Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and Dental Anatomy

About the Department

Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025

The Department of Orthodontics and Dental Anatomy was established in the year 2000.Since than the Department is engaged in teaching of Orthodontics, a specialty dental subject and a basic subject dental anatomy and histology, thus the faculty of the department is engaged in teaching from BDS first year to BDS final year.

From session 2008-2009 the PG course(MDS Orthodontics)was introduced which has improved the quality of research work and also added to the clinical excellence of the students

ऑर्थोडॉन्टिक्स और डेंटल एनाटॉमी विभाग की स्थापना वर्ष 2000 में की गई थी। चूंकि विभाग ऑर्थोडॉन्टिक्स, एक विशेष दंत चिकित्सा विषय और एक बुनियादी विषय दंत शरीर रचना और ऊतक विज्ञान के शिक्षण में लगा हुआ है, इस प्रकार विभाग के संकाय बी.डी.एस से शिक्षण में लगे हुए हैं। प्रथम वर्ष से बी.डी.एस अंतिम वर्ष तक।
सत्र 2008-2009 से पी.जी पाठ्यक्रम (एम.डी.एस ऑर्थोडॉन्टिक्स) शुरू किया गया, जिससे शोध कार्य की गुणवत्ता में सुधार हुआ और छात्रों की नैदानिक ​​​​उत्कृष्टता में भी वृद्धि हुई।


  • To be the center of academic excellence through
  • Teaching
  • Research
  • High quality patient care
  • Futuristic plans to set up interdisciplinary clinic and digital research lab 
  • इस के माध्यम से अकादमिक उत्कृष्टता का केंद्र बनना

  • शिक्षण
  • उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली रोगी देखभाल
    • अंतःविषय क्लिनिक और डिजिटल अनुसंधान प्रयोगशाला स्थापित करने की भविष्य की योजना


  • Academic excellence

  • Fostering Global Competencies among Students

  • Inculcating a Value System among Students

  • Promoting the Use of Digital Technology

  • शैक्षणिक उत्कृष्टता
  • छात्रों के बीच वैश्विक दक्षताओं को बढ़ावा देना
  • छात्रों के बीच एक मूल्य प्रणाली विकसित करना
  • डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी के उपयोग को बढ़ावा देना
  • Commitment to creating beautiful smiles with functional efficient occlusion
  • Pursue academic excellence
  • Embrace innovation
  • Strive to maximize the potential of every student,  faculty and staff member
  • मान
  • कार्यात्मक कुशल अवरोधन के साथ सुंदर मुस्कान बनाने की प्रतिबद्धता
  • शैक्षणिक उत्कृष्टता का पीछा करें
  • नवप्रवर्तन को अपनाएं
  • प्रत्येक छात्र, संकाय और स्टाफ सदस्य की क्षमता को अधिकतम करने का प्रयास करें

The Department boasts of state of the art treatment facilities. Currently, it is running an undergraduate and a post-graduate program. Each program are trained by means of lectures with demonstrations, tutorials, preclinical, laboratory, and clinical work. The training program is supervised by eminent faculty. The department regularly conducts dental education programs and workshops for students and  encourages them to attend continuing dental education programs/ workshops/ summits/ conferences etc. They are also motivated and guided for scientific presentations at specialty conferences and scientific publications in reputed journals.

Under Graduate students on posting are being taught about the subject through clinical discussions and demonstration and are made to work on patients reporting to the department.

 The postgraduate section has adequate dental chairs with all modern amenities. The post-graduate program prepares qualified dentists to manage the full range of Dentofacial discrepancies like  Cleft lip and palate, temporomandibular discrepancies and various craniofacial syndromes. The department also conduct interdisciplinary discussion for cases like Ortho-perio cases, orthognathic cases and preprosthetic cases, which fall within the responsibility of the Orthodontics.

Programme Educational Graduate’s Objectives (PEO’S) for under:-

        PEO’S -1                     Comprehensive curriculum & a strong emphasis on learning by observation.


      PEO’S-2                      Students are encouraged to become active Learn’es & to participate in                 

                                    workshop, symposia, CDE & Seminar to learn from experts & their peer.


3      PEO’S-3                      To impart sufficient skill & knowledge to treat case’s using removable   

                                    Appliances  & co-ordinate with specialist in complex cases.

Programme Outcome for Undergraduate:-

PO-1                     UG student’s learn to identify & diagnose various malocclusion / dentofacial deformity   

                             &   plan the treatment of cases performing preventive, interceptive & corrective                          


PO-2                   Exercise empathy & caring attitude & to maintain high ethical standard’s  

Programme Educational Objectives for Post grad with students:-

POE’S – 1             To become an expert in basic orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning by    

                             developing the in-depth understanding of the subject.

POE’S – 2             To furnish the individual to be become innovative researchers and responsible

                             Medical/dental practitioner , while demonstrating the professional and ethical 

                            Respon sibilities.

POE’S – 3            To train students to respect patients’ rights & privilege’s, including a patient’s right to 


PEO’S - 4               Students are encouraged to become active Learnes & to participate in workshop,

                             symposia, CDE & Seminar to learn from experts & their peer.

PEO’S – 5            To encourage humility & Team work. 


Programme Outcome for (P.G) :-

PO-1                Practice Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Efficiently and Effectively, Backed by 

                        Scientific Knowledge and Skill.

PO-2               Exercise Empathy & a Caring attitude & Maintain high ethical Standard’s

PO-3               Continue to evince keen interest in professional education in the specialty & Allied  

                        specialties wither in teaching or practice

PO-4               Willing to share knowledge & skill with any learner, junior or a colleague.

PO-5               To develop the faculty for critical analysis & evaluation of various concept’s views & to

                        adopt the most rational approach. 

Chairperson and Professor