Thermal Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Dr. M. Jamil Ahmad is Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, (U.P.), India. He holds Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and Masters in Thermal Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University. He has 25 years of teaching experience and has more than 50 publications to his credit in national/international journals and conferences. His research interest is in the area of solar radiation modeling and day lighting. His work has been published in various journals including International Journal of Energy Research, International Journal of Ambient Energy, International Journal of Energy and Environment and International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. He has taught a number of courses such as Thermodynamics, Applied Thermodynamics, Advanced Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat and Mass Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines, Engineering Mechanics, Propulsion Technology etc.
- Publication
- M. Jamil Ahmad and G.N. Tiwari, 2009, Evaluation and comparison of hourly solar radiation models. International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 33, pp. 538-552.Impact Factor: 2.418
- M. Jamil Ahmad and G.N. Tiwari, 2011, Solar radiation models- A review. International Journal of Energy Research, Volume 35, Issue 4, pp. 271-290. Impact Factor: 2.418
- M. Jamil Ahmad and G.N. Tiwari, 2009, Optimum tilt angle for solar collectors used in India, International Journal of Ambient Energy, Volume 30, Number 2, pp. 73-77.Taylor & Francis
- M. Jamil Ahmad and G.N. Tiwari, 2008, Evaluation of atmospheric transmittance for composite climate. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Manuscript EE 08 009. Vol. 10. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal
- Cryogenics Lecture 1
- Cryogenics Lecture 4
- Cryogenics Lecture 9
- Cryogenics Lecture 10
- Cryogenics Lecture 5
- MEE6620 Cryogenics Lecture 2
- Cryogenics Lecture 16
- Cryogenics Lecture 9
- MEE6620 Cryogenics Lecture 3
- Cryogenics Lecture 6
- Cryogenics Lecture 7
- Cryogenics Lecture 8
- Cryogenics Lecture 11
- Cryogenics Lecture 15
- Cryogenics Lecture 12