Muslim Political Thought, Quranic Alim, Fazil, Studies, Modern Islamic Movements Takhassus
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Dr. Obaidullah Fahad
Address : Professor, Department of Islamic Studies,
A.M.U. Aligarh - 202002, INDIA.
Countries Visited : Singapore, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Turkey, Iran.
Passport no. : H4841274
Academic Qualifications
1 Ph.D. (1991-92), A.M.U.; “Concept of Shura in Islamic State and Its Contemporary Interpretations”.
2 M.A. (Gold Medal) (1986), B.A. (1984) from A.M.U., Aligarh.
3 Al-Alimiyah (1976), Al-Fazeelah (1978), Al-Takhassus fi al-Quran (1980) all from Jamiatul Falah, Azamgarh.
Teaching and Research Experience
1. Department of Islamic Studies, A.M.U., Aligarh since April, 1992 28 Years
awards And Honors
13th Shah Walliullah Award on the Contribution to “Islam and Political Science” presented by Institute of Objective Studies New Delhi on September 27, 2019 in a special ceremony held at Jamia Hamdard Convention Centre, Jamia Hamdard New Delhi.
Projects Completed
1. Shura in Islamic Political Thought under I.O.S. New Delhi.
2. Sovereignty in Islamic Political System under I.O.S. New Delhi
3. Educational Survey of Chinese Muslims under WAMY, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Seminars/Workshops /TV Talks
Three Hundred Seven (307)
Twenty Five (25)
Research Papers/Articles/Reviews
Three Hundred twenty (320)
Books and Monographs
Eighty Nine (89)
Dr. Obaidullah Fahad
Mob: +9997605069
- Publication
List of the Books and Monographs:
- Principles of Diplomacy in Islam, Islamic Publications. Lahore, 1996.
- Islam: A Rising Force, Islamic Publishers, Rampur, 1978.(Urdu)
- Tablighi Jamaat And Jamaat-e-Islami: A Comparison, Danish Book Depot, Faizabad, U.P.(Urdu).
- How to Organize the Islamic Activities? (Ham Tanzeem Ka Kam Kayse Karen?), SIM Publications, N.Delhi, January 1986.
- History of Dawah And Jihad in Indian Perspective, Hindustan Publications, Delhi, 1984; Islamic Research Institute,Lahore,2002.(Urdu)
- The Literary Styles of the Holy Quran, Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers New Delhi, August 2002.(Urdu)
- Sayyid Qutb Shaheed: The Champion of Islamic Revivalism in the Nineteenth Century, Hindustan Publications,Delhi,1993; Manshoorat,Lahgore,1999.(Urdu)
- The Politics of Azad’s Al-Hilal and Indian Muslims, Hilal Publications, Calacutta, 1991.
- In the Shade of Wall of China: A Travelogue, Hilal Publications, Calcutta,1991.(Urdu)
- I Have Different Message[an edited work] Darul Bayan, Azamgarh 1979.(Urdu)
- Islamic Revivalism: An Approach Study, Institute of Islamic Studies A.M.U.Aligarh, 2002.
- Reconstruction of Ummah and Country: The Role of Madaris, Idarah Ilmiyah, Jamiatul Falah Azamgarh,[edited work] October 1994.(Urdu)
- Coherence in the Holy Quran, Institute of Islamic Studies, A.M.U.Aligarh 1998: Dar al-Tazkeer, Lahore, 1999.(Urdu)
- Islamic Polity and Orientalists, Institute of Islamic Studies.A.M.U.Aigarh,2002
- Islamic Awakening in Modern Turkey, Hilal Publications Delhi.1998;Islamic Publications, Lahore 1999.(Urdu)
- Al- Faruq : A Study (edited jointly with Prof. M.Y.M.Siddiqui) A.M.U.Aligarh, 2002.
- Redefining Islamic Political Thought: A Critique in the Methodological Perspective, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
- Islamic Shura: Religion, State and Democracy, Serials Publications, N.Delhi, 2007.
- Terrorism, Resistance and Islam: A Study of 7/7 London Bombings, Serials Publications, N.Delhi, 2007.
- Understanding Moderate Islam, Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), N.Delhi, 2009.
- Culture, Science and Violence: The Quranic Approach, Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), N.Delhi, 2009.
