Assistant Professor
Thermal Interface Materials, Thermal Contact Conductance, Inverse heat conduction problem, Thermosiphonic flow
01, Ohad Hayat Apartment, Afroz Mehndi Road, Dhorra, Aligarh
Dr. Asif had extensively worked on the numerical and experimental investigation of thermal contact conductance at the interface of two materials at IIT Roorkee during his Phd. He also worked on solid waste management systems with MIT (USA) during 2014-16. Further after joining AMU, he developed an experimental facility in Heat Mass Transfer Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering to carry out axial heat flow experiments.
The experimental set-up has been utilized for the investigation of thermal contact conductance as well as thermal conductivity of the unknown materials. In addition, the experimental data are employed with Inverse heat conduction method. Moreover, the research work has been extended on thermal interface materials especially for electronic cooling applications. Apart from it, an experimental investigation with inverse heat conduction method has also been carried out for molding-casting contacts for different die and casting materials.
Presently, he is working on three research projects of amount $5000 each for one year duration funded by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), USA, which are as follows:
- Design and Development of VCRS using Crank-Drive Reciprocating Compressor and a Novel Oil-Free Linear Compressor as a Training and Demonstration unit.
Design and Development of Novel Desiccant Air Conditioning System with full waste heat recovery.
Design and Development of Vapor Compression Experimental Test Rig with R-134a and using different types of condensers as an educational demonstration unit.
Dr. Asif has published several research articles in reputed Peer reviewed Journals and wrote book chapters published by International publisher. moreover, he has presented research papers in several International and National Conferences.
- Publications AHSRAE POSTER
(A) Book Chapters:
1. Mohammad Asif, Mohammed Zainul Arefeen, Hussam Bin Mehare, Performance Prediction of Thermal Contact Conductance Using Artificial Neural Network, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature, Singapore. 2023. (Accepted) (Scopus Indexed)
2. Mohammad Asif, Saddam Hussain, and Md Faisal H. Iqbal, Heat Transfer Studies with PCM as Thermal Interface Material, Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Sanjay Yadav, Xianguo Li, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, Rohit Singh Lather, and Roshan Raman (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore. 2022.
(Accepted) (Scopus Indexed)3. Mohammad Asif and Mohd Nadeem, Ch. 17: Experimental Investigations of Thermal Contact Conductance for Tool-sample interface, pp. 181-193, In: Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 174, Sanjay Yadav, D. B. Singh, P. K. Arora, Harish Kumar (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore. 2020, eBook ISBN 978-981-15-2647-3, Series ISSN, 2190-3018, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2647-3_17. (Scopus Indexed)
4. Muhammad Muneef Sadiq and Mohammad Asif, Ch. 53: Numerical Estimation of Interfacial Heat Flux Using Inverse Heat Conduction Method, pp. 577-588, In: Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 174, Sanjay Yadav, D. B. Singh, P. K. Arora, Harish Kumar (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore. 2020, eBook ISBN 978-981-15-2647-3, Series ISSN, 2190-3018, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2647-3_53. (Scopus Indexed)
5. Mohammad Asif and Alok Kumar, Ch. 28: Experimental study of Thermal Contact Conductance for selected different interstitial materials, pp. 309-318, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids: KIIT Thermo 2020, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Shripad Revankar, Swarnendu Sen, Debjyoti Sahu (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore 2021, eBook ISBN 978-981-15-7831-1, Series ISSN 2195-4356, DOI:
(Scopus Indexed)6. Mohammad Asif and Mohd Atif Ahad, Ch. 5: Experimental Study of Thermal Contact Conductance of Tool-Sample Interface After Heat Treatment, pp. 41-53, In: Proceedings of FLAME 2020, Advances in Engineering Materials, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Bhupendra Prakash Sharma, et al. (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore 2021, eBook ISBN 978-981-336-029-7, Series ISSN 2195-4356, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-6029-7. (Scopus Indexed)
(B) International Journals:
1. Mohammad Asif, Saddam Hussain, Khan Zaheer Ahmed and Mohd Faizan, “Electronic cooling using Thermal Interface material”, International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, Begell House, Inc, UK. (ESCI Indexed) (Under Review)
2. Khan Zahir Ahmed, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Faizan, “Design and Development of a Test Method for the Measurement of Thermo-Physical Properties of Different Materials”, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, SAGE, UK. (SCI Indexed) (Under Review)
3. Mohammad Asif, Alok Kumar, Khan Zahir Ahmed, Experimental Study of Thermal Contacts for the Enhancement of Interfacial Heat Transfer, Transactions on Mechanical Engineering (B), Scientia Iranica. (SCI Indexed) (Under Review)
4. Mohammad Asif, Muhammad Muneef Sadiq, “Inverse analysis of mould-casting interfacial heat transfer towards improved castings”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 56, Part 2, 2022, Pages 742-748, ISSN 2214-7853, Elsevier Ltd,
5. Mohammad Asif, Mohd Atif Ahad Md Faisal H. Iqbal and Shakir Reyaz, “Experimental investigation of thermal properties of tool steel and mild steel with heat treatment”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 45, Part 6, 2021, Pages 5511-5517, ISSN 2214-7853, Elsevier Ltd,
