Department of Paediatric Surgery
Paediatric Surgery
The Department of Pediatric Surgery came into existence on 30th October 2012 after separation from the department of Surgery. The department was established with a vision to establish a center of excellence providing specialized care to the children with surgical diseases and to train post graduates of Pediatric Surgery with good clinical practices and high quality research.
The department strives to become a leader in training post graduates with the aim to provide:
1. High quality medical education and research in Paediatric Surgery
2. Best possible and affordable surgical care to the sick children
3. To develop sub specialties of Paediatric Surgery
4. To educate the community about the congenital anomalies and their prevention.
At the time of inception it had three faculty members viz. Prof. Imran Ghani, Prof R S Chana and Dr. Rizwan Ahmad Khan. Prof Imran Ghani was the founding Chairman. Dr Yasir Ahmad Lone has joined as assistant professor in Oct 2016. Currently Dr. Rizwan Ahmad Khan, Professor is the Chairman of the department. Dr Yousuf has joined as assistant professor in June 2021.
We have fully functional Pediatric Surgery Operation Theater (OT 9) laced with Multichannel monitoring equipment, Anesthesia workstation, Hydraulic Pediatric OT table, LED OT light, Electrosurgical unit, Harmonic Scalpel, State of the art HD Laparoscopy and uro-endoscopy equipment and other pediatric surgical instruments. Fully functional post operative High Dependency unit (HDU) has also been commissioned.
The Departmental building is fully furnished with rooms for the faculty and a seminar room cum departmental library.
We are running two day OPD and with yearly attendance 7500 patient, it is one of the busiest superspeciality OPDs. Nearly 500 patients are operated in an year which include neonatal surgeries, GI surgery including emergencies, pediatric urology including laparoscopy, pediatric neurosurgery , pediatric oncological cases and pediatric thoracic surgery cases.