Hand Hygiene = Dr. Fatima Khan 2. Hand rubbing = Dr. Priyanka Singh 3. IM/IV Injection = Dr. Fatima Khan 4. Presenting SSI = Dr. Fatima Khan 5. Biomedical waste = Dr. Fatima Khan 06 Spill Management preparation of disinfection = Mr. Ayub 07. Mercury Spill Management = Dr. Fatima Khan 08. Post Exposure Prophylexis = Dr. Fatima Khan 09. Environment Cleaning = Dr. Fatima Khan Prof. Tamkin khan Chairperson Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology J.N.Medical college AMU Aligarh thanked Dr. Fatima Khan & her team for taking interest and working as a team.

PG theses mentorship week was celebrated by the department of OBG from 30 Sep 2019 to 5th of October 2019 in the seminar room of the department. On 30th Sep 2019 and 1st October 2019 theses progress report was presented by batch 2018 ( By Dr Arzoo,

PG theses mentorship week was celebrated by the department of OBG from 30 Sep 2019 to 5th of October 2019 in the seminar room of the department. On 30th Sep 2019 and 1st October 2019 theses progress report was presented by batch 2018 ( By Dr Arzoo, Dr Bhoomica ,Dr. Iffat, Dr Parul , Dr Saman) and giant chart was also prepared. - On 4th October 2019 Dr Salman Shah ( Assit. Prof. Department of Community Medicine) was invited as resource person and given lecture on literature search and review of literature and Dr Tabassum Nawab (Assit. prof. department of Community medicine) was another resource person and given lecture on planing for statistical analysis. - On 5th October 2019 Dr. Nafis faizi given lecture on referencing and Prof Rana Sherwani on ethical Issue regarding thesis on the same day there was also an interactive session of batch 17th with respective guide's on how to present data.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology celeberate the retirement farewell part of Prof. Imam Bano with full enthusiasm on 31st December 2019.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology celeberate the retirement farewell part of Prof. Imam Bano with full enthusiasm on 31st December 2019.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology JNMC AMU,Aligarh organised an Extension Lecture on Quality Improvement In Health Care on 19 March 2019 at 8:am to 9:am in the committee room of JNMC. Dr K. Aparna Sharma asociate professor Department of Obst. &

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology JNMC AMU,Aligarh organised an Extension Lecture on Quality Improvement In Health Care on 19 March 2019 at 8:am to 9:am in the committee room of JNMC. Dr K. Aparna Sharma asociate professor Department of Obst. & Gyneacology AIIMS New Delhi was the speaker.Dr Sharma togather with Professor Ashok Deorari is part of a pioneering team which is working togather to sensitize Health care settings about quality improvement and develop actions plans.

Department of obst & gyneacology organised an Extension lecture on 23/2/2019 at 2:0pm to 3:0pm in the committee room JNMC AMU Aligarh on the topic of Essential genetics in obstetrics practice and the speaker was Dr. Mandakini pradhan prof. & head of

Department of obst & gyneacology organised an Extension lecture on 23/2/2019 at 2:0pm to 3:0pm in the committee room JNMC AMU Aligarh on the topic of Essential genetics in obstetrics practice and the speaker was Dr. Mandakini pradhan prof. & head of the department & reproductive health SGPGI Lucknow. All the faculty members, SRS & JRS of the department were attend the lecture.

Dr Nasreen Noor Assistant Professor Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH, N/O Ms Atiya Zuberi (NHM) & N/O Pradeep Kumar provide training at CMO office to sensitize the ASHA'S about Preeclampsia & Eclampsia on 25-7-2019, focusing on diagnosing it early

Dr Nasreen Noor Assistant Professor Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH, N/O Ms Atiya Zuberi (NHM) & N/O Pradeep Kumar provide training at CMO office to sensitize the ASHA'S about Preeclampsia & Eclampsia on 25-7-2019, focusing on diagnosing it early by danger symptoms & signs. They also talked about first response in case of eclamptic fits and proper transfer & referral of a convulsing women.And a role play also was conducted by Dr Nasreen Noor & Ms Atiya Zuberi for the same.

Department of Obst & Gyneacology celebrates the International Nurses Day on 11th May 2019 in the seminar room of the department from 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m. All the nursing in-charges & staff nurses along with staff members and residents of OBG

Department of Obst & Gyneacology celebrates the International Nurses Day on 11th May 2019 in the seminar room of the department from 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m. All the nursing in-charges & staff nurses along with staff members and residents of OBG department participated in the celebration. Nursing superintendent and Matran of JNMCH AMU Aligarh were special invites. Prof Tamkin Khan Chairperson OBG Department instituted 5000 RS each to the Best In-charge Award & Best Nurse Award respectively. Sister Nishi In-charge Gynea OT was awarded the Best In-charge Award & sister Deepti Nursing Officer of Labour room got the Best Nurse Award. Momentous were giving to all nursing officers for their contribution in health care, which was arranged by the staff & residents of OBG Department, they thanked the nursing fraternity for all the help in dealing with patient care.

Department of Obstertrics & Gyneacology organised Pledge Ceremony of National Voters Day on 25th January 2019 at 8:00 am in the seminar of the department . All the consultants, senior residents, non teaching staff and P.G students were taking the

Department of Obstertrics & Gyneacology organised Pledge Ceremony of National Voters Day on 25th January 2019 at 8:00 am in the seminar of the department . All the consultants, senior residents, non teaching staff and P.G students were taking the pledge.A lecture was delivered by Dr Seema Amjad SR Department of Gyneacology she was also a previous year winner of fancy dress with the theme of National Flag. Also a Quiz on Republic Day was organised by Dr Nazia Ishrat, Assistant professor Department of Gyneacology and distributes prizes to the winners also distributes choclates to all present in the seminar room. At last Mr. Mohammad Ismail Library attendant selected for the best employ of the year award and won the prizes money of 5000 rupees which was instituted and given by the chairperson of the department.

