Dr. Muzamil Mushtaq



    Assistant Professor


    Scientometrics, Online Databases - Search Strategies, Digital Libraries, Research Data Management, Open Access/Content, Automation/Digitisation, Research Assessment Indicators.


    Ibrahim Apartment, Wadia Ismail, Dhorra, Aligarh - 202001.





    Time Table


Currently working as Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) in the Department of Library and Information Science and Assistant Training and Placement Officer (General) of AMU, Aligarh. He has published more than 49 research publications, delivered 27 invited talks/lectures and presented 13 International and 16 national research papers at various conferences. He has written a book, ten book chapters and one book review. He has received three best paper awards as well.  He has been among the top scorer of the Info-Quiz 2013 organized by Informatics Bangalore and secured 2nd position in the final stage of the quiz held at Le meridian, Bangalore. He is the editor of two international and three national journals and has been the chief editor of ILA Newsletter from 2016-2019. He has completed two ICSSR Projects and a third major research project is going on since march 2023 which is funded by ICSSR, New Delhi and working as its director. He has guided 47 Master's Dissertations, and 3 Ph.D. theses have been awarded under his supervision and guidance.

As Assistant Training and Placement Officer (General) of AMU, he has conducted many Employability and Personal Development Workshops and Training Programs for the students. He has coordinated two Annual Job fairs, two corporate meetings, and a number of recruitment drives in the campus. Besides, he is liaisoning with companies and government agencies for campus recruitment, internship opportunities, scholarships, and other career development opportunities for AMU students. The major events held are: 

1.Co-Coordinator, Online Corporate Meet – 2021 held on 3rd October, 2021 and organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University.

2.Coordinator, of “Employability and Personality Development Workshop” for 2021-22 Session in AMU, organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held from 5th September, 2022 to 01 October, 2022 separately for each faculty of the University.

3.Co-Convener, Job Fair “Sairaab” held on 13th November, 2022 organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University in collaboration with IQAC, AMU.

4.Coordinator, Corporate Meet cum Job Fair organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held on 16th February, 2019.

5.Coordinator, Workshops on “Employability Enhancement Programme” for 2018-19 Session in AMU, organised by Training and Placement Office, Aligarh Muslim University for the faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce, Engineering and Sciences held from 03 September 2018 to 05 October, 2018.

6.Co-Coordinator, Corporate Meet – 2019 organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held on 9th November, 2019.

7.Organising Secretary, Ignite Corporate Meet - 2023 (Student - Industry Interface) organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held on 6th May, 2023.

8.Coordinator, Technical & PR Committee, Parwaaz - 2023 (Job Fair for Girl Students of AMU) organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held on 17th September, 2023.

9.Coordinator, Career Counselling Series -2024  for Halls of Residence in AMU, organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University in collaboration with Dean Student's Welfare, AMU, from 02 September to 19 Oct. 2024.

10.Co-Convener Parwaaz 2.0 - 2024 (Job Fair for Girl Students of AMU) organised by Training and Placement Office (General), Aligarh Muslim University held on 16th November, 2024.
  1. Publications

    1. (2025). 
      Augmenting Information Literacy In Academic Libraries: Programs and Implications of Selected Central Libraries. International Journal of Information, Library and Society, 14 (1), 18-25. (ISSN = 2278-0386). Available at:
    2. (2024). 
      Assessment of Online Traffic of Library Websites of IITs and Central Universities: A Study by Check Trends in Information Management (TRIM), 12(1),1-13. (ISSN = 0973-4163). Available at:
    3. (2024). 
      Enhancing the Visibility Of Research Using OA Models To Scholarly Content: Role Of Government and Funding Agencies. Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences, 12(1), 18-27. (ISSN = 0975-6620). Available at:
    4. (2024).
      Measuring the growth and impact of library and information science research in India: a multidimensional scientometric assessment. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Earlycite_ahead-of-print. (ISSN = 2514-9342). Available at: 

    5. (2023).Assessment and Content Analysis of Highly Cited Publications in Reference Services, Journal of Data Science, Informetrics and Citation Studies, 2(3), 203-211.(ISSN: 2583-5440).
    6. (2023). Archival Libraries and Digital Archiving: A Systematic Review. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, Vol.10 (1), pp. 1-15. (ISSN = 2395-2288). Available at:
    7. (2022). Content Analysis of DESIDOC and Library Hi Tech Journal: An Assessment. International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries, Vol. 7 (2), pp.21-31.(ISSN=2456-1827). Available at:

    8. (2021). Search Engine Optimization by Moz Link Explorer and Google PageRank: A study of International Digital Library Websites. World Digital Libraries: An International Journal, Vol.14 (2), pp. 157-172. (ISSN=0975-7597). DOI:10.18329/09757597/2021/14209.

