Prof. Zafar Ahmad Siddiqi
Inorganic Chemistry, Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Supramolecular Chemistry, Crystal Engineering
H.No.- 4/484, Ek Minar Colony, Civil Lines, Dodhpur, Aligarh.
Prof. Siddiqi obtained his B.Sc. degree from University of Gorakhpur followed by masters and doctoral degrees from AMU, Aligarh. He was awarded and successfully completed Alexender von Humboldt (AvH) postdoctoral fellowship, from University of Gottingen, Germany (Awarded by Humboldt foundation, Germany) and STA (now known as JSPS) fellowship from RIEKEN, Saitama, Japan (awarded by Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Japan). He is currently actively involved in the synthesis and X-ray crystallographic investigations of novel polynuclear coordination compounds having supramolecular metal organic frameworks (MOFs). He has successfully completed a number of major research projects funded by UGC, CSIR etc. on Macrocyclic Chemistry. He has also been awarded prestigious UGC BSR FF award in 2014 for continuing his research upto 2018. His present research interest is in the discovery and unsual structural topologies of 1D (long chain), 2D (sheet) or 3D (cage) Supramolecular Architectures consolidated via covalent or non-covalent (i.e., H-bonding and/or pie-pie interactions) bondings. These compounds are characterized by modern spectroscopic techiniques viz. FAB-MS, FTIR, UV-Visible, EPR, 1H, 13C & 119Sn NMR etc. 57Fe- & 119Sn-Mossbauer and single crystal X-ray crystallography have also been widely exploited for investigating mixed-ligand metal directed self assembly as well as organo-metallic derivatives. Moreover, interests towards certain polynuclear cluster compounds possessing potential material importance as single molecule magnets (SMMs) to store data are also underway. He has nearly 100 papers in national and international journals of repute like Dalton Trans, J. Coord. Chem., Polyhedron, Eur. J. Med. Chem., J Organometal. Chem, J. Mol. Str., X-ray str anal online, J. Chem. Crystall., J Photochem. Photobiol B, J Cluster Science...etc.