Associate Professor
Ring Theory
B-6, Ground Floor, Suroor Apartment, Near Badi Masjid, S.S. Nagar, Aligarh.,
8267822748 ,
Time table 2020-2021Time Table 2021-2022Time Table 2022-2023Time Table 2022-2023Time Table 2022-2023Time Table_ODD_sem_2023Time Table_Even Sem_2023-24Time Table 2024-2025
Completed B.Sc.(Honours) Mathematics in 2002 from the S.S.College, Hailakandi, ASSAM. I pursued my M.Sc.(Maths.) from the D/O Mathematics, AMU, Aligarh in 2004 as well as M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Ring Theory under the supervision of the same guide Prof. Mohammad Ashraf in 2006 and 2010 resp. Received SRF(CSIR) during Ph.D & worked in National Taiwan University (NTU) as a PDF with Prof. T. K. Lee from 2010 to 2012 supported by NSC, Republic of China. Before joining A.M.U. as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics on 20.06.2014, worked as an Adhoc/Contractual in the same Department for 2 years from 2012 to 2014. I have also worked as Assistant Professor in BBDIT Ghaziabad and Integral University Lucknow. My research area is Algebra and specially Ring Theory. So far I have published 78 research articles including chapters in the various journals/Proceedings of international repute. Some of these are: Results in Mathematics (RIMA), Journal of Algebra and its Applications (JAA), Taiwanese J. Math., Miskolc M. Notes, Math. Slovaca, BIMS., Georgian MJ, Ukrainian MJ, Mathematics, Filomat, Mathematics, Axioms, AIMS Mathematics, DMAA, Demonstratio Math., AEJM, EJPAM, BSPM, KMJ, KJM,, IJCMS, JART, PJM, etc. Some papers are also communicated in various int. journals. Completed "Start-up-Grant" a project (of Rs 6 lakhs) from the U.G.C, INDIA from 2015-2017. Received DST-SERB project MATRICS of Rs 6.60 lakhs for three years starting from 07.01.2023. About teaching experiences, I have taught Numerical Analysis, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Group Theory, Ring Theory, Set Theory and Number Theory @UG level and Advanced Theory of Groups and Fields @ PG level. I have worked as a Warden in M.M., S.Z. and V.M. Hall. Life Members of learned societies: 1. Indian Science Congress Association 2. Indian Mathematical Society 3. Calcutta Mathematical Society. 4. ISIAM Society.
- Research Paper Publications 2024
- Characterization of (\alpha, \beta) Jordan bi-derivations in prime rings (MRM with W. Ahmed*, A.S. Alali )_ AIMS Mathematics_ Vol. 9(6) (2024), 14549-14557. (SCIE) IF 2.2, ISSN 2473-6988.(published online, 22 April, 2024).
- Sombor index and Sombor spectrum of co-zero divisor graph of Zn (MRM with A. Raza*, Md. Rashid & M. Anwar)_ Results in Mathematics (RIMA), 79 (146) (2024),, 1-13. (SCIE) IF 2.2, ISSN 1420-9012 (published online, 29 April, 2024).
- A note on Nonlinear skew-Jordan type derivations on *-rings (MRM with A. Madni*) _Filomat_ Accepted_09.01.2024. (SCIE) IF 0.988, ISSN 2406-0933.
- Nonlinear mixed Jordan-type derivations on *-algebra (MRM* with N. Rehman, A. Madni ), Georgian Math. J.(GMJ)_Accepted_14.05.2024 (SCIE) IF: 0.70 ISSN 1572-9176.
- Research Paper Publications 2023
- Signless Laplacian spectrum of the cozero-divisor graph of the commutative ring Zn (M.R. Mozumder* with M. Anwar and M. Rashid), Georgian Math. J.(GMJ) Online Published (9 Dec 2023) (SCIE/ Impact factor: 0.70) ISSN 1572-9176.
- Nonlinear skew Lie type derivations on *-algebra (with A. Madni and A.S. Alali), MATHEMATICS (2023), 11(18), 3819 (SCIE /Impact factor: 2.4) ISSN 2227-7390.
- Spectrum of the cozero-divisor graph associated to ring Zn (with M Rashid, Amal S. Alali and W. Ahmed), AXIOMS Vol.12, No.10 Serial no 957 (2023), 1-12, (SCIE/Impact factor: 2.0), ISSN 2075-1680.
- Research Paper Publications 2022
- A characterization of Jordan left *- centralizers via n-skew Lie and Jordan products (with S. Ali, Cihat Abdioglu and A. Abbasi), Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (BIMS), Vol 48 (2022), 2765-2778. ISSN 1735-8515.
- On n-skew Lie product on prime rings with involution (with S. Ali, M. S. Khan and A. Abbasi), Kyungpook Math. J. (KMJ), Vol. 62 (2022), 43-55, ISSN 0454-8124
- On *-ideals of prime rings with involution involving derivations (with A. Abbasi, M.S. Khan), Thai Journal of Mathematics (TJM), Vol.20, No 3(2022), 1329-1335, ISSN 1686-0209
- Characterization of b-generalized derivations in rings with involution (with A. Abbasi and A. Jabeen). Algebra and Related topics with Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 392 (2022), 3-9.