Department of Obst & Gyneacology conducted the 11th EMOC Programme for UP State Medical Officers from 21 Jan 2019 to 6th May 2019. The training in EMOC is given to a batch of eight medical officers. They were trained to cater emergency obstetric

Department of Obst & Gyneacology conducted the 11th EMOC Programme for UP State Medical Officers from 21 Jan 2019 to 6th May 2019. The training in EMOC is given to a batch of eight medical officers. They were trained to cater emergency obstetric situation at their set up. All medical officers successfully completed their courses and were given certificate in 11th May 2019 by Prof. Tamkin Khan Chairperson Dept. of OBG and by faculty members who are EMOC trainers. The chairperson congratulated the practitioners for the same and also thanked Dr. Roshan coordinator & Assistant Professor for organizing the course.

Dr Sana Siddiqui JR3 Deprt. of Obst. & Gyneacology won second prize in oral paper presentation on 4th August 2019 in FOGSI SAFOG International conference held at Gorakhpur. Her topic of presentation was-Pap smear screening in antenatal women.

Dr Sana Siddiqui JR3 Deprt. of Obst. & Gyneacology won second prize in oral paper presentation on 4th August 2019 in FOGSI SAFOG International conference held at Gorakhpur. Her topic of presentation was-Pap smear screening in antenatal women.

Dr Pratima , Dr Deepika, Dr Shikha have won first prize in quiz competition in Gestosis 2019 organised by Lucknow Obs and Gynea Society.

Dr Pratima , Dr Deepika, Dr Shikha have won first prize in quiz competition in Gestosis 2019 organised by Lucknow Obs and Gynea Society.

Dr. Bhoomika Singh and Dr. Sushmita Varshaney have won second price in a quiz competition in the FOGSI international conference saving mother's held on august 2/04/2019 at Redisson Blu Gorakhpur UP

Dr. Bhoomika Singh and Dr. Sushmita Varshaney have won second price in a quiz competition in the FOGSI international conference saving mother's held on august 2/04/2019 at Redisson Blu Gorakhpur UP

Department of Obst. & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh organised an orientation programme for JR1 2019 in the seminar room of the gynecology department. The scientific programme was prepared by Dr. Alina Haider SR department of Obst & Gyneacology and

Department of Obst. & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh organised an orientation programme for JR1 2019 in the seminar room of the gynecology department. The scientific programme was prepared by Dr. Alina Haider SR department of Obst & Gyneacology and the JR2 & JR3 were the resource person. The final day lecture was taken by Prof. Tamkin Khan who talked about importance of the obstertric & gyneacology specialty.

Department of obst & gynecology celebrates the Womens Day on 8th March 2019 at 8:0 am to 9:0 am in the seminar room of the department. On this day a quiz competition was conducted between two team of P.Gs the winning team was given chocolates in

Department of obst & gynecology celebrates the Womens Day on 8th March 2019 at 8:0 am to 9:0 am in the seminar room of the department. On this day a quiz competition was conducted between two team of P.Gs the winning team was given chocolates in prizes.

Department of Obst. & gyneacology organised a combined clinical meet on Placenta Accretaobstetricians Nightmare on 28-2-2019 at 8:0am in the LT-1 of JNMC. Prof Nishat Akhtar were the consultant incharge Dr Nazia Ishrat(associate prof), Dr Farha

Department of Obst. & gyneacology organised a combined clinical meet on Placenta Accretaobstetricians Nightmare on 28-2-2019 at 8:0am in the LT-1 of JNMC. Prof Nishat Akhtar were the consultant incharge Dr Nazia Ishrat(associate prof), Dr Farha Azhar(SR) ,Dr Nida Namaz(SR) were the speakers.All the faculty members, SRs, and Jrs of gyneacology dapartment were attend the programmes.

The nursing staff of the gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh celebrate the Doctors Day on 1st July 2019 in the seminar room of the department. The programme was arranged by HDU/ICU & Holding room nursing officers.They presented momentous to all the

The nursing staff of the gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh celebrate the Doctors Day on 1st July 2019 in the seminar room of the department. The programme was arranged by HDU/ICU & Holding room nursing officers.They presented momentous to all the consultants, assistant professors & SRs of the department. Dr.Shikha was selected as the best JR3, Dr Vijay Laxmi was selected the best JR2 & Dr Nadeem was selected the best doctor in HDU. All doctors of the gynea department attended the programme. The chairman Prof. Tamkin Khan thanked all members of the nursing fraternity for arranging the celebrations.

Department of obst & gyneacology JNMC Aligarh organised a workshop on patient care & monitoring for nursing staff which was sponseed by JNMC 1984 Batch on 11th & 13th February 2019 at 2:0pm to 7:0pm in the seminar hall new OBG Block.The aims &

Department of obst & gyneacology JNMC Aligarh organised a workshop on patient care & monitoring for nursing staff which was sponseed by JNMC 1984 Batch on 11th & 13th February 2019 at 2:0pm to 7:0pm in the seminar hall new OBG Block.The aims & objectives of the workshop are- Improve patient care, know your responsibilities, work as a team, creat a friendly environment, proper work distribution. All the consultants, SRS, JRS & nursing staff of gyneacology were attend the workshop.

