Prof. Arshad Hussain Khan
Ph. D.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Computational Mechanics
Mechanical Engineerig Department, AMU Aligarh, Aligarh 202002
Dr. Arshad Hussain Khan joined as Faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU in 2003 and is currently working as Professor in the Department. He has obtained his Ph.D. Degree form IIT Delhi under QIP fellowship. His teaching interests are primarily in vibrations, composites, solid mechanics, machinery dynamics, machine design and finite element method. His area of research includes computational mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, composites and impact mechanics. He has published various papers in International Journals of repute which includes, Composites-Part B, Composite structures, Non-Linear Dynamics, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Engineering Structures, Latin American Journal of Solid and Structure etc. He has also presented many papers in International and National Conferences.
- Publication
- Mohd. Taha Parvez, Arshad Hussain Khan, Influence of geometric imperfections on the nonlinear forced vibration characteristics and stability of laminated angle-ply composite conical shell, Composite Structures 291 (2022), 115555 (Elsevier; Impact Factor- 6.603, SCI).
- A Saood, AH Khan, M Equbal, KK Saxena, C Prakash, NI Vatin, S Dixit, Influence of Fiber Angle on Steady-State Response of Laminated Composite Rectangular Plates, Materials 15(16) (2022), 5559 (MDPI; Impact Factor- 3.748, SCI).
- Saood, Zain A Khan, Mohd T Parvez, Arshad H Khan, On the Large Amplitude Forced Vibration Analysis of Composite Sectorial Plates, Journal of Composite Science 5(3), 83 (2021);
- Mohd. Taha Parvez, Arshad Hussain Khan, M. Yaqoob Yasin, On the softening and hardening nonlinear behavior of laminated cylindrical shells, Engineering Structures 226 (2021) 111339. (Elsevier, Impact Factor 5.582, SCI).
- M Yaqoob Yasin , Bhanu Prakash and Arshad Hussain Khan, Finite element model based on an efficient layerwise theory for dynamics and active vibration control of smart functionally graded beams, Mater. Res. Express, 7 (2020) 025703. (IOP, Impact Factor- 2.025, SCIE).
- Prakash Bhanu, Yasin M. Yaqoob, Khan A. H., Asjad Mohammad, Khan Zahid A., Optimal location and geometry of sensors and actuators for active vibration control of smart composite beams, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (Taylor & Francis), 2020,
- A Varshney, AH Khan, MY Yasin, ZA Khan, M Asjad, On the optimal dynamic design of laminated composite folded plates: a multi-criteria decision analysis, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, Volume 16 No. 2, 2019, pp. 322-339. (Emerald; Impact Factor- 2.655, SCI)).
- A. H. Khan and B. P. Patel, Nonlinear periodic response of bimodular laminated composite annular sector plates, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 169, 2019, Pages 96-108. (Elsevier, Impact Factor- 11.322, SCI).
- A. H. Khan and B. P. Patel, “On the Nonlinear Dynamics of Bimodular Laminated Composite Conical Panels”, Nonlinear Dynamics 79 (2015), pp. 1495-1509. (Springer; Impact Factor- 5.741, SCI). DOI:
- A. H. Khan and B. P. Patel, “Periodic Response of Bimodular Laminated Composite Cylindrical Panels with and without Geometric Nonlinearity”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 67 (2014), pp. 209-217 (Elsevier; Impact Factor- 3.336, SCI).
- H. Khan and B. P. Patel, Nonlinear Forced Vibration Response of Bimodular Laminated Composite Plates, Composite Structures 108 (2014), pp. 524-537 (Elsevier; Impact Factor- 6.603, SCI).
- V S N Ranjith Kumar, B.P. Patel, Arshad H Khan, “On Analytical Modeling of Impact on Laminated Composite Panels”, Proc. Indian Natn Sci Acad 79 No.4 (2013), Spl issue Part A, pp. 763-771. 10.16943/ptinsa/2013/v79i4/48014.
- Vibration Lab_First Experiment_Bifilar Suspension
- Lecture on FEM
- Vibration Lab_Second Experiment_Damping Coefficient