- Research Paper Publications 2021
- A Note on pair of left centralizers in prime ring with involution (with A. Abbasi, N.A. Dar and S.H. Aftab), Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics (KJM), Vol 45, No. 2 (2021), 225-236, ISSN 2406-3045.
- On skew Lie product and derivations of prime rings with involution (with N.A. Dar, M.S. Khan and A. Abbasi), Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications (DM-GAA), Vol 41, (2021), 183-194. ISSN 2084-0373.
- On commutativity and centralizers of prime ring with involution (with A. Abbasi & M.S. Khan), The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics (TABMATHS), Vol 40, No. 2 (2021), 77-93. ISSN 0304-9787.
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- A Note on skew Lie product of prime ring with involution (with A. Abbasi, N.A. Dar), Miskolc Mathematical Notes (MMN),Vol. 21, No. 1 (2020), 3-18. ISSN 1787-2413 (electronic)
- A Note on skew-commutators with derivations on Ideals,(with H Alhazmi, S. Ali and A. Abbasi) Differential Geometry, Algebra and Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 327(2020), 157-164.
- On commutativity of prime rings with involution involving pair of derivations, (with N. Rehman and A. Raza)Differential Geometry, Algebra and Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 327 (2020), 173-182.
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- A note on Lie ideals of prime rings (with T.K.Lee), Journal of Algebra and its Applications (JAA), Vol. 18, No.3, (2019), 1950045-1?7.
- Study of generalized derivations in rings with involution (with A. Abbasi and N.A. Dar), Kyungpook Mathematical Journal (KMJ), Vol. 59, No.1 (2019), 1-11.
- A characterization of derivations in prime rings with involution (With S. Ali, A. Abbasi and M. Salauddin Khan), European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (EJPAM), Vol. 12, No. 3(2019), 1138-1148.
- Some *-identities in prime rings involving involutions (with A. Abbasi, and S. Ali), The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics (TABMATHS), Vol 38, No. 1-2 (2019), 89-97. ISSN 0304-9787.
- Homoderivations on ideals of prime and semi prime rings (with A. Abbasi, and N. Rehman), The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics (TABMATHS), Vol 38, No. 1-2 (2019), 77-87. ISSN 0304-9787.
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- Some Identities Involving multiplicative generalized derivations in prime and semiprime rings (with Basudeb Dhara), Bol.Soc.Paran. de Mat. (3s) 36(1)(2018), 25-36.
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Tri additive maps and local generalized (?,?)-derivations, (M R Jamal), Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol 69, No. 6, (2017), 848-853.
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- On The Traces of Certain Classes of permuting mappings in rings, (with M, Ashraf and M R Jamal), Georgian Math. J. Vol. 23, No. 1 (2016), 15-23.
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Generalized Derivations on Gamma Rings (with Ahmad N. Alkenani and Aisha Jabeen). International J. Algebra, Vol 9, No.6 (2015), 273-281.
- On (?, ?)? -n-Derivations and Certain n- additive mapping in rings with Involution (With M. Ashraf and M. A . Siddeeque), Gulf Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 4(2015), 13-25.
- On generalized derivations of prime Gamma- ring (with Aisha Jabeen), Pursuits,Vol. 7(2015), 15-18.
- On Multiplicative (generalized)-skew derivations over semiprime rings (with M.Ashraf), Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ.Pol.Torino Vol. 73/2. 3-4(2015), 261-268.
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- On Jordan Triple Triple ?-* centralizers of Semiprime Rings (with M. Ashraf and A. Khan), Demonstratio Mathematica Vol. XLVII, No. 1(2014), 130-136.
- Maps Acting on some Zero products, (With H Y Chen and K.S.Liu) Tawanese J. Maths. Vol 18, No.1(2014), 257-264.
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- On Jordan ?-* centralizers in Semiprime Rings with Involution, (with M. Ashraf), Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 23(2012), 1103-1112.
- On generalized (?, ?)-derivations in semiprime rings with involution, (with M. Ashraf, N. Rehman and S. Ali), Math. Slovaca. Vol. 62, no. 3 (2012), 451-460.
- On Generalized Left (?,?)-Derivations in Rings, (with M. Ashraf, N. Rehman and S. Ali), Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., Vol. 38, No. 4 (2012), 893-905.
- Research Paper Publications 2011
- On generalized (?, ?)-biderivations in rings, (with M. Ashraf, N. Rehman and S. Ali), Asia-European J. Maths, Vol. 4, No. 3, (2011), 389-402.
- Research Paper Publications 2010
- On semiprime rings with generalized derivations, (with M. Ashraf, N. Rehman and S. Ali), Bol.Soc.Paran. de Mat. (3s) 28(2)(2010), 25-32.
- On Lie ideals and generalized Jordan (?, ?)-derivations in rings, (with M. Ashraf and A. Ali), International J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 65, No. 4, (2010), 461-465.