Th Department of OBG JNMC AMU ALIGARH has started Oncology OPD on every Tuesday from 12:00 noon 3:00pm. The OPD will be run by Professor Zehra Mohsin and her team. It was inaugrated by Dr. Hameeda Tariq on 24.11.2018. The department also organised a

Th Department of OBG JNMC AMU ALIGARH has started Oncology OPD on every Tuesday from 12:00 noon 3:00pm. The OPD will be run by Professor Zehra Mohsin and her team. It was inaugrated by Dr. Hameeda Tariq on 24.11.2018. The department also organised a cervical and breast cancer and screeing programme on the same day for the members of the womens club on the initative and encouragement of the patron.screeing for anemia, diabetes and hypertension was also done during the programme. Lecture were delivered on the importance of Pap Smear, HPV vaccine, Breast Cancer and Diabetes screening by Professor Zehra Mohsin, Dr Shazia Parveen Dr Roshan Parveen and Dr Dalia Rafat respectively.The event was organised by the Chairman Professor Tamkin Khan Professor Zehra Mohsin and Dr Shazia Parveen, Assistant Professor. All members of the department including Professor Seema Hakim, Professor Shaheen, Dr Nasreen Noor, Dr Nazia Ishrat and Dr Deeba Khanam actively participated in the camp.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology celeberates the retirement farewell party of Prof. Noor Afshan Sabzposh with full enthusiasm on 31st August 2018.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology celeberates the retirement farewell party of Prof. Noor Afshan Sabzposh with full enthusiasm on 31st August 2018.

Independence day celebration programme in the department of obstetric & gynaecology JNMC Date 16th August 2018 in the seminar room of the department of obstetrics & gynaecology

Independence day celebration programme in the department of obstetric & gynaecology JNMC Date 16th August 2018 in the seminar room of the department of obstetrics & gynaecology

A lecture was delivered by Mr. Aditya Khandelwal from Ethicon Endo Surgery, on surgical Energy Sources in the Department of obst. & gyneacology JNMC on 15th Nov 2018 at 8:00 am in the seminar room of the department. All the faculty members n

A lecture was delivered by Mr. Aditya Khandelwal from Ethicon Endo Surgery, on surgical Energy Sources in the Department of obst. & gyneacology JNMC on 15th Nov 2018 at 8:00 am in the seminar room of the department. All the faculty members n residents attended the lecture.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology JNMC was celebrated "World Hand Washing Day" on 15th October 2018, Dr Fatima khan shah, Assistant professor Department of Microbiology JNMC delivered a talk on importance & benefits of Hand Washing.

Department of Obstetric & Gyneacology JNMC was celebrated "World Hand Washing Day" on 15th October 2018, Dr Fatima khan shah, Assistant professor Department of Microbiology JNMC delivered a talk on importance & benefits of Hand Washing. The interactive programme was conducted by Dr. Fatima Khan Shah, Assistant professor Department of Microbiology JNMC & Dr Asfia Sultan, Assistant professor Department of Microbiology JNMC consisted of a quiz on Hand Washing & cross word puzzle on Hand Washing.

PG THESIS MENTORSHIP WORKSHOP I BATCH 2018 DATED 17th August 2018 time 08:am to 09:am in the Seminor room of department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology J.N.Medical college Organizing Chairperson Prof. Tamkin Khan & Organizing Secretary Dr. Dalia Rafat.

PG THESIS MENTORSHIP WORKSHOP I BATCH 2018 DATED 17th August 2018 time 08:am to 09:am in the Seminor room of department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology J.N.Medical college Organizing Chairperson Prof. Tamkin Khan & Organizing Secretary Dr. Dalia Rafat.

PG Thesis Mentorship Workshop I Batch 2018 was held in the department of Obstetric & Gynaecology on 17th August 2018 from 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m in the seminar room of department of Obstetric & Gynaecology JNMC. Prof. Tamkin Khan was the organising

PG Thesis Mentorship Workshop I Batch 2018 was held in the department of Obstetric & Gynaecology on 17th August 2018 from 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m in the seminar room of department of Obstetric & Gynaecology JNMC. Prof. Tamkin Khan was the organising chairperson & Dr. Dalia Rafat was the organising secretary. Dr Syed Shariq Assistant Professor Department of maicrobiology JNMC, Dr Salman Shah Assistant Professor Department of community Medicine JNMC, Dr Nafees Faizi Assistant Professor Department of community Medicine JNMC, Dr Tabassum Nawab Assistant Professor Department of community Medicine JNMC, Dr Mohammad Shahid, Professor Department of community Medicine JNMC were the resourse person in the workshop. All the consultants , SRs & JRs of Departments of Gynaecology were attented yhe workshop.

Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology JNMC AMU Aligarh, celebrated Observance of Vigilance Awareness week 2018. Theme was:TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION-BUILD A NEW INDIA BHRASHTACHAR MITAO-NAYA BHARAT BANAO. SRs & JRs participated in preparing posters &

Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology JNMC AMU Aligarh, celebrated Observance of Vigilance Awareness week 2018. Theme was:TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION-BUILD A NEW INDIA BHRASHTACHAR MITAO-NAYA BHARAT BANAO. SRs & JRs participated in preparing posters & slogan on the above mentioned theme on 5th November 2018 from 8:00 am to 9:00 am in the seminar room of gynaecology department.Cash prize of Rs 1000 each were given to three best posters by chairman of the department. It was followed by "Integrity Pledge For Citizens" all PGs, consultants & nonteaching staff of the department were participated in taking pledge.

Dr Nandini Jain JR3 Department of Obst. & Gyneacology JNMC got Gold medal in the Pedagogic Session of the FOGSI FORCE PG ACADEMIC PROGRAMME held in ERA Medical College Lucknow on 22nd July 2018.

Dr Nandini Jain JR3 Department of Obst. & Gyneacology JNMC got Gold medal in the Pedagogic Session of the FOGSI FORCE PG ACADEMIC PROGRAMME held in ERA Medical College Lucknow on 22nd July 2018.


DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH NOVEMBER 2017 Department of Obstetrics and gynaecology JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh celebrated diabetes awareness month November 2017 under the guidance of Prof Tamkin Khan, Chairperson department Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology , JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh. Special chief guest for the program was Ms Ghazala Kohkan. She is the founder and director of the Diabetes Education And Awareness Program(DEAP). The prime activities conducted during the program included: -Assesssment of baseline knowledge of resident doctors by KAP Questionaire on 24/11/2017. -Preparation of educational material for awareness on gestational diabetes mellitus by post graduate students on 25/11/2017. -Free glucose testing camps for pregnant woman in OPD Complex of New OBG Block on 28/11/2017. -Counselling session for diet exercise for prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus in OPD Complex of New OBG Block on 28/11/2017.

2nd Mid term CME of U.P. Chapter of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was organised by the department of Obst. & Gynae. and AOGS in JNMC, A.M.U., Aligarh on 16th April 2016.

2nd Mid term CME of U.P. Chapter of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was organised by the department of Obst. & Gynae. and AOGS in JNMC, A.M.U., Aligarh on 16th April 2016. The inaugural started by recitation of Quran and followed by welcome address by Prof. Seema Hakim, HOD department of Obst. & Gynae. and organizing Chairperson of the CME. The inaugural was concluded by vote of thanks by Prof. Nishat Akhtar, Organizing Secretary of the CME. The dignitaries of the event were Brig. Syed Ahmad Ali, Pro Vice Chancellor as Chief Patron. Padamshri Prof. Usha Sharma was Chief Guest, Prof. Radha Jina, President UPCOG and Prof. Kirti Dubey, Secretary UPCOG. Dean faculty of Medicine Prof. Jamal Ahmad and Principal & C.M.S. Prof. Tariq Mansoor. The event was a grand success with wide participation by faculty members and residents from various medical colleges of U.P. There were more than 200 delegates and 36 poster presented. The CME started with the exciting session of Speed Geeking on the Hypertension in pregnancy moderated by Dr. Deeba Khanam. It was an award winning sessions in which eight faculty members participated and Dr. Asna Ashraf won Ist prize and second prize was shared by Dr. Shikha Singh and Dr. Shipra. Second session was on Hyperglycemia in pregnancy, moderated by Dr. Nazia Ishrat and important aspects are covered by Prof. Vinita Dasa and Prof. Jamal Ahmad. Third session was on Anemia in Pregnancy, moderated by Dr. Kalpana Baghel and speakers were Prof. Radha Jina and Prof. Kirti Dubey. Last session was Stump the Experts moderated by Dr. Dalia Rafat. It was an interesting and interactive session on controversies in IUGR in which eminent experts from various medical colleges of U.P. including Prof. Vinita Das, Prof. Manju Verma, Prof. Reena Srivastava, Prof. Neerja Gupta and Prof. Abhilasha Gupta. It was an interactive session with active participation of the audiences. The CME concluded with valedictory in which prize distribution for poster session and speed geeking session was done, office bearers of the UPCOG and Chief Patron Prof. Usha Sharma congratulated the organizing team for the very well organised CME and appreciated their efforts for making the event a grand success.

The Department of Obst. & Gynae, JNMC, AMU, organised a Slogan writing Competition on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December 2016 in the seminar room of the department.

The Department of Obst. & Gynae, JNMC, AMU, organised a Slogan writing Competition on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December 2016 in the seminar room of the department. The Chief Guest was Prof. M. Ammanullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Guest of Honour were Prof. Haris Manzoor Khan, Medical Superintendent, JNMCH and Prof. M. Shahid Khan, Dept of Microbiology, JNMC, AMU. All the faculty members, Residents & Office staff of the Department were present. Programme started with the welcome address by Prof. Seema Hakim, Chairperson, Dept. of Obst & Gynae. JNMCH. Total eleven Senior and Junior Residents participated in the competition. Prof. Tamkin Khan and Prof. Zehra Mohsin were the judges of the competition. Prizes were given by the Chief guest & Guest of Honour. First prize: Dr. Aleena Haider Second prize: Dr. Mehkat Ansari and Dr. Khushboo Bansal Third prize: Dr. Harjeet Kaur, Dr. Priyanka & Dr. Arthy. Consolation prize: Dr. Sufiya & Dr. Megha Solanki

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special efforts were taken by Dr. Rehana Ahmad, Mrs. Tabassum Rehmat, Dr. Seema Amjad Raza and Dr. Farhana Siddiqui in organizing the programme. The programme started at 11:00 am. All Consultants, SRs, JRs and office staff gathered in the Seminar room of the department which was decorated with hues of tricolours. Special tricolour badges were also distributed to everyone. Prof. Seema Hakim welcomed the gathering and shared her views on the importance of this day. Prof. Amanullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Medicine graced the occasion with his presence. He admired the efforts of the department and also emphasised the importance of Independence Day and the participation in these types of programmes. Quiz and Singing competition were organized on the theme of Independence Day. Four teams of residents participated in Quiz competition which was judged by two faculty members of the department, Prof. Tamkin Khan and Prof. Shaheen. It was followed by singing competition which was judged by Prof. Geeta Rajput, Deptt. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College. She also sung a patriotic song. Prizes were given by the Guest of Honour, Prof. Amanullah Khan. Tricolour sweets were also distributed at the end of the programme. The event was closed by National Anthem sung by Residents, Faculty members and office staff of Department.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology wishes to Organize a Week long Celebration Beginning 2nd to 8th March 2016 to Celebrate International Women's Day.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology wishes to Organize a Week long Celebration Beginning 2nd to 8th March 2016 to Celebrate International Women's Day.