    9. (2021). 
      Insights of LIS Professionals Regarding the Skills Needed in Special Libraries. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, Vol.11; No.2, pp. 116-136. (ISSN=2277-7946). DOI:10.5958/2277-7946.2021.00008.5
    10. (2021). 
      Digital Reference Services in National Libraries: A Study of the British Library, Library of Congress, Russian State Library and National Library of France. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, Vol 11, No 3, pp.132-137. (ISSN=2249-5576). Available at:
    11. (2021). 
      Curriculum-based Competencies imparted in LIS Schools: Outlook of LIS Professionals working in Special Libraries. Library Waves (A biannual Peer-reviewed journal of Library & Information Science), Vol 7 (1), pp.31-39. (ISSN=2455-2291). Available at:
    12. (2021). 
      Reference Source and Services in CSIR-IGIB, CSIR-NPL, CSIR-NISCAIR, CSIR-NISTADS and CSIR-CRRI. Library Philosophy and Practice  (e-journal). 6103. (ISSN=1522-0222). Available at:
    13. (2021). The Case of Cited and Uncited Publications in the field of Reference Services: A Study. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 5774. 
      (ISSN=1522-0222). Available at:
    14. (2021). Research Output of Jammu and Kashmir Articles: A Scientometric Analysis Using Science Citation Index–Expanded. 
      The Serials Librarian 81(2), 176-189.(ISSN=1541-1095).
    15. (2020). Citations in chemical engineering research: factors and their assessment. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS), 67 (1), pp.36-44. (ISSN=0975-2404). Available at:
    16. (2020). 
      Inclinations of Global Research on Saffron as Represented by Science Citation Index-Expanded. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 01/2020 (4070) (ISSN=1522-0222). Available at: 
    17. (2020). Collection management of electronic resources in engineering college libraries of Aligarh, India: a study. Collection and Curation, (Emerald Publication).39 (3), pp.89–96. (ISSN=2514-9326). Available at:
    18. (2019). Assessment of Highly Cited Articles: A Study of Emerald Journals. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 56(5), pp.246-256. (ISSN=0976-2477). DOI: 10.17821/srels/2019/v56i5/145449.
    19. (2018). Metadata engineering in Greenstone digital library software. Journal of Indian Library Association, 54 (4), pp.177-188. (ISSN=2456-513x). [ISSN = 2456-513X]. Available at:
    20. (2010). Academic Ranking of Indian Central Universities in Science and Technology as Represented in Science Citation Index-Expanded: A Scientometric Study (2005-2009). Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 4 (2), pp.81-90 (Taylor and Francis, Routledge). [ISSN = 0973-7766; online ISSN = 2168-930X]. Available at:
    21. (2012). Literature Mapping of Aligarh Muslim University as Reflected in Web of Science. ISST Journal of Advances in Librarianship (IJALIB), 3 (2), pp. 13-26. [ISSN = 0976-9021].
    22. (2015). Scientometric Assessment of Climate Change Data. Library Herald, 53 (4). pp. 379-388. [ISSN = 0976-2469]. DOI: 10.5958/0976-2469.2015.00034.2
    23. (2011). Scientometric Study of Indian Central Universities: A Picture from Scopus. Journal of Indian Library Association, 47 (2-3), pp.5-12. [ISSN = 2456-513X].
    24. (2012). Status of Open Access Repositories in SAARC Countries: A Picture from OpenDOAR and ROAR. International Journal of Professional Development, 1 (2), pp. 1-8. [ISSN = 2279-0659]. Available at:
    25. (2012). Design and Pedagogy Features in Online Courses: A Survey. Trends in Information Management (TRIM), 8 (1), pp. 9-24. [ISSN = 0973-4163].
    26. (2014). Scientometric Assessment of State Universities of Uttar Pradesh: A Study Based on Scopus Database. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences, 1 (3). pp. 18-27. [ISSN = 2349-4352]. Available at:
    27. (2014). Parablility or Veracity of Paperless Society and the stand of Libraries. International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science, 4 (4). pp. 431-448. [ISSN = 2249 -0213].
    28. (2012). Cataloguing in LibSys and Virtua Software Packages: A Survey of Central Library, IIT Delhi; P. K. Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur and Allama Iqbal Library, Kashmir University. RISALAT AL MAKTABA- (The Message of Library), 47 (2). pp. 123-150. [ISSN = 0257-7739]. Available at: 
    29. (2012). Circulation Control in the Central Library, IIT Delhi; P. K. Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur and Allama Iqbal Library, Kashmir University: A Comparative Study. ISST Journal of Advances in Librarianship (IJALIB), 3 (1), pp. 15-21. [ISSN = 0976-9021].
    30. (2012). The Use of Search Strategies in OPAC: A Comparative Study of Central Library, IIT Delhi; P. K. Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur and Allama Iqbal Library, Kashmir University. International Research: Journal of Library & Information Science (IRJLIS), 2 (2), pp. 170-183. [ISSN = 2249-0213].
    31. (2015). Valuation and Testing of a Model Institutional Repository. Current Trends in Information Technology, 5 (1), pp. 14-21. [ISSN = 2249-4707]. Available at:
    32. (2012). An Evaluative Study of Automated Serials Control System in the Central Library, IIT Delhi; P. K. Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur and Allama Iqbal Library, Kashmir University. International Journal of Information Research (IJIR), 1 (4). pp. 72-84. (ISSN =2249-8273).


