मुख विकृति-विज्ञान/मुख चिकित्सा एवं विकिरण-चिकित्सा विज्ञान का विभाग
Revised Committe
Dept. data last updated on :30/10/2024
Introduction: Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology/Oral Pathology & Microbiology came into existence in the year 2000. Besides teaching, the Dept. is involved in Diagnosis and treatment planning of Oral disorders . The Department is involved in teaching 2nd yr, 3rdyr and Final yr BDS students. Students are taught subjects of Oral Embryology, Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiology and Forensic Odontology. They are also taught interpretation of microscopic slides, diagnosis and reporting of biopsies and cytology. Students are encouraged to present case reports and seminars on various topics in oral medicine and radiology.

Chairman and Professor