B.Sc. Engg., M.Sc. Engg., Ph.D
Water resources Engineering &Fluvial Hydraulics
Silver State, Hajella Compound, Dodhpu, Civil Lines Aligarh, 202002
1. Mohammad Jamil, Mubeen Beg & Mohd. Mohsin,1996. “Low Cost Flood Resisting Energy Efficient Houses For Eastern Uttar Pradesh”, Regional Seminar Supported by Ministry Of Non-Conventional Energy Sources,Govt.of ndia, March 12-13, 1996, held at M.M.M. Engg. College,Gorakhpur, ndia.
2. Mohd. Jamil and Mubeen Beg, “Flood Control by Non-Structural Strategies” National Conference On Geoenvironment (Gen’98) held at M.N.R. Engineering College, Allahabad From April 9-10, 1998.
3 .M. Muzzammil, Mubeen Beg And Mujeeb A. Ansari, “Some Aspects Of Design Of Hydraulic Engineering Systems”, National Seminar On Recent Trends In The Design Of Electronic And Other Engineering Systems, held at Department of Electronics, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, A.M.U., Aligarh From Nov. 29- Nov. 30, 1997.
4 Mubeen Beg and Mohd. Shakeel, “Inputs From Remote Sensing For Flood Hazard Mitigation”, Regional Workshop on Inputs From Remote Sensing For Natural Hazard Mitigation, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India From Oct. 24-26, 1998.
5. Mubeen Beg, “Environmental Education for Sustainable Development”, Workshop On Environmental Education For Sustainable Future Held At New Delhi; December 9-11, 1999.
6. Mohd. Jamil, Mubeen Beg, “Water Resource, Floods And Sustainable Development”, The National Seminar On Water Resources And Sustainable Development, Department Of Civil Engineering, S.V. University, Tirupati, (A.P.), March 12-13, 1999.
7. Mubeen Beg And Dr Mohd.Athar, ”Water Scarcity, A Challenge In The Next Millennium”, National Conference On Ground Water Management Future Challenges And Its Impact On Environment, Organized By Department Of Geology, A.M.U. Aligarh.28-29 March, 2003.
8. Mubeen Beg, M.S.R. Khan, M. Imran Khan, “Water Resources Management And Sustainable Development Of Sahawar Town – A Case Study” ,National Seminar On Sustainable Infrastructure For National Development (Nssind), Organized By Institution Of Engineers (India), Aligarh Local Centre, Z.H. College Of Engg. And Technology, A.M.U. Aligarh, U.P., India, April 17-18, 2005.
9. Mohammad Jamil & Mubeen Beg, “ A Critical Study Of Bridge Pier Scour Depth Predictors” National Conference On Hydraulics & Water Resources With Special Emphasis On Tsunami, Organized By Siddaganga Institute Of Technology And Indian Society For Hydraulics, Tumkur, Karnataka Held At Siddaganga Institute Of Technology , Tumkur, Karnataka, Dec. 8-9,2005. ,pp. 626-635.
10. Mubeen Beg,” Rainwater miiseries caused by floods and people expectations”, All India Seminar On Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, organised by the institution of engineers india, Aligarh local centre, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh.
11. Mubeen Beg and Dr. saif Said, “Experimental Evidence of Effect of Sream-wise Spacing of Bridge Piers on Local Scour” The National Seminar on Civil Engineering and Challenges held at Civil Engg. Deptt., M.M. Engineering College Mullana, Haryana, March 9-11, 2007, pp 120-125.
12. Mubeen Beg, Saif Said And S. Wasim Ahmad, “Scour Characteristics Under Submerged Vertical Jets”, The National Speciality Conference On River Hydraulics, October 29-30, 2009, Pp. 187-196.
13 Mubeen Beg, “Local Scour At Two Bridge Piers Placed In Transverse Arrangement”, National Conference On Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal And Environmental Engineering (Hydro 2009), Held At Central Water &Power Research Station, Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra, December . 17-18, 2009.
14. Mubeen Beg, “Rain Water Harvesting In Urban Areas: An Overview”, Regional Workshop On Water Conservation And Rainwater Harvesting Techniques To Augment The Ground Water And Its Impact On Environment, Department Of Geology, Amu, Aligarh, June 5, 2010.
15 Mubeen Beg And Saif Said, “Scour Hole Characteristics Around A Single Pier”, National Conference On Hydraulics , Water Resources, Coastal And Environmental Engineering, Held At Civil Engineering Department.,M.M. Engineering College, Mullana, Haryana, December 16-18, 2010.
