पादप संरक्षण का विभाग
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Vertical Autoclave
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Hot Air Oven
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Stereomicroscope
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Sprayer & Dusters
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Finance
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Deep Freezer
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual for Office
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Computer Maintenance
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for insect Dissection
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Compound Microscope
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Water Bath
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Mass Production of Trichoocard
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Laminar Flow
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for IRG
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for UV Probe
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for Infrared Gas Analyzer
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for Potters Tower Sprayer
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for Mini Rocker Shaker
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for Electronic Weighing Balace
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for Centrifuge
Atomic Spectophotometer
Gas Chromatograph GC 2014 made by Shimadzu
Operation manual for the users is available in the lab.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for BOD incubators
1. BOD incubators
Operating Procedure
Kindly ensure that the incubator is properly connected to the power supply in order to avoid any unforeseen accident in the laboratory.
Switch on the main button.
Now switch on the red color power knob towards 0-1.
Again, turn on the cooling knob towards 0-1.
To set the incubator at 22°C, press the ‘SET POINT -1’ and simultaneously adjust the temperature with the help of screw of SET and RST by screw driver being kept in the lab.
For higher temperature, press ‘SET POINT -2’ and simultaneously adjust the temperature with the help of screw of SET and RST by screw driver.
Kindly record the temperature twice daily (morning and evening as well). Ensure that temperature should not differ ± 2° C from the set temperature.
Kindly set the desired temperature as per requirement.
Kindly take a calibrated thermometer and allow it to be dipped it in a 500 ml beaker filled to 3/4 of the volume with Glycerol AR grade solution.
Keep the beaker inside at center position and close the incubator door and wait for 30 minutes to equilibrate the temperature.
Kindly observe the temperature displayed by the thermometer. There should not be a difference of more than ±0.5°C.
Observe and record the temperature at two-time intervals regularly (with a gap of 6 hours).
Note down if there is any discrepancy and notify to technical assistant for rectification. Affix “BREAK DOWN” label on the instrument.
Frequency of calibration:
Once in a month and also after each maintenance.
Kindly record the calibration record in prescribed format.