Ph.D. (Univ. of Limerick, Ireland)
Ergonomics, Human Response to Vibration, Industrial Engineering, EMG based Prosthetics/Rehabilitation
Ergonomics Research Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZH College of Engineering & Technology
- Publication
Alam, M. M., Khan, A. A., & Farooq, M. (2018). Effect of whole-body vibration on neuromuscular performance: A literature review. Work, 59(4), 571-583.
Siddharth Bhardwaj & Abid Ali Khan (2018) Ergonomics investigation for orientation of the handles of wood routers, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics,DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2017.1373479
Ahmed SS, Rehman SA, Ansari MK, Khan AA, Farooq O, Khan AH. A comparative study on evaluation of role of 1.5 mm microplates and 2.0 mm standard miniplates in management of mandibular fractures using bite force as indicator of recommendation. Natl J Maxillofac Surg [serial online] 2016 [cited 2016 Dec 25];7:39-44. Available from:
F Bano, Z Mallick, AA Khan, The effect of grip force, stroke rotation and frequency on discomfort for a torqueing tasks. 2016, WORK 53 (4), 691-708
Farooq. M., and Khan, A.A., 2014, Effect of Shoulder rotation combined with elbow flexion on discomfort and EMG activity of ECRB muscle. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (Elsevier)- 44 (6), 882–889.
Singh, J., and Khan, A.A., 2014, Effect of coating over the handle of a drill machine on vibration transmissibility, Applied Ergonomics (Elsevier) - 45, 239-246.
- Farooq. M., and Khan, A.A., 2012, Effect of shoulder rotation, upper arm rotation and elbow flexion in a repetitive gripping task, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation (IOS Press, Netherlands)-43 (3), 263-278.
- Khan, A. A., O'Sullivan, L. W. and Gallwey, T. J., 2010, Effect on Discomfort of Frequency of Wrist Exertions Combined with Wrist Articulations and Forearm Rotation, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (Elsevier, UK) – 40, 492-503.
- Khan, A. A., O'Sullivan, L. W. and Gallwey, T. J., 2009. Effects of combined wrist and forearm posture, and two levels of relative force on discomfort, Ergonomics (Taylor & Francis, UK), 52 (10), 1265-1275.
- Khan, A. A., O'Sullivan, L. W. and Gallwey, T. J., 2009. Effects of combined wrist deviation and forearm rotation on discomfort score, Ergonomics (Taylor & Francis, UK) 52 (3), 345-361.