M. Tech., PhD, B. Sc Engg
Heat Transfer, Solar energy and absorption refrigeration
59,Jahangirabad (Gangia), Naini,Allahabad. LOCAL: 336 Wadi-E-Ismail Doharra MAFi East, Aligarh.
- Publication
Md Azhar and M Altamush Siddiqui, Optimization of operating temperatures in the gas operated single to triple effect vapour absorption refrigeration cycles, International Journal of Refrigeration, Elsevier Ltd. VOL. 82, 401-425, 2017
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Natural Convection Flow Boiling of Water in Internally Heated Vertical Annulus. Numerical Heat Transfer- Part A, Taylor & Francis, 2018, Vol.73, No.9, pp. 624-653
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Tall Vertical Concentric Annular Thermo-siphon at Constant heat Flux Condition, Heat Transfer Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2018, 10.1080/01457632.2018.1446867
Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Transient Natural Convection of water in a high aspect ratio narrow Vertical Annulus, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier, 2018, VOL. 106, 1-10, 10.1016/j.pnucene.2018.02.013
Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Natural Convection flow in a partially heated Vertical Annulus, Numerical Heat Transfer- Part A, Taylor & Francis, 2017, ISSN: 0891-6152 , Vol. 30, No.1, pp. 25-45.
Experimental Studies on Natural Convection of Water in a Closed Loop Vertical Annulus, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, 2017, ISSN: 0891-6152 , Vol. 30, No.1 pp. 25-45.
Experimental Study of Boiling Incipience in a Closed Loop Vertical Annular Thermo-siphon, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier Ltd. 2010 , Vol. 30, Issues 11-12 pp.1333-1340.
Heat Transfer Studies during Natural Convection Boiling in an Internally Heated Annulus, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Science Ltd. Pergamon, 2003,Vol. 46, No.6, pp.1085-1095.
Economic Analysis of Two Stage Dual-Fluid Absorption Cycle for Optimizing Generator Temperatures
Energy Convers. & Mmgt. Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001,Vol. 42, pp.407-437.
Performance and Economic study of the combined Absorption/ Compression Heat Pump, Energy Convers. & Mmgt. Elsevier Science Ltd. 1999, Vol. 40, pp.575-591.
Economic Analyses of the Absorption Systems: Part A-Design and Cost Evaluation, Energy Convers. & Mmgt. Elsevier Science Ltd. 1997, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp.889-904.
Economic Feasibility and Performance Study of Solar Powered Absorption Cycle Using Some Aqueous Salt Solutions, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of ASME , Feb. 1997, Vol. 119, pp. 31-34 .