Prof. Major Fareed Mahdi
M.Sc. Engg,, Ph.D
Structures, Waste Utilization, Polymer Concrete
4/1392, Sir Syed Nagar,Dodhpur, Aligarh - 202002,
9837066423 ,
Research Interest: Brick Masonry; Polymer Concrete; FRC; Solid Waste Utilization;Corrosion,Fly Ash Utilazation
Teaching: Strength of Materials-I, Concrete Technology, Construction Planning & Management, Civil Engineering Drawing Construction & Quantity Surveying, Building Material-I, Building Construction
Publication:Cement and Concrete Composites (Elsevier); Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier); International Journal for Environmental Engineering (Springer Verlag)
- Publication
- Indian Patent No. 3316/DEL/2012 “Polymer Concrete Based on Resin Obtained from Recycled PET Bottles”, The Patent Office Journal 18/01/2013 pp.1361 (Filed and Published)
- Indian Patent No.1766/DEL/2013 “Composition and Production of Polymer Concrete Based on Specific PET to Glycol Ratio” The Patent Office Journal 02/08/2013 pp 19937 (Filed and Published)
- Indian Patent No.201611007094 “Production of Polymer Concrete Using Resin Obtained from Recycled Plastic Waste Having PET to Glycol Ratio of 2:1” The Patent Office Journal 18/03/2016 pp 10730 (Filed and Published)
- Indian Patent No.201611007095 “Use of Fly Ash as Partial Replacement of Coarse Sand in Polymer Concrete” The Patent Office Journal 18/03/2016 pp 10731(Filed and Published)
Journal Papers
- M S Ahmad*, F. Mahdi, “Characterization Of Bitumen Mixed With Plastic Waste” International Journal of Transportation Engineering Iran vol 3/No 2, 2016, pp 85 – 99 ISSN NO. 2322-259X[Citations:- 1]
- F. Mahdi*, H. Abbas “Flexural, Shear and Bond Strength of Polymer Concrete Utilizing Recycled Resin Obtained From Post Consumer PET Bottles”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Press, vol-44, 2013, pp 798-811; ISSN No 0950-0618; IF: 2.710 [Citations:- 13]
- F. Mahdi*, H. Abbas A.A. Khan “Strength Characteristics of Polymer Mortar and Concrete Using Different Composition of Resins Derived from Post-Consumer PET Bottles”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Press, vol-24, 2010, pp 25-36 [Selected amongst the Top 25 Articles of Construction & Building Materials (Science Direct) during October to December 2009]; ISSN No 0950-0618; IF: 2.710 [Citations:- 79]
- F. Mahdi*, Asif. A. Khan, Prof. Husain Abbas “Physiochemical properties of polymer mortar composites using resins derived from post-consumer PET bottles.”, ‘Cement and Concrete Composites’, University of Sheffield, U.K., Elsevier Press, vol-29, 2007, pp-241-248; ISSN No 000-8846; IF: 3.770 [Citations:- 51]
- Masood, T. Ahmad, M. Arif, F. Mahdi “Waste Management Strategies for Concrete”, Environmental Engineering and Policy, International Journal for Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, U.S.A Springer Verlag, 1-2 February, 2002, Vol-3, pp 15-18 [Citations:- 58]
Conference Papers
- F. Mahdi, G Arshad, M. Fazal “Effect of Partial Replacement of Coarse Sand on the Strength of Polymer Concrete” International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering IC-ISE – 2015, organised by Department of Civil Engineering Osmania University, Hydrabad, 14 – 16 December 2015 in Hydrabad, India, pp. 1525-1537, ISBN:978 81 7371 968 8
- F. Mahdi, MS Ahmad, I. Rahman “Influence of Geofibre on Compaction Behaviour of Harduaganj Fly Ash”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Gorakhpur, India, May 21 – 22, 2014
- F. Mahdi, MS Ahmad, “Experimental Studies on the Behaviour of Fly Ash-Soil Mixture Reinforced With Geofibre”, 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, March 27 – 30, 2011
- F. Mahdi, “Use of Recycled Resin Derived from Post-Consumer PET Bottles as a Binder in Concrete”, International Conference Proceedings, Recycling and Reuse of Materials ICRM – 2009, organised by Institute of Macromolecular Science & Engineering (IMSE), Kerala, 17 – 19th July, 2009 in Kottayam, Kerala, INDIA
- F. Mahdi “A Study of the Behaviour of a Fixed Semi-Circular Brick Masonry Arch Subjected to Uniformly Distributed Load Within Elastic Limit”, International Conference Proceedings, Housing Issues and Challenges for the New Millennium, , 1999 (IAHS) USA in San Francisco, California, USA. 1-7 June
- F. Mahdi, V. P. Mital “A Study of the Behaviour of a Semi- Circular Brick Masonry Arch Under Uniformly Distributed and Concentrated Load”, International Conference Proceedings, Excellence in Housing : Prospects and Challenges in the Pacific Century , organised by International Association for Housing Sciences (IAHS) USA in Singapore. 25-29 Sept. 1995