सामाजिक-कार्य का विभाग
Social Work
To lead Social Work Profession through innovation and meaningful participation in nation-building by empowering communities, promoting social cohesion and respect for diversity.
- To establish Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Centre of Excellence for students to meet the emerging demands of Social Work profession.
- To develop social work skills in understanding societal, cultural and organizational dynamics.
- To train students to contribute towards an enabling environment for human development.
- To disseminate knowledge and contribute to public policy and practice.
- To foster an interdisciplinary approach to collaborate and liaison to address the needs and aspirations of local and global communities
- To educate students to uphold the values and ethics of the social work profession
- To strengthen human relationships and promote social justice for marginalized communities.
- To equip students with tools and techniques of social work for the enhancement of their employability skills.
- To promote innovative human resource practices and continually refine individual and organizational effectiveness.
The roots of formal education in India go back to the 19th century but the real impetus to the growth of professional and vocational education including Social Work was provided by the National Policy on Education, 1986 and the recommendations of Justice Dr. K. Punnayya Committee (1992-93). The U.G.C. has also laid emphasis on the introduction and promotion of professional courses in the State and Central Universities to meet challenges posed by the rapid economic growth of the country. Quite mindful of the educational needs of the country, Aligarh Muslim University has started a number of professional courses as and when required. In the same vein, the Master's programme in Social Work (MSW) was introduced way back in 1994-95 in the Department of Sociology. The course has been successful as the students have received about 100% placements in the reputed national and international organizations. As a sequel of that, a Bachelors course in Social Work (BSW) was started from the session 2012-13 which was later restructured as Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) from session 2018-19. In view of the great and growing importance of the subject, a separate 'Department of Social Work' was carved out of the Department of Sociology in the year 2013 (vide Circular D.No. C-II-Court (109)-3/4661/AB, dated 05.01.2013)
The department after attaining an independent status has been offering the following courses:
(I) Doctoral Programme in Social Work
(II) Masters Programme in Social Work (MSW)
(III) Graduate Programme in Social Work (BASW)
Admission to the four semesters Post Graduate course in social work is open to graduates of any stream. The selection follows a systematic admission procedure consisting of written test, group discussion and personal interviews.
Admission to the six semester graduate course in social work is open to those students who have passed SSSC (+2)/ Intermediate from any stream. The selection procedure follows a systematic admission procedure consisting of written test, group discussion and personal interview.
The teaching methodology comprises classroom instructions, fieldwork, seminars, group discussions and skill development workshops. The good mix of students, together with a competent and committed faculty supplemented by practitioners in the field, has given rise to lively exchanges of experiences in the seminar room. The synergy generated has made the learning experience a meaningful and exciting one.
Students come to the Department of Social Work for various reasons because they are interested in professional social work, because the course offers myriad job opportunities or because they wish to contribute to community life. Most importantly, however, they come because they know that they are getting the education of a lifetime.
The students are encouraged to analyse services in the rural and urban areas to inculcate organizational and leadership skills, generate sensitivity towards rural-urban communities and provide an experience in group living.