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special efforts were taken by Dr. Rehana Ahmad, Mrs. Tabassum Rehmat, Dr. Seema Amjad Raza and Dr. Farhana Siddiqui in organizing the programme. The programme started at 11:00 am. All Consultants, SRs, JRs and office staff gathered in the Seminar room of the department which was decorated with hues of tricolours. Special tricolour badges were also distributed to everyone. Prof. Seema Hakim welcomed the gathering and shared her views on the importance of this day. Prof. Amanullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Medicine graced the occasion with his presence. He admired the efforts of the department and also emphasised the importance of Independence Day and the participation in these types of programmes. Quiz and Singing competition were organized on the theme of Independence Day. Four teams of residents participated in Quiz competition which was judged by two faculty members of the department, Prof. Tamkin Khan and Prof. Shaheen. It was followed by singing competition which was judged by Prof. Geeta Rajput, Deptt. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College. She also sung a patriotic song. Prizes were given by the Guest of Honour, Prof. Amanullah Khan. Tricolour sweets were also distributed at the end of the programme. The event was closed by National Anthem sung by Residents, Faculty members and office staff of Department.

The Department of Obst. & Gynae, JNMC, AMU, organised a Slogan writing Competition on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December 2016 in the seminar room of the department.

The Department of Obst. & Gynae, JNMC, AMU, organised a Slogan writing Competition on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1st December 2016 in the seminar room of the department. The Chief Guest was Prof. M. Ammanullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Guest of Honour were Prof. Haris Manzoor Khan, Medical Superintendent, JNMCH and Prof. M. Shahid Khan, Dept of Microbiology, JNMC, AMU. All the faculty members, Residents & Office staff of the Department were present. Programme started with the welcome address by Prof. Seema Hakim, Chairperson, Dept. of Obst & Gynae. JNMCH. Total eleven Senior and Junior Residents participated in the competition. Prof. Tamkin Khan and Prof. Zehra Mohsin were the judges of the competition. Prizes were given by the Chief guest & Guest of Honour. First prize: Dr. Aleena Haider Second prize: Dr. Mehkat Ansari and Dr. Khushboo Bansal Third prize: Dr. Harjeet Kaur, Dr. Priyanka & Dr. Arthy. Consolation prize: Dr. Sufiya & Dr. Megha Solanki Prof. M. Amanullah Khan and Prof. Shahid Khan gave some useful suggestions about sampling and patient care. Prof. Haris also gave his inputs about proper care while collecting and submitting samples to avoid any mishap and medico legal issues. While concluding the programme Prof. Seema Hakim, Chairperson, Dept. of Obst & Gynae, JNMC, AMU, said that there is a myth that people with HIV need extra facility for their treatment. She is proud to say that their department does not discriminate the patients living with HIV and given them all required management.

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special

70th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 15th August 2016. Whole of the department under guidance of Chairperson Prof. Seema Hakim, actively participated in the event. Special efforts were taken by Dr. Rehana Ahmad, Mrs. Tabassum Rehmat, Dr. Seema Amjad Raza and Dr. Farhana Siddiqui in organizing the programme. The programme started at 11:00 am. All Consultants, SRs, JRs and office staff gathered in the Seminar room of the department which was decorated with hues of tricolours. Special tricolour badges were also distributed to everyone. Prof. Seema Hakim welcomed the gathering and shared her views on the importance of this day. Prof. Amanullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Medicine graced the occasion with his presence. He admired the efforts of the department and also emphasised the importance of Independence Day and the participation in these types of programmes. Quiz and Singing competition were organized on the theme of Independence Day. Four teams of residents participated in Quiz competition which was judged by two faculty members of the department, Prof. Tamkin Khan and Prof. Shaheen. It was followed by singing competition which was judged by Prof. Geeta Rajput, Deptt. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College. She also sung a patriotic song. Prizes were given by the Guest of Honour, Prof. Amanullah Khan. Tricolour sweets were also distributed at the end of the programme. The event was closed by National Anthem sung by Residents, Faculty members and office staff of Department.

An electronic partograph training workshop was held in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on 17th of March, 2015

An electronic partograph training workshop was held in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on 17th of March, 2015 under the aegis of Jiv Daya Foundation, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Saba Shaheen, Medical Officer and all other JDF staff under supervision of Professor Seema Hakim, Chairperson, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology organised the workshop. The workshop was part of India Maternal Health Initiative Project currently being run in the department. Dr. Naveen Sethi from MAMTA conducted the workshop. He emphasised replacement of paper partograph with electronic one as it is cost effective and saves time. It is also free from human error and data interpretation challenge as it automatically plots the graph once the values of physical examination are entered into the system. On this occasion, Mr. Abhijit Roy, Project Officer at JDF's Delhi office, discussed about Jiv Daya Foundation, IMHI project, its goals and the impact it is making in the obstetric care provided to the patients. Senior and junior residents of the department participated enthusiastically in the event. Lastly, Prof. Hakim assured everyone that necessary arrangements will be made very soon to start routine use of partograph in the labour room. She thanked everyone for sparing their valuable time and participation. The workshop was followed by Lunch.

The Department Obstetrics & Gynaecology , J.N. Medical College organized an Obstetrics Skills Drill Programme on 28-12-2014 & 02-01-2015.

The Department Obstetrics & Gynaecology , J.N. Medical College organized an Obstetrics Skills Drill Programme on 28-12-2014 & 02-01-2015. An Obstetrics Skills Drill was organized in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on 28-12-2014 and 02-01-2015.Two International Faculties Dr. Aisha Janjua, Clinical Teaching Fellow and Honorary Lecturer, Birmingham Women`s Hospital, U.K. and Dr. Alfia Fatma, Specialist Registrar, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, U.K. acted as facilitator for the drill. Five faculty members of the department Dr. Shaheen, Dr. Nazia Ishrat, Dr. Dalia Rafat, Dr. Deeba Khanam and Dr. Kalpana Baghel, acted as trainer for the drill. For the improvement of the skills of P.G. Students hands on training was given on following seven stations. 1. Eclampsia. 2. CPR and Perimortem Section. 3. Post Partum Hemorrhage. 4. Operative Vaginal delivery. 5. Cord prolapse. 6. Uterine Inversion. 7. Shoulder Dystrocia.

