Assistant Professor
Fixed point Theory, Variational Inequality
H.No 4/292, Civil lines, Dodhpur, Aligarh
- Research Paper Publications 2021
- Q.H.Khan, and Faruk Sk , Fixed point results for comparable Kannan and Chatterjea mappings. Journal of Mathematical Analysis V-12(1) (2021) p.p 36-47, ISSN 2217-3412.
- Research Paper Publications 2020
Q.H.Khan and T. Rashid, A new approach in context of ordered incomplete partial b-metric spase. Open Mathematics 2020 ; 18: 996-1005, Impact Factor (.726).
- Research Paper Publications 2019
T.Rashid ,Q.H.Khan and Hassen Aydi , t- property of metric spaces and fixed point Theorem. Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 41(1)(2019) 422-433 . ISSN: 22392-0227.
T.Rashid ,Q.H.Khan ,Hassen Aydi, Zead.M and M.M Jaradat, Fixed points results using Ft- contractions in ordered metric spaces having t-property. Symmetry 2019, 11,313;doi:10.3390/sym11030313. ISSN 2073-8994, Impact Factor ( 1.256).
Q.H.Khan and T.Rashid, Nabi Malik, Hassen Aydi Some non-contractive maps on incomplete metric spaces have also fixed points. Journal of Function Spaces 2019 Article ID 2038757; 6Pages. ISSN 2314-8896 , Impact Factor (1.002).
- Research Paper Publications 2018
M.Imdad, Q.H.Khan, W.M.Alfaqih, and R.Gubran , A relation- Theoretic(F,R)- Contraction principle with applications to matrix equations. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and applications Vol 10 No1(2018) p.p 1-12. ISSN 1821-1291.
Q.H.Khan and T.Rashid , Coupled coincidence point of phai contraction type T –coupling in partial metric spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis V-8(2018) p.p 136-149, ISSN 2217-3412.
T.Rashid and Q.H.Khan, Strong coupled fixed point for phai sahai- contraction type coupling in metric spaces, International J. Of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering, Vol-07 No -1 Feb (2018) p.p 473-489 , ISSN 2319-8354.
Q.H.Khan T.Rashid and Hassen Aydi, On Strong coupled coincidence points of g- coupling and an application Journal of Function Spaces Vol 2018 Article ID 4034535;10 Pages. ISSN 2314-8896 , Impact Factor (1.002).
Q.H.Khan and T.Rashid , Order-Theoretic metrical coincidence theorem involving point phai sahai- contractions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis V-9(2018) p.p 119-135, ISSN 2217-3412.
R.Khan and Q.H.Khan , Multi-valued Hermiter Tricomi Function generating relations and applications. Int.J.Math Anal.Appl 6(2-A)(2018) , 373-382. ISSN: 2347-1557 .
- Research Paper Publications 2017
Aftab Alam, Q.H.Khan and M. Imdad, Comparable nonlinear contractions in ordered metric spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications 10(2017) PP 1652 -1674. ISSN 2008-1898, Impact Factor (1.12).
Q.H.Khan ,Common fixed point theorem for six mappings, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 13 No2(2017) p.p423-429. U.G.C Listed. ISSN 0973-1768.
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- Q.H.Khan, On Coincidence and Common
Fixed point of Non linear Generalized Hybrid Contractions, General Mathematics
Notes, Vol 32 No-2, February 2016, pp 15-27, ISSN 2219-7184.
Q.H.Khan and M. Imdad, Coincidence and Common fixed points Theorems in a multiplicative metric space, Adv. Fixed point Theory, 6(2016), No1,1-9. ISSN 1927-6303.
Aftab Alam, Q.H.Khan and M.Imdad, Discussion on Some Recent Order – Theoretic Metrical Coincidence Theorems Involving Nonlinear Contractions, Journal of Function Spaces Vol 2016 Article ID 6275367;11 Pages. ISSN 2314-8896 Impact Factor ( 1.002).
- Q.H.Khan, On Coincidence and Common
Fixed point of Non linear Generalized Hybrid Contractions, General Mathematics
Notes, Vol 32 No-2, February 2016, pp 15-27, ISSN 2219-7184.
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Aftab Alam, Q.H.Khan and M. Imdad,
Enriching the recent coincidence theorem for non-linear contraction in ordered
metric spaces Fixed point theory and Applications,(2015) DOI10 1186/S 13663
-015-0382-6. ISSN
1687-1812, Impact Factor (2.49).
- Aftab Alam, Q.H.Khan and M. Imdad,
Enriching the recent coincidence theorem for non-linear contraction in ordered
metric spaces Fixed point theory and Applications,(2015) DOI10 1186/S 13663
-015-0382-6. ISSN
1687-1812, Impact Factor (2.49).
- Research Paper Publications 2014
Q.H.Khan Common fixed point theorem of non -continuous mappings. General Mathematics Notes (Jordan)Vol 20 No-1 January (2014) p.p 52-57 ,ISSN 2219-7184.
Q.H.Khan, A common fixed point theorem for six mappings in metric spaces, The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics Vol. 36, No2(2014) pp 287 - 295. U.G.C Listed. ISSN0970-5120.
- Research Paper Publications 2013
Q.H.Khan S.A.Khan, Some fixed point theorem in metric spaces. The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics Vol. 35, No-2 (2013) pp287-294, U.G.C Listed.ISSN0970-5120.
- Research Paper Publications 2012
S.A. Khan, Q.H.Khan and Farhat Suhel ,Generalized vector mixed variational like inequality problem without Monotonicity, Thai Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 10(2012) No 2: p.p 245-258. ISSN1686-0209. (Scopus)
- Research Paper Publications 2011
S.A.Khan, Q.H.Khan and Farhat Suhel, Non- linear Mixed Vector variational inequality problems Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Application,Vol 16 No 4(2011) pp 501-509 , ISSN 9780-0-387-96802-5.