- World Peace and Islam (Collection of Papers presented in the Fiqh seminar organized by Islamic Fiqh Academy(India) 20-22 June 2004) edited and translated into English ,Daral-Kotob Al-ilmiyah,Beirut,2010.
- Reformatory Contributions of the Religious Seminaries(Madaris Islamiah Ki Deeni Wa Dawati Khidmaat),Idarah-e-Ilmia Jamiatul Falah,Azamgarh,2010.
- Revival of Religion and the Indian Scholars: Ideological Interpretation and Practical Efforts( IhyÄ?-e-Din Aur Hindustani Ulama: Nazriyaati Tafsir Aur Amali Jiddo Juhd), Al-Qalam Publications , Kashmir 2011.
- Ikhwan al-Muslimun: Tazkiyah, Adab,Shahadat,Al-Qalam Publications, Kashmir 2011.
- Islamic Sociology: A Study of Shah Wali Allah Dehlawi’s Thoughts(Islami Umraniyat: Shah Waliullah Dehlawi Ke Afkar Ka Mutalah) Al-Qalam Publications, Kashmir, August, 2011.
- Political Thought and Thinkers of Islam Since Ist Century Hijrah upto Shah Wali Allah Dehlawi( Islam Ki Siyasi Fikr Aur Mufakkirin: Pahli Sadi se Shah Waliullah Dehlawi Tak), Al-Qalam Publications, Kashmir, September , 2011.
- Diversity, Dissent and Dialogue - Some Islamic Readings, Jnanada Prakashan, N.Delhi, 2012.
- Faith - Power Struggle in the Muslim World – A Study in Literature and Social Thought, Jnanada Prakashan, N.Delhi, 2012.
- Khuda Ki Basti Mein, Safarnama Lahore-o-Islamabad, Al- Qalam Publications, Kashmir, June 2012.
- Yahudi Maghrib Aur Musalman (The Jewish West and the Muslims), Islamic Book Foundation, New Delhi, 1434AH./2013.
- Kitab-e Zikr-o-Fikr (The Book of Admonition and Reflection on), Al-Qalam Publications, Baramulla, Kashmir, 2014.
- Islamic Critique of Sufism-A Study of RabiÊ»Ä?, Hujwiri and Sirhindi, Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), New Delhi, 2014.
- Empowerment of Women Under the Prophet of Islam (Seminar Papers), edited in collaboration with Muhammad Salahuddin Umari, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University. 2015.
- Zikr-e- Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him) edited jointly with Dr. Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 2015.
- Objectives of Shariah – Introduction and Application (edited and translated), Dar Al-Kotob Al- ilmiyah, Beirut, 2015.
- Faith – Knowledge Perspective of Said Nursi (selected papers of the 3rd International Nursi Studies Conference, AMU.Aligarh, held on February 11-13, 2014), Publications Division, A.M.U.Aligarh, 2016.
- Ibn Rushd Aur Ibn Khaldun – Madhab, Falsafa, Samajiyat (Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun on Religion, Philosophy and Society), Mishkat Printers and Publishers, Aligarh 2016.
- Fikr-I Muhammad (peace be on him), edited jointly with Dr. Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Khutbaat-i Ahmadiyah Ka Mutalah (A Study of Sir Syed’s Khutbaat-i Ahmadiyah), (Seminar Papers) jointly edited with Prof. S. Latif Hussain S. Kazmi, Seerat Commmittee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Advancement of Science and Philosophy in Islam, edited in collaboration with Muhammad Salahuddin Umari, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Nazm – e Quran Ke Baz Mufassirin (Some Commentators of the Quran who maintained the Coherence throughout their Tafsir Works), Publication Division Aligarh Muslim University India, 2017.
- Allah Ke MadadgÄ?r (Helpers of God), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, 2017
- Tahzib-e-HijÄ?b Aur KhawÄ?tin (Culture of Veil and the Women), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2017.
- Ishq-e Muhammad (Love to Muhammad peace and blessings of God be on him), edited jointly by Obaidullah Fahad and Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- Non- Muslim Perception of the Prophet of Islam, edited jointly by Obaidullah Fahad and Latif Hussain Shah Kazmi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- IslÄ?mi MinhÄ?jiyÄ?t – Adab, Táº?beer, TahqÄ«q (Islamic Methodology – Literature, Interpretation, Research), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- Rahmaton Ke Safeer (Ambassadors of Mercy and Peace – A Collection of Reformative Essays), Institute of Islamic Stuudies, AMU, Aligarh 2018.