Ag Guest Lecture was held in the Department of obstetric & gyneacology J.N.M.C A.M.U Aligarh

A Guest Lecture was held in the Department of obstetric & gyneacology J.N.M.C A.M.U Aligarh Ag Guest Lecture was held in the Department of obstetric & gyneacology J.N.M.C A.M.U Aligarh on 22 Dec 2018 from 8 ;00 am to 9 ;00 a ;m in the seminar room of Gynea Department on the topic of MANAGEMENT OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS and the speaker was Dr. Hamid Ashraf assistant professor Rajiv Ghandhi Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology J.N.Medical College A.M.U Aligarh. All the faculty members, SRs & P.G students were attend the lecture.

11 PG students of Department of obst. & Gyneacology JNMC & Prof. Tamkin Khan Chairperson,

11 PG students of Department of obst. & Gyneacology JNMC & Prof. Tamkin Khan Chairperson, Depatment of Obst. & Gyneacology JNMC attended conference on FOGSI FORCE UP PG ACADEMIC PROGRAMME held in ERA Medical College Lucknow on 21st July 2018. In which Dr Rekha JR3 presented a case on Fetal Growth Restriction..

CME `s organized in the Department.

CME `s organized in the Department. 1. A P.G. CME was organized on 27-12-2014, in department of Obst. & Gynae, on Recent Advances in the Management of Endometriosis. Speaker was Dr. Kalpana Baghel, Assistant Professor, in Department of Obst. & Gynaecology. 2. A PG CME was organized on 01-01-2015, in department of Obst. & Gynae, on Recent Advances in the Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy. Speaker was Dr. Dalia Rafat, Assistant Professor in the Department of Obst. & Gynaecology.

Dr. Farah Usmani`s Visit in the Department Of Obst. & Gynaecology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh.

Dr. Farah Usmani`s Visit in the Department Of Obst. & Gynaecology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh. The Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology was visited by Dr. Farah Usmani an alumni of 1978 MBBS batch and MD Obst. & Gynaecology (1987 pass out) on 18-12-2014. She also served as faculty in the department of Obstet. & Gynaecology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh. She is currently serving with the United Nations International Civil Service (ICS) and is posted at UN Agency Head Quarters in New York at Director-level. Dr. Farah is the first woman of Uttar Pradesh (and also perhaps the first Muslim woman from India) to get selected and work with the United Nations International Civil Services at its New York headquarters at Director-level. She is currently the senior most Indian woman in the entire staff of her agency, and steers the portfolio of programme quality assurance. Dr. Farah has received several awards , medals and merit scholarships and was the recipient of the Joint-Japan World Bank scholarship for her Master`s programme at London. She was also awarded the British Council fellowship for a maternal and child health programme at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. She addressed the interns, residents and faculty members of the department of Obst. & Gynaecology and shared her experience about working at the United Nation especially in relation to womens health issues. She inspired the students to work towards decreasing global maternal mortality rate by increasing outreach activities.

International Women`s Day

International Women`s Day Theme: Prevention of maternal Deaths:- Make it Happen. March for Mothers- On the occasion of â??International Women`s Dayâ?? department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, J.N. Medical College & Hospital, A.M.U. Aligarh organised a candle march with the theme â??Prevention of maternal deaths-Make it Happenâ?? on 8th March at 5.00 pm. This march was planned from J.N. Medical College & Hospital to Bab-e-Syed but due to sad demise of our 2 beloved students of University, the march could not be taken to Bab-e-Syed. The candle march was held in the J.N. Medical College & Hospital campus and was accompanied by the acting Principal Prof. Abrar Hassan, Dean Faculty of Medicine Prof. Shahjahan Bano, Chairman Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Prof. Seema Hakim, senior consultants like Prof. Amanullah Khan, Prof. Imam Bano, Prof. Tamkin Khan along with Associate and Assistant Professor, Residents & undergraduate students also participate enthusiastically. Dr. Anju Gupta, President of FOGSI Aligarh, also participated in candle march. Students held self made banner entitled causes of maternal deaths, â?? Prevention of maternal deathsâ??. Students lit the candle to pay homage to those mothers who lost their life while giving birth to another life. Dean, faculty of Medicine, appreciated the efforts of Department & the concept of Institutional deliveries. Prof. Seema Hakim, emphasized that the most of the causes of maternal deaths are preventable and we all must together pledge to prevent it. Prof. Tamkin Khan also highlighted the concept of Baby & Mother Friendly Hospitals.

Dr Ghazali JR3 & Dr Nandini Jain JR3 Department of Obs & Gyneacology JNMC won a gold medal in "USHA KARISHNA QUIZ"

Dr Ghazali JR3 & Dr Nandini Jain JR3 Department of Obs & Gyneacology JNMC won a gold medal in "USHA KARISHNA QUIZ" Dr Ghazali JR3 & Dr Nandini Jain JR3 Department of Obs & Gyneacology JNMC won a gold medal in "USHA KARISHNA QUIZ" organized during North Zone Yuva FOGSI Conference 2018 held at Shri Guru Ram Institute of Medical & Health Science Dehradoon on 28th April 2018