16 Mubeen Beg And Saif Said And Kr. Arif A Beg, ‘Water Resources Management And Sustainable Development Of Sikandra Rao- Town (U.P.):A Case Study”, 5th National Conference On Sustainable Development In India, Al-Barakat Institute Of Management Studies, Aligarh, March 12, 2011
17 Mubeen Beg, “Mutual Interference Of Three Bridge Piers Placed In Tandem Arrangement On Local Scour” At National Conference On Hydraulics And Water Resources Environmental (Hydro-2011) Held At Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute Of Technology Svnit, Surat ,Gujarat, December29-30, 2011.
18. Mubeen Beg, “Characteristics Of Scour Holes At Three Bridge Piers Founded In River In Tandem Arrangement”, At“ 2nd National Conference On River Hydraulics-2012” Organized Under The Banner Of Civil Engineering Department, M.M. University Mullana-Ambala And Indian Society For Hydraulics (ISH), March 22nd, 2012.
19. Mubeen Beg And Salman Beg, “Scour Hole Characteristics Of Two Unequal Size Bridge Piers Placed In Tandem Arrangement”, National Conference On Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal And Environmental Engineering (Hydro- 2012), I.I.T. Bombay, December 7-8, 2012.
20. Mubeen Beg, Sultan Singh, Salman Beg, “Role of Society and Government in the Sustainable Development of Water Resources of Hathras City: A Case Study” , National Conference On “Recent Trends In
Engineering, Technology & Management for Sustainable Development” (RTETMSD - 2013) Organized By MVN University 74 Km stone, NH-2, Delhi-Agra Highway (NCR),Palwal,Haryana-121105 Date: 13th August 2013.
21 Mubeen Beg, Sultan Sing, Salman Beg, “Field Study Of Water Resources Management Of Hathras City And Adjoining Villages For Sustainable Development". National Conference On “Recent Trends In Engineering, Technology & Management for Sustainable Development” (RTETMSD - 2013) On 13th August 2013 at MVN University, Palwal (Haryana).
22 Mubeen beg, W. A. Khan and Mohammad Shakeel, ‘water resources managementand sustainable development of Tehsil Koil of District Aligarh, (U.P), National Conference On Water Resources Management: Achievements And Challengs, WRM-AC 2014), ISBN, 978-81-927151-7-9, pp. 57-65, March 22, 2014.
23 Saif Said and Mubeen Beg, ‘Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Flood Management: A Review, National Conference on Water Resources Management: Achievements and Challenges, WRM-AC 2014), ISBN 978-81-927151-7-9, pp. 76—83, March 22, 2014.
24 Saif Said and Mubeen Beg, ‘Predicting Capacity of Total Bed Material Load Transport Rate In Alluvial Channels” , National Conference on Water Resources Management: Achievements and Challenges, WRM-AC 2014), ISBN 978-81-927151-7-9, pp. 273-281, March 22, 2014.
25 Mubeen Beg and Mohammad Shakeel, ‘estimation of bed form height predictors, National Conference on Water Resources Management: Achievements and Challenges, WRM-AC 2014), ISBN 978-81-927151-7-9, pp. 282—289, March 22, 2014.
26 Salman Beg and Mubeen Beg, “ Ranking of Scour depth predictors for coarse sediment bed channels” 6th International & 43rd National Conf. on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2016), Department of Applied Mechanics Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad - 211004. Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, . December 15-17, 2016
27 Rajat Mittal and Mubeen beg, “ Morphometric study of River Yamuna: A Review”, International Conference On Emerging Technologies in “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Global Sustainability”(CEAEGS- 2016) Organized by “Krishi Sanskriti Publications” On 10th April, 2016 1st May, 2016 Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
1.Mohd. Jamil, Mubeen Beg And Mohd. Mohsin, “Prediction of Discharge In Circular Free Overfall”, ISH Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering, Pune, India, Volume 6. No.1Mar-2000, pp.25-34.
2. Mubeen Beg, discussion on the paper “ Scour Reduction Around Non-Cylindrical Bridge Piers at High Angle of Attack Using Collar” in the ISH journal of hydraulic Engineering, India, pp.131-132. Vol.10, (1), No.2 Sept.-2004.
3. Mubeen Beg and Salman Beg, “Scour Hole characteristics of Two Unequal Size Bridge Piers in Tandem Arrangement”, Journal of Taylor & Francis Through ISH Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering, Pune, India. (2014)
4.Mubeen Beg and W.A. Khan, Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development of Tehsil Koil, (District Aligarh) U.P., India: A Case Study, ISSN: 2394-0786, Vol.1. No. 1, pp.14-19, Nov. 2014.
