Department of Paediatrics & Preventive Dentistry
Rehabilitation of neuro-occlusion
The Department of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry was established in the year 2000.Since than the Department is engaged in teaching Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry, from B.D.S third year to B.D.S final year and Behavioural Science to BDS first year students. The vision and mission of the department is to advocate optimal oral health care of children and even those with special health care needs.
Besides conducting lecture, preclinical labs are also conducted. The department also does provide clinical teaching and training in Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry to the B.D.S Students,Interns.The department started Post graduate course in the year 2017.
Prevention & behavior modification are the two hall marks of Pediatric Dentistry, which makes it unique from other fields and specialties of Dentistry.
Providing oral health careto children & adolescent including those with special health care needs.
Creating awareness by- school dental health programmes about oral health.
Prime center of excellence of clinical, academic & research in Pediatric Dentistry.
Achieving academic excellence.
Management of cleft lip and cleft palate patients
Collaborating with District Early Intervention Centre, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (DEIC, RBSK).
Adopting use of latest technology.