LETâ??S JOIN HANDS TO MAKE PARITY A REALITY To accelerate and build momentum for the effective implementation of 2016 theme of International Womenâ??s Day of â??Pledge for Parityâ??, department of obstetrics and gynaecology, JNMCH, AMU has taken a forward step on 8th march in empowering the womanhood. Appreciating the female child born in labour room, enhancing the self esteem of antenatal women visiting OPDs throughout the international womenâ??s week was the prime perspective. Programme overview: â?¢ Token of appreciation in the form of basic necessities was provided to the parents of female child born between 1-8th march 2016 â?¢ Educational awareness programme highlighting various social taboos like female foeticide, female illiteracy, dowry death, sexual assault, domestic violence were displayed in the form of role play in OPD complex, to spread awareness in general public. This programme was made successful by five young and dynamic registrars of the department, Dr. Neha Jain, Dr. Monali Pawar Kumar, Dr. Eram Ali, Dr. Mehkat Ansari and Dr. Rashmi Pathak under the guidance of Prof. Seema Hakim, Chairperson Obs & Gynae, and all the teachers of the department, Prof. Noor Afshan Sabzposh, Prof. Imam Bano, Prof. Tamkeen Rabbani, Dr. Zehra Mohsin, Dr. Shaheen, Dr. Nazia Ishrat, Dr. Dalia Rafat, Dr. Deeba Khanam, Dr. Kalpana Baghel & Dr. Fatima Usmani.


BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO ABHIYAN The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology JNMC, AMU, Aligarh observed Beti Bachao Beti Padhao week by celebrating the birth of female infants at JNMC, Aligarh. An interactive session was organized in new OPD block to sensitise patients about the screwed sex ratio in and around Aligarh because of preference for a male child. Patients actively participated in the discussion. The chief guest of the event was Dr Kulsheshtra, Nodal Officer PNDT, Aligarh. Prof Noor Afshan emphasised that inorder to remove gender inequality we not only have to educate our daughters regarding their rights but also our sons about a woman's rights. Residents of the department informed the audience regarding various schemes and benefits of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme. Prof Imam Bano emphasised the need for financial security during pregnancy and advised them about how they could save money for medical expenditure at the time of delivery by careful spending, Dr Nasreen Noor , Dr Dalia Rafat, Dr Deeba Khanam also addressed the crowd and talked about the importance of female education and female upliftment. Prof Tamkin Khan conducted the interactive session. She explored the reasons of preference for male child and the need for strict enforcement of law against female foeticide. A photograph of each female newborn along with her mother was gifted by the department to the lucky 28 females who were born in last 36 hours in the hospital. The Senior Residents of the department Dr Erum Ali, Dr Enaz Mushtaq, Dr Rashmi, Dr Amina Qureishy and Dr Mehkat Ansari along with the junior residents extended their full participation to make the programme a great success under the guidance of chairperson Prof Tamkin Khan .


MHRD GIAN ECLAMPSIA COURSE IN DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY , JN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AMU , ALIGARH The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University organised a five days course on Eclampsia : Solving the Puzzle and Ending Eclampsia, from 13/11/2017 to 17/11/2017 under MHRD-GIAN project, a Government of India initiative for higher education, Presiding over the Inaugural function, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor Tabassum Shahab shared his experience as Paediatrician in dealing with babies born to mothers with eclampsia. Dr.Sarosh Rana, Professor and Head Fetal Medicine, University of Chicago and an expert on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was invited as International faculty. She informed that maternal deaths from eclampsia in USA are much lower due to early diagnosis and better facilities. She outlined the management of eclampsia for postgraduates and emphasised the need for providing passionate care to these mothers. The incidence of eclampsia can be reduced by close monitoring and early intervention. The keynote address was given by Dr Jaideep Malhotra, President Elect, Federation of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of India and Adjunct Faculty, AMU. Dr. Jaideep said that a high incidence of eclampsia was due to ignorance among mothers and lack of infra structure at primary health care level for proper antenatal check ups and suggested certain government initiatives. Prof. Vinita Das, Head of Department of OBG and Professor Anjoo Agarwal from King George Medical University, Lucknow presented their large series of eclampsia patients and discussed some new modalities of management. Dr M Tariq Ali, renowned critical intensivist and Director Critical Care, Medanta Institute of Critical Care, Gurgaon shared outcome of such critical patients in a tertiary care hospital. Professor Tamkin Khan, Chairman of the Department and Coordinator of the course informed that GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) is Government of India initiative launched in 2015 for higher education. The aim is to sponsor eminent international faculty who are experts in their field and invite them for a 1-2 week stay at any center of higher education. The aim of the course is to provide an academic programme of international quality to the students and faculty of the host institution without having to go abroad. She thanked the Honourable Vice Chancellor for approving GIAN Project for her Department. In India, hypertension during pregnancy is responsible for nearly 40% of all maternal deaths. Preeclampsia-Eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal deaths with lifelong implications. Improved pregnancy outcomes and cost-savings maybe achieved by developing models of comprehensive, evidence based care for low- resource settings like ours. Prof. Tamkin Khan informed that Scientific programme was planned with the aim to advance the knowledge base, build independent capacity for research and data collection and develop evidence based strategies suitable for our setting. The sessions of the first three days focussed on solving the puzzle of preeclampsia by exploring the knowledge gaps and discussions on frontiers of research in pregnancy induced hypertension. The last two days were dedicated towards ending eclampsia by training the delegates as master trainers for Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA workers), ANMs and paramedical staff working at primary and community health centres. These community health workers were trained to recognise preeclampsia-eclampsia and in the immediate care, transfer and referral of a convulsing woman. This was the first GIAN course organised at J.N.Medical College. Dr M J Warsi, local GIAN Cordinator congratulated the organisers that the highest number of delegates had registered for the course from the Faculties of Medicine and Unani Medicine, Department of Social Work and private practitioners. Prof. Hameeda Tariq, Mrs.Vice Chancellor, a renowned Paediatrician was the Chief Guest for the valedictory function. In her inspirational valedictory address she stressed the need for hard work and devotion in patient care. She also discussed the ongoing developments in our institution. The programmes were conducted by the course cocordinator, Dr. Dalia Rafat from the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Large number of faculty members, postgraduate students, practitioners and primary health workers attended the programme.