5. Mubeen Beg, Salman Beg, Water used in Management Techniques Used in Arid And Semi-Arid Regions of Rajasthan: A Review, Elseveir, Science Direct Proceedings XX (2016) XXX–XXX, 2016.
6. Chapter in Development of Water Resources in India, 28.07.2017, Springer New York, LCC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA
7. Chapter in Water Sci., Technol. Library, Vol. 84, Vikas Garg et al: DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES IN INDIA, 978-3-319-55124-1, 420868_1_En (33), 2017.
9. Salman Beg , Mubeen Beg “REDUCTION OF LOCAL SCOUR USING COLLAR AT A GROUP OF TWO BRIDGE PIERS, Hydro-2017 International, L. D. College of Engineering Ahmedabad, India, 2017.
10. The Effect of Urbanization On Morphological Behaviour of Yamuna Nagar Segment in Delhi, A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach,Nehal Ahmad,Naved Ahsan,Saif Said and Mubeen Beg ., 2021 - INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS
1. R.D. Gupta, Mubeen Beg, Mohd. Adil Hussain, “A Critical Study of Bed Form Height Predictors”, International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water And Energy Resources, Held At Jabalpur (M.P.) India, Feb. 29-March 3, 2000.
2. Mubeen Beg and Salman Beg, “An Assessment of Possibilities of Use of Sprinkler System in Aligarh Areas”, International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research (IJAAR) Vol. 7, No.2 ISSN 0973-2683, PP. 102-105,2012,
3. Mubeen Beg, “Predictive Competence of Existing Bridge Pier Scour Depth Predictors”, European International Journal of Science and Technology (EIJST), Vol. 2, No.1, pp.161-178, ISSN:2304-9693, February, 2013.
4. Mubeen Beg and Salman Beg, “Scour Reduction around Bridge Piers: A Review” International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI), Vol.2, Issue: 7, e-ISSN: 2278-7461, pp. 7-15, May 2013.
5. Mubeen Beg, Sultan Singh, Salman Beg, “Role of Society and Government in the Sustainable Development of Water Resources of Hathras City: A Case Study” International Journal of Environmental Science: Development & Monitoring, ISSN pp. 2231-1289 Volume 4, No. 3, 2013.
6 Mubeen Beg, Sultan Singh, Salman Beg, “Field Study of Water Resources Management of Hathras City and Adjoining Villages for Sustainable Development". International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ISSN: 0974-3154, pp. 29-36, Volume 6, No. 6, 2013,
7. Salman Beg and Mubeen Beg, "Land Use And Water Management' International Journal Of Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Principles, Evidences and Innovations, ISBN: 978-93-83083-75-6, pp.291-299.,March, 2014
8 Mubeen Beg, “Prediction of Crop Water Requirement: A Review, “International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science”, vol. 2, issue: No. 1, issn:2348-7550, September 2014.
9 Mubeen Beg, A Critical Study of Hydraulic Jump in Stilling Basin With Vertical End Sill”, Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 369-372, June, 2014
10 Mubeen Beg, “Role of Education in Flood Mitigation in India”, European International Journal of Science and Technology (EIJST), Vol. 3, No.7, pp.149-156, ISSN: 2304-9693, September, 2014.
11 Mubeen Beg and Nadeem Ahmad, ‘A Critical Study of Total Bed Material Load Predictors’. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 02, Issue:04, 2015, pp. 992-1000, E-ISSN 2385-0056, P-ISSN: 2395-0072...
12 Siddique Aamir Irfan and Mubeen Beg,” A Critical Study of Abutment Scour Depth Predictors”, International Journal on Advances in Engineering Science and Management, Vol. 4., Issue 11, November-2015, pp. 338-346. ISSN: 2319-8354.”
13 Mubeen Beg and Salman Beg, “ Pedagogy in Civil Engineering Education”, Jamia Journal Of Education, AN INTERNATIONAL BIANNUAL PUBLICATION, VOL. 2, NO.2, March 2016: ISSN 2348-3490
1.R.D. Gupta, Mohd. Jamil and Mubeen Beg, 1996. “Analysis of The Combining Flow Type Horizontal Trapezoidal Channel Junctions Under Sub Critical Flow Conditions”, Ist International Conference on New/Emerging Concepts For Rivers, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., Sept. 22 – Sept. 25, 1996.
