PDF (USA, pursuing), Ph.D. (NTU Singapore), M. Tech. (IIT Kharagpur), B. Tech. (AMU)
Assistant Professor
1. Power Electronic Converters. 2. Electrical Drives 3. Energy Storage Systems 4. Renewable Energy Systems 5. Electric Vehicle 6. Insulation Systems
On Study Leave in USA (Please email)
International Experience/Assignments: -Dr. Mohd Tariq is currently working as a Faculty/postdoctoral scientist at Florida International University (FIU), Miami, Florida, USA. Previously, he has held a scientist position with Rolls-Royce @ NTU Corporate Research Lab, Singapore; visiting scientist positions at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore; University of New South Wales (UNSW)-Canberra, Australia; Khalifa University (KU), UAE. Also, he was associated with Energy Research Institute @ NTU in Singapore. He was also the Principal Investigator of Collaborative Research Grant Scheme (CRGS) projects between AMU and UNSW-Canberra, Australia.
Work Experience: - He has many years of teaching and industry experience, including his service as a scientist at the National Institute of Ocean Technology under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, and at Rolls-Royce@ NTU Corporate Research Lab in Singapore. He also worked as an Assistant Professor at NIT Bhopal, and presently he is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU.
Educational Qualification: He has completed his B. Tech in
Electrical Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University. He was the topper
in his batch in the GATE examination (AIR-257) and was also a
merit holder in CPI after scoring a perfect 10/10 SPI in many
semesters. He did his M. Tech in the specialization of Machine Drives
and Power Electronics from IIT-Kharagpur and had the honor of
being the first and only student in his specialization who did an industrial
project for his M. Tech Dissertation. He has completed his Ph.D. in
electrical engineering with a focus on power electronics and control from Nanyang
Technological University (NTU), Singapore (4th ranked univ. in QS
world ranking-2022, Engg. & Tech. category). He also holds a
certificate in University Teaching after successfully passing a formal course
on higher education pedagogy offered by NTU, Singapore. A meritorious student
throughout, he is a recipient of many prestigious national and international
scholarships/fellowships, including a highly competitive Nanyang Research
Scholarship for his Ph.D.
Sponsored Research Projects/Research work: Presently, he is directing (as PI/Co-PI) various sponsored research projects (including international sponsored research projects) with the funding support of 1.8 crores (18 million) INR and leading a team of multiple researchers in the domain of power converters, energy storage devices, and their optimal control for electrified transportation and renewable energy application. He has won [5 HIL 402 and 1 HIL 602] hardware in loop equipment in awards worth INR 1.47 crores in the global competition organized by Typhoon HIL GmbH, Switzerland. He has authored more than 200 research papers in international journals/conferences, including many articles in IEEE Transactions/Journals. He is also the inventor of more than 25 patents granted/published by the patent offices of the USA, Australia, India, UK, Europe, and China.
Professional Service: - He has been invited by many institutions/organizations in India and abroad to visit and deliver invited lectures on the latest technologies. He has given many keynote addresses at IEEE/International conferences. He has participated in more than 50 Conferences/Seminars/Workshops across the globe. He has academic/abroad visits to more than 17 countries which include USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, etc. He is the founder chair of the IEEE AMU Student branch and the founder chair of IEEE SIGHT AMU.
Major Awards: - He was a recipient of the 2019 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Electrical Systems in Transportation Journal for his work on more electric aircraft and also the best paper award from the IEEE Industry Applications Society’s (IAS) and the Industrial Electronic Society (IES), Malaysia Section – Annual Symposium (ISCAIE-2016) held in Penang, Malaysia. He is a Young Scientist Scheme Awardee (2019) supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Gov. of India, a Young Engineer Awardee (2020) by the Institution of Engineers (India), and also a Young Researcher Awardee (2021) by the Innovation Council, AMU. Besides these, he has secured several travel awards for presenting his research works at conferences/symposia globally.
- Publication
He has authored more than 200 research papers in international journals/conferences including many articles in IEEE Transactions/Journals. He is also the inventor of more than 25 patents granted/published by the patent offices of the USA, Australia, India, UK, Europe, and China.
For all the Latest Publications, please visit:-
Selected 15 Publications in IEEE Transactions/Journals
1. Title: A 13-, 11-, and 9-Level Boosted Operation of a Single-Source Asymmetrical Inverter with Hybrid PWM Scheme
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (2022) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 8.162]
2. Title: Performance Assessment of Eight-Switch 11-Level Packed U Cell Converter Under Dynamic Solar Photovoltaic Environment.Journal: IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. (2022) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 5.462]
3. Title: Self-Balanced Twenty-Five Level Switched Capacitor Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count and Voltage Boosting Capability.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2022) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
4. Title: Most Valuable Player Algorithm based Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Partially Shaded PV Generation System.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. (2021) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 8.310]
5. Title: Robust ANN-Based Control of Modified PUC-5 Inverter for Solar PV Applications.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2021) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
6. Title: Design and Implementation of Cascaded Multilevel qZSI Powered Single Phase Induction Motor for Isolated Grid Water Pump Application.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2020) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
7. Title: Hardware-In-the-Loop Implementation of projectile target search algorithm for selective harmonic elimination in a 3-phase multilevel converter.
