प्रसूति एवं स्त्रीरोग विज्ञान का विभाग
अनुदान और परिष्करण
In a collaborative SERB-DST Project,
Projects Running under Prof. Seema Hakim
Projects Running under Prof. Seema Hakim
In REGIONAL RESOURCE TRAINING CENTRE (RRTC) Project at N Medical College & Hospital, AMU, Aligarh, Rs.2608996/- received in 2017 as Ist
instalment of total Grant by IHAT.
1. Name of the Programme : Emergency Obstetric Care Program (EmOC) .
Funding Agency : FOGSI-GOI.
Fund : Depend on the Number of Medical Officer participate in the training and Rs. 13824/- as
Administrative charges for the Programme per batch of Eight Medical Officer.
Manpower Provided : Nodal Officer of the Programme.
2. Name of the Programme : Basic Emergency Obstetrics Care Training Programme (BEmOC).
Funding Agency : Govt. of U.P.
Fund : Rs. 13,11,100/- to train 74 Medical Officers in 7 Batches.
Manpower Provided : Not Provided.
3. Name of the Programme : Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY)
Funding Agency : NRHM, UP.
Fund : Rs. 1,37,750 including the salary of Computer Operator Rs. 90000/- per year in 2013-14.
Manpower Provided : One Computer Operator.
4. Name of the Programme : Urban Health Initiative.
Funding Agency : Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA.
Fund : Not Provided.
Manpower provided :Two Counsellors and One Nurse.
5. Name of the Programme : Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV.
Funding Agency : Govt. of U.P. (UPSAC).
Fund : Rs. 71,858 in 2013-14 for consumables and Computer Maintenance etc,
Manpower Provided- : One Counsellor & One Lab Technician.
6. Name of the Programme : Suraksha Clinic
Funding Agency : Govt. of U.P. ( UPSAC),
Fund : Rs. 30,000/- in 2013 for Consumables and Computer Maintenance.
Manpower Provided : One Counsellor.
7. Name of the Programme : India Maternal Health Initiative .
Funding Agency : Jiv Daya Foundation , USA.
Fund : Rs. 29,25,400/- including salary of the Manpower.
Manpower Provided : One Medical Officer, Two Nurse Cum Data Manager & One Data Entry Operator.