2. Mubeen Beg and Mohd. Shakeel, 1998, “Urban Flood Control by Non-Structural Strategies”, International Workshop on Non-Structural Flood Control In Urban Areas, April 20-22, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998.
3. Mubeen Beg 1995, “The Prediction of Total Bed Material Load In Alluvial Chanels” Of Total Bed Material Load Transport In Streams”, 6th International Symposium On River Sedimentation, Nov. 7-11, 1995. C.B.I.P., New Delhi, India. Patronage: IRTCES, Beijing, China.
4 Mohd. Jamil, Mubeen Beg and Mohd. Suhail, “Theoretical Analyses Of Hydraulic Jump Structure In Parabolic Channel Section”, First International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, held at I.I.T. Delhi, India, Dec. 15-17, 1998.
5. R.D. Gupta, Mohd. Jamil and Mubeen Beg, “Experimental Estimation Of Friction Factor In Granular Materials”, Ist International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, held at I.I.T. Delhi, India, Dec. 15-17, 1998
6. Mubeen Beg, “Flood Hazard And Sustainable Development Of A Country”, International Conference On Sustainable Development Of Water And Energy Resources, held at Jabalpur (M.P.) India, Feb. 29-March 3, 2000.
7. R.D. Gupta, Mubeen Beg, Mohd. Adil Hussain, “A Critical Study of Bed Form Height Predictors”, International Conference On Sustainable Development of Water And Energy Resources, held at Jabalpur (M.P.) India, Feb. 29-March 3, 2000.
8 Mubeen Beg And Mohd. Shakeel, “Water Scarcity And Water Quality Degradation-A Challenge In The Next Millennium”, International Symposium on Science And Technology In New Millennium, held at Vidyut Bawan, Dj Block, Salt Lake City, Bengal Engineering College (D.U.), Shibpur, Howrah, Calcutta 12-15 Jan. 2000.
9. Mubeen Beg,” Mutual Interference Of Bridge Piers On Local Scour”, Second International Conference On Scour and Erosion (ICES–2) held at Meritus Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, Vol. I, pp 111-118, Nov. 14 to 17, 2004.
10 Mubeen Beg And Mohammad Jamil, ”Scour Reduction Using Collar Around Piers Group”, Third International Conference On Scour And Erosion (ICES–3), held In Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 1 to 3, 2006.
11. Mubeen Beg, “Scour Reduction By Using A Collar Around A Pier Group”,4th
International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-4) held at Tokyo, Japan, JGS (The Japanese Geotechnical Society), 5-7th November, 2008, pp. 220-225
12 Mubeen Beg, “Rain Water Harvesting And Urban Flood Control”, International Conference On Emerging Technologies For Sustainable Environment, held at Civil Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, pp 455-458, Oct 29-30, 2010.
13 Mubeen Beg, “Characteristics of Developing Scour Holes Around Two Piers Placed in Transverse Arrangement”, 5th International Conference On Scour And Erosion, Held At Sanfrancisco, California, USA, November 7-10, 2010, pp 76-85.
14. Mubeen Beg and Saif Saeed, "Mutual Interference Of Three Bridge Piers Placed In Tandem Arrangement On Local Scour", National Conference on Hydraulics and water resources HYDRO-2011,December 29-30, 2011, Organised by Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat &Indian Society for Hydraulicspp. In association with VNIT-Nagpur MNIT-Jaipur VJTI-Mumbai MANIT-Bhopal CWPRS Pune Water Management Forum (Institution of Engineers) Narmada Water Resources Water Supply and Kalpsar Department, Govt. of Gujarat pp. 570-576, ISBN: 81-88901-47-0
15 Mubeen Beg, “Planning of Natural Disaster Management of Floods in India: Case Study” held at 2nd International Conference On Environmental Technology & Construction Engineering For Sustainable Development (ICETCESD 2012) held at Department Of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, March 10-12, 2012.
16 Mubeen Beg, “The Effect Of Mutual Interference Of Two Bridge Piers Of Unequal Sizes Placed In Tandem Arrangement On Local Scour”, held at International Conference on Emerging Trends In Engineering And Technology, held at Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, UP, India, April 6-7, 2012 .
17 Mubeen Beg And Salman Beg, An Assessment Of Possibilities Of Use Of Sprinkler System In Aligarh Areas”, International Conference On Agriculture, Food Sciences & Environmental Technologies For Sustainable Development, held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India October 28-29, 2012.
