औषध विज्ञान का विभाग
SOPs for Department in General
Official Working Hours 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Department opens 30 minutes prior to the official timings.
Sweepers are responsible for cleaning and up keep of the department.
All the staff members and P.G. students enter signature in the respective attendance registers and staff and student on leave are clearly mentioned in the register
Before closing the department all, the electrical switches and water taps are checked.
SOPs for Store
The store keeper plays a important role in smooth functioning of the Department i.e.
Purchase of all necessary items of the department.
All purchase/repair of the amount ranging between 1 – 25,000 are done through Chairman
Purchase ranging between 25,000 – 2.5 lakhs are to be done through the purchase committee.
Purchase >2.5 lakhs are done through Finance office of the University.
Funds are utilized by prescribed University Rules / General Finance rule (GFR 2017)
Various Registers are maintained by the Stores
SOPs for Office
Dak is received and entered in the receipt register of the Department of Pharmacology.
Papers are put before the chairman for comments.
According to the instructions/ comments of the Chairman action is taken by the office.
Dak which needs to be to other places / offices of the University are properly entered into the despatch register with a number and then sent accordingly.