Prof. Mohd. Muzzammil
M.Tech., Ph.D
Hydraulics & Water Resources Engg.
A-12, Dilshad Colony, Dhorrah, Aligarh
Dr. Mohmammad Muzzammil graduated in Civil Engineering from AMU Aligarh in 1992. He obtained M. Tech. and Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur in 1985 and 1992 respectively. His field of interest is the application of soft computing techniques and reliability analysis in Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering. The main teaching subjects are Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Open channel flow, Hydrology, Irrigation Engineering, Dam Engineering, Hydropower Engineering, Mechanics of Sediment Transport etc. Research papers have been published mostly in Journal of Hydro Informative, Water Management (ICE), International Association of Hydraulic Reacharch (IAHR), Institution of Civil Engineers (India), Indian Society of Hydraulic Research, Water and Energy International Journal. He also received two awards and one patent.
- Publication
- Muzzammil, M., Gangadharaiah, T. and A.K. Gupta (1997), “Vortex Scour Mechanism at Piers in Tandem Arrangement”, J. Institution of Engineers, India, Vol.77, Feb..
- Jamil, M., Ashhar, M.M., Muzzammil, M. and G. Sharma (1998), “Extrapolation Error in Peak Floods for the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vo. No.1, March.
- Muzzammil, M., Gangadharaiah, T. and A.K. Gupta (2000), “Vortex Scour Mechanism at Piers in staggered arrangement”, J. Institution of Engineers, India, Vol. 81, pp. 138-144.
- Muzzammil, M., Gangadharaiah, T. and A.K. Gupta (2000), “Vortex Scour Mechanism at Piers in staggered arrangement”, J. Institution of Engineers, India, Vol. 81, December, pp. 138-144
- Muzzammil, M. and Gangadharaiah, T (2003)., “The mean characteristics of horseshoes vortex at a cylindrical pier”, J. Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol.41,No.3,PP.285-297
- Muzzammil, M. and Gangadharaiah, T (2004)., “An experimental investigation of horseshoe vortex induced by a bridge pier”, Water Management, ICE(London), Vol.157,No.2,PP.109-119
- Muzzammil, M. ,Siddiqui NA and Siddiqui ,AF(2006), “Reliability analysis of Bridge Pier against Scouring”, Water and Energy International, CBIP, Vol.63, No.2, pp33-42
- Muzzammil, M. ,Siddiqui NA and Siddiqui ,AF(2008), “Reliability consideration of bridge pier scouring”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 28(1), pp. 1-18
- Muzzammil, M. ,Siddiqui NA and Siddiqui ,Anwar, M.(2009), “A reliability-based scour depth estimation in Indian alluvial rivers”, Water and Energy International, CBIP, Vol.66, No.1, pp44-55
- Muzzammil, M. ,Siddiqui (2009), “A reliability-based assessment of bridge pier scour in non-uniform sediments Journal of Hydraulic Research”, IAHR, 47(3), 372-380
- Muzzammil, M. ,Siddiqui NA (2009), “Reliability analysis of scour downstream of ski-jum bucket”, Water Management, ICE, Londan, 162,WM6, pp389-398
- Muzzammil, M. and Ayyub, M. (2010). “ANFIS approach to scour depth prediction at piers in non-uniform sediments,” IWA Publishing, Journal of Hydro informatics, 303-317.
- Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. (2010). “ANFIS approach to scour depth prediction at a bridge abutment,” IWA Publishing, Journal of Hydro informatics, 447-485.
- Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. (2011). “ANFIS - based approach to scour Prediction at abutments in armored beds,” IWA Publishing, Journal of Hydro informatics,699-713.
- Ahmad, S., Muzzammil, M. and Zaheer, I. (2011). “ Numerical prediction of wind loads on low buildings”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3(5), 59-72.
- Alam, J. and Muzzammil.M (2011). “Flood Disaster Preparedness in Indian Scenario” International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 05.No.03pp. 33-38.
- Muzzammil, M. and Alam, J. (2013). “ANFIS - based approach to scour Prediction at the grade control structures,” European International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.2 (6) pp.123-136.
- Muzzammil, M., Alam, J. and Danish, Mohd.(2015). “Application of gene expression programming in flood frequency analysis,” Journal of Indian water Resources society, Vol.35(2) pp.1 -6.
- Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2016).“ Scour Prediction At The Control Structures Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System ”, IWRA(INDIA). Vol.5, (2) pp 22-30.
- Zakwan,M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2016).“ Application of Spread sheet to Estimate Infiltration Parameters ”, Science Direct,Perspectives in Science. Vol. (8) pp 702-704
- Gupta, P., Alam, J. and Muzzammil, M. (2016).'' Influence of thickness and position of the individual layer on the permeability of the stratified soil'', Science Direct,Perspectives in Science. (8) pp 757-759
- Alam, J., Muzzammil, M and Khan, K A (2016). "Regional flood frequency analysis: Comparison of L-moment and Conventional approaches for an Indian catchment", ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.22, (1) pp 247-253
- Adeel, A., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2016). “ Reliability Analysis of Pier Scour at Gravel-Bed Rivers Using FORM”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects,Vol.3, (1) pp 3-7.
- Zakwan,M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2017).“ Application of Data Driven Techniques in Discharge rating Curves: An Overview”, Aquademia : Water, Environment and Technology, 1(1), pp 1-8
- Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2017).“Developing Stage -Discharge Relations using Optimization Techniques”, Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 1(2), pp 1-8.
- Zakwan, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2018).“Modeling of Stage -Discharge Relationship”, NDCWWC journal, Vol.7(01) pp 10-12.
- Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2018).“ Reliability Analysis of Local Scour at Bridge Pier in Clay-Sand Mixed Sediments”, Aquademia: Water, Environment and Technology, 2(1), pp 1-11.
- Khalid, M., Muzzammil, M., and Alam, J. (2019).“ A reliability-based assessment of live bed scour at bridge piers”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.22, (1) pp 247-253
Citation Details:
Google Scholar Item Total Since 2014 Citations 385 259 H-index 11 10 Scopus Citations 154 H-index 7