    (2021) (As Editor). Employability Skills and Competencies of Working Professionals: Curriculum and Emerging Trends. Sunrise Publications: New Delhi [ISBN = 978-93-90667-00-0].

    Book Chapters 

    Two chapters (Sr. no.1 and 2) in the book entitled “Digital Libraries and Knowledge Organisation” by Anthony Jose (Ed.) published by Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. 

    1. (2012). Communication of scholarly content in online databases: A study of 12 journal titles in cardiology and cardiovascular medicine indexed by Google Scholar and Scopus, pp.439-448.
    2. (2012). Impact and Applications of web 2.0 in libraries: A case study of 12 national libraries of the developed Nations, pp. 208-221.

    Two chapters (Sr. no.1 and 2) in the book entitled “Knowledge Management & Information Communication Technology” by Dr. Satya Prakash Singh and Dr. Rama Nand Malviya published by Asian Books Private Ltd., New Delhi.

    1. (2011). Information and Knowledge Management System, pp. 16-23.
    2. (2011). Recent Trends in Library Management System: RFID Technology, pp. 342-350.

    One chapter (Sr. no.1) in the book entitled “Information Access in Knowledge Society: Changing Paradigms” edited by Naushad Ali P.M and published by Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi–110 002.

    1. (2017). Citations of Open Access Publications of Central Universities of India: An Assessment, pp. 255-274. 

    Two chapters (Sr. no.1 and 2) in the book entitled “Challenges in Library and Information Services: Strategies and Tools” edited by Naushad Ali P.M, Sudharma Haridasan and Masoom Raza and published by University Prakashan, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. (ISBN: 978-81-934162-9-7)

    1. (2019). E-resources and their use in Engineering College Libraries in Aligarh: A study, pp. 27-39.
    2. (2019). Modes and Methods of Digital Reference Services: A Review of Empirical Studies, pp. 325-336.

    Two chapters (Sr. no.1 and 2) in the book entitled ........ 
    ) and published by 
    New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute.
    i) 2019. Evaluation of Select International Digital Libraries Websites: A Webometric Analysis.
    ii) 2019. 
    Application of Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) in libraries: A Study of seminar library of DLIS, AMU Aligarh.

    One chapter in the book entitled ....... 
     (ISBN=978-93-83043-28-6) and published by 
    New Delhi: Satyam Books Pvt. Ltd.

     2019. Assessment of Online Traffic of National Libraries: A Comparative Study of the Websites of the British Library, Library of Congress, Russian State Library and National Library of France.

    One chapter in the book entitled “Emerging Trends & Technologies in Library Services: An Exploration” edited by Dr. Tariq Ashraf and published by Synergy Books India, New Delhi–110002. (pp.113-119) (ISBN: 978-81-948430-6-1).
    (i)   Muzamil Mushtaq & Shagufta Nazneen (2021)….Employability Skills among LIS Professionals: Review of identification of Issues and Gaps with respect to LIS Curriculum. 

    One chapter in the book entitled “Academic Leadership Leap” edited by Faiza Abbasi and published by Brown Book Publications Pvt. Ltd., Aligarh-202002. (pp.271-289) (ISBN: 978-81-952657-9-4).
    (i)   Muzamil Mushtaq (2021)….In what ways can I contribute towards Academic Excellence at the AMU?

    Book Review
    1. (2017). A Book Review of the book Informetric Studies authored by K. G. Sudhier published in the Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 7 (2), pp.220-222. ISSN: 2277-7938 (Print); 2277-7946 (Online).

Basic Search Tips and Advanced Boolean
Database Fundamentals DB2
Database Fundamentals
Developing a Search Strategy
Effective searching strategies and techniques
Introduction to Database
Databases and their Searching
Online Searching Techniques
Searching Online Databases
Search Strategies and Tips
Searching Article Databases
CBSE Class XII (Library and Information Science)
CBSE Class XI (Library and Information Science)
Scopus: Content Coverage
Evaluating Online Resources
Re-Ordering Ranganathan and His Laws
GSDL: A Guide for Beginners
Greenstone Digital Library Software: User's Guide
Web of Science and Content Policy
Web of Science
Scopus Database and Content Policy
List of Journals in Library and Information Science
Brochure of LIBSYS-7
PPT Evaluation of Reference and Information Sources
PPT Reference Interview
Introductory Part of BLS-8003
Reference Interview Revisited
10Cs for Evaluating Internet Resources
A3BCD Criteria for Evaluating Resources
CRAAP Test for Evaluating Information
Six Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages
PPT Bibliometrics_An Overview
PPT Bibliometric Laws and Applications
PPT Citation Analysis
Reference Source: Definition and Types
Notation: Types, Qualities and functions
Dewey Decimal Classification DDC
Features of DDC
Reading Material on OPAC (Assignment No.1 of SRC)