Journal: IEEE Access (Transactions equiv.). (2020) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.745]
8. Title: Performance Analysis and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Validation of Single Switch High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converters for MPP Tracking in Solar PV System.Journal: IEEE Access (Transactions equiv.). (2020) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.745]
9. Title: Rapid and Robust Adaptive Jaya (Ajaya) based Maximum Power Point Tracking of a PV-based Generation System.
Journal: IEEE Access (Transactions equiv.). (2020) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.745]
10. Title: Modulation with Metaheuristic Approach for Cascaded-MPUC49 Asymmetrical Inverter With Boosted Output.
Journal: IEEE Access (Transactions equiv.). (2020) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.745]
11. Title: A New Variable Frequency Control of Forty-nine Level Cascaded Packed U-cell Voltage Source Inverter
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2019) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
12. Title: Parallel Operation of Unity Power Factor Rectifier for PMSG Wind Turbine System
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2019) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
13. Title: Design and Implementation of Fourth Arm for Elimination of Bearing Current in NPC-MLI-Fed Induction Motor Drive.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2018) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
14. Title: Online Condition Monitoring System for DC-Link Capacitor in Industrial Power Converters
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2018) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.488]
15. Title: Reliability, Dead-Time, and Feasibility Analysis of a Novel Modular Tankless ZCS Inverter for More Electric Aircraft.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. (2017) [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 5.444]
Chapters in Edited Book:
Latest and Selected Five (5) chapters are given here*:1. Chapter: Critical Evaluation of Offline MPPT Techniques of Solar PV for Stand-Alone Applications.
Book: Advances in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Published by Springer Nature. (2018)
2. Chapter: Modelling and Analytical Study of Linear Induction Motor and Its Air Gap Flux Measurement at Different Slip.
Book: Advances in Power Systems and Energy Management, Published by Springer Nature. (2018)
3. Chapter: A Nine-level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count and lower harmonics.
Book: Applications of Computing, Automation and Wireless Systems in Electrical Engineering, Published by Springer Verlag. (2019)
4. Chapter: Analysis and Application of Nine-Level Boost Inverter for Distributed Solar PV System
Book:AI and Machine Learning Paradigms for Health Monitoring System, Published by Springer Nature. (2021)
5. Chapter: Performance Analysis of Nine-Level Packed E Cell Inverter for Different Carrier Wave PWM Techniques.Book:AI and Machine Learning Paradigms for Health Monitoring System, Published by Springer Nature. (2021)
Peer Reviewed and Renowned IEEE International Conferences (ECCE-USA, IECON-Europe, IECON-USA, IECON Singapore):
Latest and Selected Five (5) publications are given here*:
1. Title: Battery energy storage system integration to the more electric aircraft 270 V DC power distribution bus using peak current controlled dual active bridge converter.
Conference: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, OH, 2017.2. Title: Performance of Five Phase PUC Inverter Fed Five Phase Induction Motor Drive Under Different Triangular Carrier PWM Schemes.
Conference: 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON Washington, USA, 2018.3. Title: Dual Transformer Based Dual Active Bridge for Solid State Transformer in Distribution System.
Conference:46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON Singapore, 2020.
4. Title: Online equivalent series resistance estimation method for condition monitoring of DC-link capacitors.
Conference: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, OH, USA, 2017.5. Title: Modeling of a Li-ion battery energy storage system using an optimal harmonic number based model of DC-DC converter for more electric aircraft.
Conference: 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON Florence, Italy, 2016.
* Full Text Version (personal/author copy) and complete list of publications shall be emailed on the request sent on
- Working of Pyranometer (Solar Radiation Measurement Instrument), Credit to A. Vishal
- On Field Training for Solar Radiation Measurement by Pyranometer, Credit to D. Brijwasi
- Demonstration of Solar Pathfinder working_credit to Solar Pathfinder
- Steps for using a Solar Pathfinder_Credit to A. Kantamneni
- An overview of Solar Pathfinder_Credit to B. L. Lab
- Hi-pot cable testing-1 Credit to Cirris Systems
- Hi-pot cable testing-2 Credit to Cirris Systems
- Solar Orientation_Credit to Solar Schoolhouse