पश्चिमी एशिया एवं उत्तरी अफ्रीकाई अध्ययन का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :18/03/2025
Structural Gravity Model for Trade Policy Analysis

Special classes on 

"Structural Gravity Model for Trade Policy Analysis" 25th November to 30th November 2024, organized by Dr. Tariq Masood

International Webinar on "India & West Asia in the Shifting Global Order"

International Webinar on "India & West Asia in the Shifting Global Order" organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies, held on 24 September 2024.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Mohammad Gulrez, Former-Vice Chancellor, AMU., Aligarh

Convenor and Coordinator: Mohd Ubaid

Moderator: Rounak Shahi

An International Webinar on "India’s Presidency of the G20: Implications for the contemporary world" by Prof. Jawaid Iqbal

organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies on 07 September 2023

Convenor: Prof. Rakshanda F Fazli

Coordinator: Dr Imtiaz Ahmed

Organising Secretary: Mohd Ubaid

05 Days Workshop

organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies from 18th to 22nd January 2024

Coordinator: Dr Tariq Masood

Co-Coordinator: Dr Sana Samreen and Dr Zulquar Nain

Extension Lecture

Organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies with the collaboration Department of South African and Brazilian Studies on 30 January 2024

Convenor: Dr Imtiaz Ahmed

Co-Convenor: Dr Shabana Parwin

Coordinator: Mohd Ubaid

10. Workshops:

Online Webinar held on 18.09.2023

Organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies on 18 September 2023

Convenor: Prof. Rakshanda F Fazli

Coordinator: Dr Imtiaz Ahmed

Organising Secretary: Mohd Ubaid

Econometric analysis of Efficiency and Productivity with Stochastic Frontier Approach

organised by the Department of West Asian and North African Studies, 14th June-20th June 2023

Coordinator: Dr Tariq Masood

International Conference on Migration and Diaspora in West Asian & North African (WANA) Region: Global Concerns and Implications for India

March 15-16, 2023


Prof. Rakshanda F Fazli

Department of West Asian and North African Studies, AMU.

A webinar on “Modernisation and Socio-Cultural Changes in the Arab World”

26 March 2022 at 11:00 AM (Saturday)

Convenor: Prof. Jawaid Iqbal

Co-Convenor: Dr MK Riyas

Organizing Secretary: Mohd Ubaid

One Day Webinar on" Imapct of COVID-19 on West Asian Oil Economy: Implications for India" held on 27.03.2021

Department of West Asian and North African Studies organising one day WEBINAR on the topic entitled " Impactof COVID-19 on West Asian Oil Economy: Implications for India", held on  27.03.2021,

Convener; Prof. Jawaid Iqbal 

Organizer/Co-Convener : Dr. Sana Samreen

Online Lectures

Dr. Faozi A. Almaqtari has delivered an online Lecture on the following topic: “Publishing Academic Research: How to Select a high impact academic Journal and avoiding desk rejection” on 15.10.2020

Online Lectures

Dr. Amal Al-Wazir, (Gaza Palestine) has delivered an online Lecture on the following topic: “American-Israeli Relations and Its Impact on the Palestinian Cause”on 05.10.2020

Online Lectures

Dr. Akram Kewidar, Faculty Member in the Essra University Gaza Palestine has delivered an online Lecture on the following topic:“Mahatma Gandhi and the Palestine Issue”  on 25.09.2020

International Seminar

Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia Regional Rivalries & Alliances: Implication for India

International Seminar

Changing Geo-Political Architecture of West Asia and North Africa:  Implications for India

National Seminar

“Emerging Shapes & Contours of West  Asia and North Africa in the Realm of New World Order”

Chairman and Professor