तहाफ्फुज़ी वा समाजी तिब का विभाग

संयुक्त परियोजना

Dept. data last updated on :01/02/2025

WHO National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP)

National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP) work to assist in planning and implementing polio immunization activities aimed at eliminating polio from India; and in building and maintaining surveillance for AFP and poliovirus until certification of polio eradication is achieved in the WHO South East Asia Region.

Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Hospital is serving as Nodal Centre for reporting of AFP cases since March, 2009.
Prof. S M Safdar Ashraf, Department of Tahaffuzi Wa Samaji Tib is looking after this collaborative work as a Nodal Officer.NPSP (WHO) -AKTC
Chairperson and Professor