- Fikr –e Islami Ke HijÄ?bÄ?t (Obstacles in the Way of Islamic Thought), ManshÅ«rÄ?t Publishers and Distributors, N.Delhi, January 2018.
- Tashaddud Ya Dawat – o Musabarat (Violence or Preaching and Resistance), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2018.
- Supernaturalism of the Quran – Historical Development of the Ideology of IijÄ?z al-Quran, Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2018.
- Human Dignity and Islam (Tarim – e InsÄ?niyat Aur Islam), Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers, N.Delhi, May 2018.
- Khuda Ki Basti Mein, Safarnama Lahore-o-Islamabad, Al- Qalam Publications, Kashmir, June 2012.
- Yahudi Maghrib Aur Musalman (The Jewish West and the Muslims), Islamic Book Foundation, New Delhi, 1434AH./2013.
- Kitab-e Zikr-o-Fikr (The Book of Admonition and Reflection on), Al-Qalam Publications, Baramulla, Kashmir, 2014.
- Islamic Critique of Sufism-A Study of RabiÊ»Ä?, Hujwiri and Sirhindi, Jnanada Prakashan (P&D), New Delhi, 2014.
- Empowerment of Women Under the Prophet of Islam (Seminar Papers), edited in collaboration with Muhammad Salahuddin Umari, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University. 2015.
- Zikr-e- Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be on him) edited jointly with Dr. Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 2015.
- Objectives of Shariah – Introduction and Application (edited and translated), Dar Al-Kotob Al- ilmiyah, Beirut, 2015.
- Faith – Knowledge Perspective of Said Nursi (selected papers of the 3rd International Nursi Studies Conference, AMU.Aligarh, held on February 11-13, 2014), Publications Division, A.M.U.Aligarh, 2016.
- Ibn Rushd Aur Ibn Khaldun – Madhab, Falsafa, Samajiyat (Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun on Religion, Philosophy and Society), Mishkat Printers and Publishers, Aligarh 2016.
- Fikr-I Muhammad (peace be on him), edited jointly with Dr. Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Khutbaat-i Ahmadiyah Ka Mutalah (A Study of Sir Syed’s Khutbaat-i Ahmadiyah), (Seminar Papers) jointly edited with Prof. S. Latif Hussain S. Kazmi, Seerat Commmittee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Advancement of Science and Philosophy in Islam, edited in collaboration with Muhammad Salahuddin Umari, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2016.
- Nazm – e Quran Ke Baz Mufassirin (Some Commentators of the Quran who maintained the Coherence throughout their Tafsir Works), Publication Division Aligarh Muslim University India, 2017.
- Allah Ke MadadgÄ?r (Helpers of God), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, 2017
- Tahzib-e-HijÄ?b Aur KhawÄ?tin (Culture of Veil and the Women), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2017.
- Ishq-e Muhammad (Love to Muhammad peace and blessings of God be on him), edited jointly by Obaidullah Fahad and Ziauddin Falahi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- Non- Muslim Perception of the Prophet of Islam, edited jointly by Obaidullah Fahad and Latif Hussain Shah Kazmi, Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- IslÄ?mi MinhÄ?jiyÄ?t – Adab, Táº?beer, TahqÄ«q (Islamic Methodology – Literature, Interpretation, Research), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2017.
- Rahmaton Ke Safeer (Ambassadors of Mercy and Peace – A Collection of Reformative Essays), Institute of Islamic Stuudies, AMU, Aligarh 2018.
- Fikr –e Islami Ke HijÄ?bÄ?t (Obstacles in the Way of Islamic Thought), ManshÅ«rÄ?t Publishers and Distributors, N.Delhi, January 2018.
- Tashaddud Ya Dawat – o Musabarat (Violence or Preaching and Resistance), Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2018.
- Supernaturalism of the Quran – Historical Development of the Ideology of IijÄ?z al-Quran, Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2018.
- Human Dignity and Islam (Tarim – e InsÄ?niyat Aur Islam), Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers, N.Delhi, May 2018.