Ph.D. (Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee)
Manufacturing Systems, Operations Management, Human Factors
Room No WE-G04, Ergonomics Research Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Z.H.College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Papers and Book Chapters:
??A Masood, G Arkadiusz, F Hasan, A S, AlArjani (2020), An Adaptive Algorithm for Multiple Part Families Manufacturing Selection in Reconfigurable Flow Lines, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 133-144
Singhal C , Murtaza Q, Alam P and Hasan F (2019), Structural and mechanical properties of microwave hybrid sintered aluminium silicon carbide composite. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES, DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2019.1636188, 2019.
Ashraf M., Hasan F., Murtaza Q. (2018) Optimum Machines Allocation in a Serial Production Line Using NSGA-II and TOPSIS. In: Pande S., Dixit U. (eds) Precision Product-Process Design and Optimization. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore
Ashraf, M., & Hasan, F. (2018). Configuration selection for a reconfigurable manufacturing flow line involving part production with operation constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 98(5-8), 2137-2156. doi:10.1007/s00170-018-2361-7
Asjad, M., Alam, A., & Hasan, F. (2018). A comparative study of classifier techniques for lift index data analysis. Benchmarking, 25(2), 632-641. doi:10.1108/BIJ-09-2016-0137
Hasan, F., Jai, P., & Kumar, D. (2016). Scalability of reconfigurable manufacturing systems based on bowl phenomenon: An implication of modular machines. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 22(1), 73-95. doi:10.1504/IJISE.2016.073261
Hasan, F., & Jain, P. K. (2016). A neural network-based approach for part family classification for a reconfigurable manufacturing system. International Journal of Operational Research, 25(2), 143-168. doi:10.1504/IJOR.2016.073954
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2013). Machine reconfigurability models using multi-attribute utility theory and power function approximation. Paper presented at the Procedia Engineering, , 64 1354-1363. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2013.09.217
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2014). Optimum configuration selection in reconfigurable manufacturing system involving multiple part families. OPSEARCH, 51(2), 297-311. doi:10.1007/s12597-013-0146-1
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2012). Performance modeling of reconfigurable manufacturing system for different dispatching strategies under exception. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 593-596. doi:10.1109/IEEM.2012.6837808
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2014). Performance modelling of dispatching strategies under resource failure scenario in reconfigurable manufacturing system. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 16(3), 322-333. doi:10.1504/IJISE.2014.060132
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2014). Prediction of machine reconfigurability using artificial neural network for a reconfigurable serial product flow line. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 18(3), 283-305. doi:10.1504/IJISE.2014.065535
Hasan, F., Jain, P. K., & Kumar, D. (2014). Service level as performance index for reconfigurable manufacturing system involving multiple part families. Paper presented at the Procedia Engineering, , 69 814-821. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.03.058
Hasan, F., Muzammil, M., & Suhail, A. (2005). Coefficient effect of variation on throughput of three stations unpaced production system. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division, 85(MAR.), 60-63.
Muzammil, M., Ahmad, S., Khan, A. A., & Hasan, F. (2011). Design of a workstation and its evaluation under the influence of noise and illumination for an assembly task. Work, 39(1), 3-14. doi:10.3233/WOR-2011-1145
Muzammil, M., Gupta, A. K., Farooq, O., & Hasan, F. (2006). Design of active noise control system using phase shift network for a hydraulic surface grinder. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 25(1), 55-61. doi:10.1260/026309206777637294
Muzammil, M., & Hasan, F. (2004). Human performance under the impact of continuous and intermittent noise in a manual machining task. Noise and Vibration Worldwide, 35(7), 10-15. doi:10.1260/0957456041589836
Muzammil, M., & Hasan, F. (2007). Vibration effects on cognitive task performance in a rural road automobile driving environment. Noise and Vibration Worldwide, 38(5), 11-19. doi:10.1260/095745607781352768
Muzammil, M., Khan, A. A., & Hasan, F. (2007). Effect of noise, heat stress and exposure duration on operators in a die casting operation. Occupational Ergonomics, 7(4), 233-245.
Muzammil, M., Khan, A. A., Hasan, F., & Hasan, S. N. (2004). Effect of noise on human performance under variable load in a die casting industry - A case study. Indian Journal of Environmental Health, 46(1), 49-54.
Muzammil, M., Khan, I. A., & Hasan, F. (2003). Effects of vibration, feed force and exposure duration on operators performing drilling task. Journal of Human Ergology, 32(2), 77-86.
Muzammil, M., Rizvi, S. A. H., Hasan, F., & Hasan, S. N. (2007). Anthropometric data with special reference to the indian needs - an overview. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division, 87(MAR.), 14-19.
Muzammil, M., Siddiqui, S. S., & Hasan, F. (2004). Physiological effect of vibrations on tractor drivers under variable ploughing conditions. Journal of Occupational Health, 46(5), 403-409. doi:10.1539/joh.46.403
Muzammil, M., Singh, R., Ahmad, S., & Hasan, F. (2010). Effects of vibration push force, exposure duration and working posture on operators performing a grinding task. Occupational Ergonomics, 9(1), 13-26. doi:10.3233/OER-2010-0178
Saurabh, J., Niranjan, N. N., Hasan, F., & Kumar, A. (2016). An integrated reverse engineering and rapid prototyping approach towards reconstruction of damaged impeller. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 23(4), 393-404. doi:10.1504/IJISE.2016.077690
- Introduction to Engineering Economy, Basic concepts and terminology (Part 2)
- Introduction to Engineering Economy, some basic concepts and terminology (Part 1)
- Depreciation
- Forecasting
- Benefit Cost Analysis Part 1
- Benefit Cost Analysis Part-II
- Break-even Analysis
- Replacement Analysis Part-I
- Factors Affecting supply demand curve
- Market Disequilibria & Law of Diminishing Returns
- Introduction to Time Value of Money
- Replacement Analysis Part-II
- Problem on equivalence of cash flows