M.Sc. Engg. (Electrical, AMU), B.E. (Electrical, MMMEC), Ph.D. (Electrical, IITD)
Control, Instrumentation, Soft Computing Application to Engineering Problems
A/B-54, Medical College Colony, AMU Campus, Aligarh, UP-202001, INDIA
Senior Member IEEE (USA), Life Member SSI (INDIA) & CSI (INDIA) EXPERIENCE: 33 Years (Teaching and Research) BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS: 03 RESEARCH PAPER PUBLISHED: 88 (IEEE TRANSACTION PAPERS=03, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL=32, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE=37, NATIONAL CONFERENCE =17) CITATIONS: 515, h-index: 11, i10-index= 12 INVITED TALK / PRESENTATION: 26 RESEARCH PROJECT: Three Projects for the following agencies of Govt. of India. i) AICTE (two) ii) CST/UP (one) and one project at King Khalid University, KSA. RESEARCH SUPERVISION: Supervised 05 Ph.D. students, Supervised 28 M.Tech. Dissertations, Supervised more than 80 U/G & P/G Projects. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Convener, Departmental Research Committee (DRC) Reviewed 30+ research papers of IEEE Transactions, besides more than 100 papers of international conferences of repute. RESEARCH INTEREST: Soft computing, Evolutionary computation, Clustering techniques, Modeling and control of dynamic system using neuro-fuzzy approaches, Hardware design and fabrication of fuzzy inference system, Modeling and control strategies of hybrid energy systems, Bio-medical signal capturing & processing, Robotics control. WORK RESPONSIBILITY: Convener, Curriculum Development Committee (CDC)of EED. Set up new experiments in Instrumentation Laboratory and Control Laboratory for B.Tech and M.Tech courses. Incharge of General and, Instrumentation & Control group. Served as Incharge of Control Laboratory, Instrumentation (B.Tech. and M.Tech.) Laboratory & Electrical Engineering Workshop. Tabulator of B.Tech during 1991 to 1995. Tabulator of M.Tech from 2002 to 2007. SCHOLARSHIP: 1) GATE Scholarship during M.Tech. 2) Merit scholarship during B.Tech. level from Ist year to Final year. (1983-87). 3) College Merit Scholarship During XI and XII.
- Publication
List of Key Publications in chronological order:
1. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, "Generalization of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems', IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, Vol. 11, No. 6, November 2000, pp. 1332-1346.
2. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, "Structure Identification of Generalized Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems", IEEE Trans. On Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 666-681.
3. M.S. Alam, M.F. Azeem, A.T.Alouani, "Modified Queen-Bee Algorithm-Based Fuzzy Logic Control for Real-Time Robust Load Matching for a Solar PV System", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume 5 , Issue 2, April 2014, ISNN 1949-3029, pp. 691 - 698, DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2013.2271449.
4. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, "Evolutive Learning Algorithms For Fuzzy Modeling", International Journal of Smart Engineering and System Design, Vol. 5, 2003, Taylors & Francis, pp. 205-224.
5. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, "Parameter Determination for A Generalized Fuzzy Model", Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 9 (3), Springer- Berlin/Heidelberg, March 2005. (DOI: 10.1007/s00500-003-0345-4, ISSN: 1433-7479), (First Published Online: 19 February 2004), pp. 211-221.
6. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, "Fuzzy Modeling of Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit", Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 7. , Elsevier Science, January 2007, (First Published Online: October 2005), pp 298-324.
7. Ahmad Banakar, M.F. Azeem, "Artificial Wavelet Neural Network and Its Application in Neuro-Fuzzy Models", Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Science, DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2007.10.020, ISSN: 1568-4946, November 2008. (First Published Online: November 19, 2007), pp- 1463-1485
8. Ahmad Banakar, M.F. Azeem, "Parameter Identification of TSK Neuro-Fuzzy Models", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier Science, Volume 179, Issue 1, 16 September 2011, pp. 62-82 (2011), DOI:10.1016/j.fss.2011.05.003.
9. Abdulla KP, M.F. Azeem, "A CMOS Current-Mode Implementation of Multiple Input Fuzzy MIN and MAX Circuits for Analog Fuzzy Processors", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Research Publication IJSER, 10685-B Hazelhurst, Houston, TX 77043, USA, Volume 4, Issue 4, April-2013, pp. 928-933, ISSN 2229-5518.
10. Abdul Kareem and M. F. Azeem, "A Novel Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller with a Single Input-Single Output Fuzzy Logic Control based Moving Sliding Surface", International Journal of Control and Automation(IJCA), Vol. 6, No. 3, June, 2013, Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety (SERSC), Republic of Korea, ISSN: 2005-4297