Women's College

छात्रों की उपस्थिति रिकॉर्ड

Dept. data last updated on :20/03/2025
Faculty of Social Science B.A Ist Sem upto 2rd December

Faculty of Social Science B.A Ist Sem upto 2rd December

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Social Science (IIIrd Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Social Science (IIIrd Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) session 2014-15

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Commerce (IIIrd Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Commerce (IIIrd Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Ist Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Ist Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Agriculture Science (IIIrd Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of Agriculture Science (IIIrd Sem) Session 2014-15

Faculty of So. Science (Ist Sem) upto 31st October

Faculty of So. Science (Ist Sem) upto 31st October

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Sem upto 31 Oct)

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Sem upto 31 Oct)

Home Science Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 31st October 2014

Home Science Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 31st October 2014

Commerce Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 31st October 2014

Commerce Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 31st October 2014

Faculty of Life Science (Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Life Science (Ist & IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Agriculture Science (IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Agriculture Science (IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Arts (Ist Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Arts (Ist Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Science (Final Year upto Sep)

Faculty of Science (Final Year upto Sep)

Faculty of Science (IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Science (IIIrd Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Science (Ist Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Science (Ist Sem upto 30th Sep)

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Arts (IIIrd Sem upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Arts (Final Year upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Arts (Final Year upto 30 Sep)

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Final Year upto Sep)

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Final Year upto Sep)

Faculty of Social Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Social Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Arts (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Arts (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Commerce & Agriculture Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Commerce & Agriculture Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Life Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Life Science (Upto March) IInd Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Life Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Life Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Social Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Social Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Science (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Commerce (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Commerce (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Arts (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Arts (Upto March) Final Year 2013-2014

Faculty of Social Science (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (IInd Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (IInd Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Agriculture Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (IInd Year) Upto November Session 2013-14

Faculty of Life Science (IInd Year) Upto November Session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Final Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (IInd Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (IInd Year) Upto November session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Ist Semester) session 2013-14

Faculty of Arts (Ist Semester) session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) Session 2013-14

Faculty of Social Science (Ist Semester) Session 2013-14

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Sem) Session 2013-14

Faculty of Commerce (Ist Sem) Session 2013-14

Attendance of B.Sc. 1st Sem. (Life Sc.) Session 2013-14

Attendance of B.Sc. 1st Sem. (Life Sc.) Session 2013-14