18 .Mubeen Beg And Salman Beg, “Scour Hole characteristics of Two Unequal Size Bridge Piers In Tandem Arrangement, Hydraulics, water Resources, Coastal and Environmental Engineering ( HYDRO-2012) conference held at Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Bombay, Mumbai, 7-8,December, 2012, pp. 1105-1114.
19 Mubeen Beg And Saif Said, “The Effect Of Mutual Interference On Scour Holes Of Two Bridge Piers Placed In Tandem Arrangement”, 3rd Asian Conference on Mechanics Of Functional Materials and Structures, held at I.I.T. Delhi, India. December 5-8, 2012,
20. Mubeen Beg, “Water Harvesting Techniques in Arid and Semi Arid Region: A Review”, 5th International Conference on Water Resources and th Arid Environments (ICWRAE-5): 321-337, 7-9 January 2013, King Saud University, Riyadh, kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
21. Mubeen Beg, “Mutual Interference of two Unequal Sized Bridge
Piers On Local Scour” Xviii Conference On Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal And Environmental Engineering (HYDRO-2013) to be Organized by Department of Ocean Engineering & Civil Engineering Indian Institute Of Technology Madras Chennai – 600 036, India
during December 4-6, 2013.
22. Mubeen Beg, “Natural Disaster Management: A Case Study of Floods in India”, International conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS) held at Hotel Le-Grand, Hardwar (Uttarakhand) India on June 17, 2013.
23. Mubeen Beg, Sultan Singh, and Salman Beg, “Role of Society and Government in the Sustainable Development of Water Resources of Hathras City: A Case Study” International Conference On Innovative Trends in Natural/Applied Science and Energy Technology for Sustainable Development”. J.N.U., July 27-28, 2013.
24 Mubeen Beg, “Environmental education for sustainable development of India” International Conference On education as a right across the levels: challenges, opportunities and strategies, held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, pp. 504-514, March 10-11, 2014.
25 Salman Beg and Mubeen Beg, "Land Use and Water Management',
International Congress on“Agriculture, Food Engineering and Environmental Sciences Sustainable Approaches” (AFEESSA- 2014) held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Pp.291-299, 29th & 30th March, 2014.
26 Mubeen Beg and Waseem Riaz, "A critical study of hydraulic jump in stilling basin with vertical end sill', International Conference On "Contemporary Challenges In Management, Technology & Social Sciences" Organised by society Of Engineering And Management Sciences (SEMS at M.G. Institute of Management & Technology, Lucknow - Kanpur road, Banthara, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, (India) during april 05-06, 2014. pp. 546-553. (ISBN) - 978-81-928926-3-4
27 Mubeen Beg, “ Characteristics of Scour Holes Developed Around The Bridge Piers Placed in Staggered Arrangement’, 19th International conference On Hydraulics, Water Resources, Environmental & Coastal Engineering. (HYDRO INTERNATIONAL 2014), Organized By Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology, Bhopal India Dec. 18-20, 2014.
28 MubeenBeg, "Mutual interference of bridge piers placed in staggered arrangement on local scour", 7th international Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), (paper accepted) to be held at Perth, western Australia, December, 2-4, 2014.
29 Mubeen Beg and Shadab Ahmad, “Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Rajasthan: A Case Study”, 8th international conference on Recent Trends In Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering For Sustainable Development”, Organised by Krishi Sanskriti, at JNU, New Delhi, 11-12 July, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-930585-7-2
30 Mubeen Beg, “Mutual Interference of Bridge Piers Placed in Staggered Arrangement on Scour Depth” 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering (HYDRO INTERNATIONAL 2015) held at IIT Roorkee, India, 17-19 December, 2015.
31 Siddique Aamir Irfan and Mubeen Beg,” a critical review of abutment scour depth predictors”, 2nd, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Science, Engineering and Management,November 22, 2015, at jawahar lal Nehru university, new delhi, ISBN: 978-81-031039-9-9
32 Siddique Aamir Irfan and Mubeen Beg, “Ranking of Live Bed Abutment Scour Depth Predictors”, International Conference on Research and Innovation in Engineering (ICRIE-2016) 12th-13th February 2016, United Group of Institution, Delhi NCR, India in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology Thailand.
33 Mubeen Beg and Salman Beg, “Water Management Techniques Used in Arid AndSemi-Arid Regions Of Rajasthan: A Review”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Materials Science (ICEMS-2016) (ICEMS) JNU, Jaipur, March 17-19, 2016.