B.Sc Engineering, M.Sc.Engineering, Ph.D
Water resources, Soft computing, Flow through porous media
Street 05, Iqra Colony, Aligarh.
Dr. Javed Alam received B.Sc. Engineering, M.Sc. Engineering and Ph. D. from AMU Aligarh. He is working as Professor and his major areas of research interest include water resources, flow through porous media, application of soft computing in water resources engineering, utilization of flyash in water resources sector and flood control. He has taught Hydrology, Dam Engineering and River Engineering. He is life member of Institution of Engineers (IE.), Indian society of technical education (ISTE), Indian society of water resources (IWRS), Indian society of hydraulics (ISH) and the fellow of ISH and IAH (Indian Association of Hydrologist) .He has authored numerous technical papers in various National, International journals/ Conferences viz. journal of hydro informatics, Institution of Engineers (India), ISH journal of hydraulic engineering, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research. He is also involved in various consultancy and research projects.
- Publication
1. Raza, MA., Alam, J. and Muzzammil, M., (2023). ''Application of ANN to model scour at downstream of bed sills'', Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
2. Ahmad, SK., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2023). '' Reliability Analysis of Bridge Pier Against Scour and Earthquake'', Water and Energy International Vol.66, (1) pp 36-34.
3. Muzzammil, M., Alam, J., Gupta, G and Khalid, M., (2023). " Reliability-based assessment of scour at pier in gravel beds'', ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Muzzammil, M., Alam, J.,K. Krishna and Khalid, M., (2022). "Reliability Analysis of a complex Pier Against Local scour '', Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), ) 103(4):1237–1245
5. Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2022). "Reliability Analysis of Riprap Layer Around a Bridge Pier Under Multiple Failure'', Water and Energy International Vol.64, (11) pp 23-32
6. Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2021). "Computation of Stable Riprap Size Stone Around A Bridge Pier Using First Order Reliability Method'', Water and Energy International Vol.64, (7) pp 19-29
7. Alam, J., Muzzammil, M., Kafi, M. and Haque, M. (2020). ''An Experimental Study with CFD Simulation of Horizontal Flow through Porous Media '', Water and Energy International Vol.63, (3) pp 48-55.
8. Alam, J., Muzzammil, M., Kafi, M. and Haque, M. (2020). ''An Experimental Study with CFD Simulation of Horizontal Flow through Porous Media '', Water and Energy International Vol.63, (3) pp 48-5
9. Gupta, P., Alam, J. and Muzzammil, M. (2020). ''A Simulation and
Experimental Approach for Flow through Stratified Porous Media Perpendicular to Bedding Plane'', Water and Energy International Vol.63, (1) pp 59-72.10. Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2019).“ A reliability-based assessment of live bed scour at bridge piers”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.22, (1) pp 247-253
11. Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2018).“ Reliability Analysis of Local Scour at Bridge Pier in Clay-Sand Mixed Sediments”, Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 2(1), pp 1-11.
12. Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2017).“Developing Stage -Discharge Relations using Optimization Techniques”, Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 1(2), pp 1-8.
13. Zakwan,M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2017).“ Application of Data Driven Techniques in Discharge Rating Curve - An Overview ”, Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 1(1), pp 1-8.
14. Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2016).“ Scour Prediction At The Control Structures Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
”, IWRA(INDIA). Vol.5, (2) pp 22-30.15. Zakwan,M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2016).“ Application of Spread sheet to Estimate Infiltration Parameters ”, Science Direct,Perspectives in Science. Vol. (8) pp 702-704
16. Gupta, P., Alam, J. and Muzzammil, M. (2016).'' Influence of thickness and position of the individual layer on the permeability of the stratified soil'', Science Direct,Perspectives in Science. (8) pp 757-759
17. Alam, J., Muzzammil, M and Khan, K A (2016). "Regional flood frequency analysis: Comparison of L-moment and Conventional approaches for an Indian catchment", ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.22, (1) pp 247-253
18. Muzzammil, M., Alam, J. and Danish, Mohd.(2015). “Application of gene expression programming in flood frequency analysis,” Journal of Indian water Resources society, Vol.35(2) pp.1 -6.
19. Murteza, H. Khan, M.A., and Alam, J. (2014). “Morphological and Geotechnical Properties of Dadri Flyash”, International Journal of Structural Civil Engineering Research,Vol.3, (2) pp 7-15.
20. Alam, J. Khan, M.A and Akhtar, M.N.(2013). “Fly ash Based Brick Tiles: An Experimental Study”, International Journal of emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Vol. 6. 35-44.
21. Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. (2013). “ANFIS - based approach to scour Prediction at the grade control structures,” European International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.2 (6) pp.123-136.
22. Alam, J., Khan, M.A., Alam, M., and Ahmad, A.2012).“Seepage Characteristics and Geotechnical Properties of Flyash Mixed with Bentonite”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research, Vol. 03.No.7
23. Akhtar, J.N., Alam, J. and Akhtar, M.N.(2011).“Bricks with Total Replacement of Clay by Flyash Mixed with Different Materials” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 03.No.10pp. 7338-7346.
24. Alam, J.and Akhtar, M.N.(2011). “Fly ash Utilization in Different Sectors in Indian Scenario”, Published in the International Journal of emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Vol. 01.No.01pp. 1-14.
25. Alam, J.and Muzzammil.M (2011). “Flood Disaster Preparedness in Indian Scenario” International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 05.No.03pp. 33-38.
26. Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. (2011). “ANFIS - based approach to scour Prediction at abutments in armored beds,” Journal of Hydro informatics.pp.699-713.
27. Akhtar,J.N., Alam,J. and Akhtar, M.N.(2010). “An Experimental Study on Fibre Reinforced Flyash Based Lime Bricks”, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol.5 (11), pp.1688-1695.
28. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2009). “Use of Fly-ash in the construction of low height Dams: An Experimental Study” Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), VoI 90, pp. 41-46.
29. Akhtar J.N., Alam J. and Ahmad Sh. (2008) “The Influence of randomly Oriented Hair Fibre and Lime on the CBR Value of Dadri Fly ash” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing) vol.9 (5).pp 505-512.
30. Akhtar J.N. and Alam J (2008). “The Influence of permeability on steel fibre reinforced fly ash concrete at different ages.” ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol.14 (2), pp 61-71.
31. Alam J, Akhtar J. N. and Gupta R.D (2008). “The effect of randomly oriented geofibre and lime on the CBR value of Dadri Fly-ash: An experimental study.” ISH journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 14(1), pp 63-71.
32. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2006) “Seepage and Strength Characteristics of Fly -ash-Sand Mixtures: An Experimental Study” ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 12, (1), pp 52-60.
33. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2004). “Use of Fly-ash for Seepage control through various Hydraulic structures”. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), VoI 84, pp. 263-266.
34. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2004). “An Experimental Study of the Seepage and strength characteristics of Dadri Fly-ash Mixed with Cement and Lime”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, VoI 10 (2), pp. 49-57.
35. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2003). “Comparative study of Seepage Characteristics of Dadri Fly-ash, Fine sand and coarse sand”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), VoI 84, pp. 192-195.
36. Gupta, R.D. and Alam, J. (2002). “Seepage Characteristics of Fly-ash from Dadri Thermal Power Station”. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), VoI 83, pp. 7-8.
37. Kafi, M. and Alam, J. (1995). “Modification of Local Scour Equations”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers(India), VoI 76, pp 25-28.
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