A workshop was organised on Immediate response and referral in Postpartum haemorrhage and eclampsia in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh in association with India Maternal Health

A workshop was organised on Immediate response and referral in Postpartum haemorrhage and eclampsia in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh in association with India Maternal Health Initiative(IMHI) JIV DAYA Foundation. On 27th January 2018, Medical Officers and ANMs were trained in managing and referral of PPH and Eclampsia patients.Prof. S.C.Sharma. Dean, Principal and CMS, JN Medical College addressed the workshop as Guest of Honour. Prof . Tamkin Khan, Organising Chairperson, emphasized on the importance of quick management of Postpartum Haemorrhage and Eclampsia( Excessive bleeding and convulsion after delivery) which is helpful in decreasing Maternal Mortality Rate. Dr. Naveen Sethi, Assistant Director, Mamta Initiative, New Delhi, demonstrated how to use Non pneumatic Anti Shock Garment (NASG). Dr .Nazia Ishrat, Organising Secretory, Assistant Professor Department of OBG, trained the participants in applying Bakri Balloon after delivery to control bleeding and Dr. Tabassum Nawab, Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine trained the participants in using Injection MgSO4 in the treatment of eclampsia. Miss. Atiya Zuberi , Joint Organising Secretory, Dr. Nandini Jain, Dr. Prerna Jain, Mrs. Unsa Rehmani , Miss Shaila Khan worked as a organizing team of the workshop. The workshop was very much appreciated by the participants.

Department of obstetric & Gynecology JNMC conducted the following event under the Swachhta Pakhwada.

Department of obstetric & Gynecology JNMC conducted the following event under the Swachhta Pakhwada. -Lecture on Biomedical waste management. -Cleaning of OT, Labour Room. -Condemnation of waste of obstetric & gynecology department. The initiative was taken by Prof. Tamkin khan chairperson of obstetric & gynecology department. Dr. Shazia Parveen Assistant Professor, Dr Nandini (JR), Mrs. Iram Viqar (counsellor) & Mrs Zeba Riaz(Lab Tech.) organised the evevt. Dr Fatima Khan Shah delivered a talk on Biomedical waste management, she highlighted the importance of Biomedical waste disposal, its segregation & use of colour coded bins. The event was attended by faculty of obstetric & gynecology, nursing & cleaning staff.

Guest Lecture was held in the Department of Obst. & Gynaecology J.N.M.C on 1 November 28 on two important topics.Topic I : Management of obstetrics shock and the speaker was Prof. Sajid Shahul, Department of Critical Care, University of Chicago

Guest Lecture was held in the Department of Obst. & Gynaecology J.N.M.C on 1 November 28 on two important topics.Topic I : Management of obstetrics shock and the speaker was Prof. Sajid Shahul, Department of Critical Care, University of Chicago USA.Another Topic was: Screening for Pre Eclampsia and the speaker was Prof. Sarosh Rana, section chief Maternal -Fetal Medicine University of Chicago USA. Lecture was conducted in the seminar room of department of obstetric & gyneacology from 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m. All the faculty members SRs & P.G Students were attended the Lecture

Department of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh in collaboration with Department of Maicrobiology JNMC AMU Aligarh organised a CME on Diagnostic Marker In TORCH infection by Dr. Deepika Jindal, Manager scientific Affairs, Roche Diagnostic India on

Department of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh in collaboration with Department of Maicrobiology JNMC AMU Aligarh organised a CME on Diagnostic Marker In TORCH infection by Dr. Deepika Jindal, Manager scientific Affairs, Roche Diagnostic India on 5th April 2019 at 8:00 a:m to 9:00 a:m in the DR-4, Demostration room complex of faculty of Medicine. All faculty members, SRs & Jrs attended the lecture.

Prof Tamkin Khan chairperson Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh, Dr Nasreen Noor Assistant Professor Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH & N/O Ms Atiya Zuberi (NHM) provide training at CMO office to sensitize the Aanganwardi workers about

Prof Tamkin Khan chairperson Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH AMU Aligarh, Dr Nasreen Noor Assistant Professor Dept. Of Obst & Gyneacology JNMCH & N/O Ms Atiya Zuberi (NHM) provide training at CMO office to sensitize the Aanganwardi workers about Eclampsia on 19-7-2019, focusing on diagnosing it early by danger symptoms & signs. They also talked about first response in case of eclamptic fits and proper transfer & referral of a convulsing women.

The first scholar for AMU Alumini Bonding Project Kashish Ms Sana Shahul was enrolled in the deprt.Obst & Gyneacology under the mentor ship of Prof. Tamkin Khan chairperson, deprt.Obst & Gyneacology JNMC AMU Aligarh.. Ms sana spent 10 days in the

The first scholar for AMU Alumini Bonding Project Kashish Ms Sana Shahul was enrolled in the deprt.Obst & Gyneacology under the mentor ship of Prof. Tamkin Khan chairperson, deprt.Obst & Gyneacology JNMC AMU Aligarh.. Ms sana spent 10 days in the department attending morning seminar and clinical record. she also attended undergraduate classes. On the last day she made a presentation on her experience with AMU in the presence of the members of AMU Bonding Committee.She was presented a certificate and a memento by Dr Faiza convener of the Kashish Project.Dr Faiza addressed the gathering and sensitizes the faculty & residents about the project.

Dr pratima Bhagat give presentation on the topic validation study of the confidential equiry in the maternal and child health recommended modified early obstetric warning system as a predictor of obstetric morbidity in 30th annual conference UP

Dr pratima Bhagat give presentation on the topic validation study of the confidential equiry in the maternal and child health recommended modified early obstetric warning system as a predictor of obstetric morbidity in 30th annual conference UP chapter of Obstetric and Gynecology

Chairman and Professor