6. Mohammad Asif, Mohammed Zainul Arefeen, Hussam Bin Mehare, Israr Ahmad, “Traditional and Emerging Potential Technologies for Electronics Cooling: A Review” SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Volume 13, Special Issue (2), 2021, 245-255. (UGC Indexed)
7. Md Faisal Hussain Iqbal, Shakir Reyaz, and Mohammad Asif, “A review on Municipal solid waste management” ADBU-Journal of Engineering Technology Volume10, Issue3, August 2021, ISSN: 2348-7305 Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India. (UGC Indexed)
8. Mohammad Asif, Andallib Tariq and K. M. Singh, “Estimation of thermal contact conductance using transient approach with inverse heat conduction problem,” Heat Mass Transfer, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 55(11), pp. 3243-3264, June 2019. (SCI Indexed)
9. Andallib Tariq and Mohammad Asif, “Experimental investigation of thermal contact conductance for nominally flat metallic contact,” Heat Mass Transfer, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 52(2), pp. 291–307, 2015. (SCI Indexed)
10. Mohammad Asif and Andallib Tariq, “Correlations of thermal contact conductance for nominally flat metallic contact in vacuum”, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 29(4), pp. 456-484, 2016. (SCI Indexed)
11. M. Altamush Siddiqui, M. Kamil, M. Asif, A.M. Jairajpuri, “Experimental study of boiling incipience in a closed loop vertical annular thermosiphon”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier Ltd, Vol. 30 (11-12), pp.1333-1340, 2010. (SCI Indexed)
(C) International/ National Conferences:
1. Mohammad Asif, Mohammed Zainul Arefeen, Hussam Bin Mehare, “Performance Prediction of Thermal Contact Conductance Using Artificial Neural Network” 3rd Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME-2020), 3-5 Aug. 2022, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Mohammad Asif, Saddam Hussain, Khan Zaheer Ahmed and Mohd Faizan, “Electronic cooling using Thermal Interface material”, International Conference on Thermo Fluids and System Design (ICTFSD 2022), March 22-23, 2022 Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi-835215, Jharkhand.
3. Mohammad Asif, Saddam Hussain, and Md Faisal H. Iqbal, “Heat Transfer Studies with PCM as Thermal Interface Material”, 15th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE), March 4-5, 2022 Mechanical Engineering Department, The Northcap University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
4. Khan Zahir Ahmed, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Faizan, “Design and Development of a Test Method for the Measurement of Thermo-Physical Properties of Different Materials”, 15th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE), March 4-5, 2022 Mechanical Engineering Department, The Northcap University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
5. Mohd Aqib Zia, Syed Faraz Haider Naqvi, Mohammad Asif, “A Review on Thermal Management Using Nanofluids”, 15th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE), March 4-5, 2022 Mechanical Engineering Department, The Northcap University, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
6. Mohammed Zainul Arefeen, Hussam Bin Mehare, Israr Ahmad And Mohammad Asif, “Traditional and Emerging Potential Technologies for Electronics Cooling: A Review”, International Conference on Advancement In Science, Technology And Management (ICASTM-2021), Dec. 23-24, 2021 Organized by S.B. Jain Institute Of Technology, Management And Research, Nagpur, India.
7. Mohammad Asif, Muhammad Muneef Sadiq and Muhammad Muaz, “Heat Transfer Analysis at Mould-Casting Interface for improving the casting process”, 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS-2021) to be held during Nov 11-13, 2021 as a Joint venture of Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jalandhar and Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh, India.
8. Mohammad Asif, Nabi Hasan and Md. Faisal H. Iqbal, “Experimental studies on cylindrical metallic thermal contacts”, International Conference on Advances in Thermal-Fluids Engineering, ATFE 2020, 25-26 March, 2021, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
9. Mohammad Asif, Mohd Atif Ahad Md Faisal H. Iqbal and Shakir Reyaz, “Experimental investigation of thermal properties of tool steel and mild steel with heat treatment”, 2nd International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering (ICAMSE-2021) held on March 05-06, 2021 at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
10. Md Faisal Hussain Iqbal, Shakir Reyaz, and Mohammad Asif, “A review on Municipal solid waste management” International Conference on Emerging Renewable and Modern Energy (ICERME-2021), February 12-13, 2021, organized by Assam Don Bosco University in Collaboration with Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, India.
11. Mohammad Asif and Mohd Atif Ahad, “Experimental Study of Thermal Contact Conductance of Tool-sample interface after Heat Treatment”, 2nd International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME-2020), 5-7 Aug. 2020, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India.
12. Mohammad Asif and Nabi Hasan, “Experimental Study of Thermal Contact Conductance for Curved Contacts”, International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering ACAPE 2020, 22nd-24th February, 2020, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh, India.
13. Mohammad Asif and Alok Kumar, “Experimental study of Thermal Contact Conductance for selected different interstitial materials”, 2nd International Conference on Thermo fluids, 23-25 Jan. 2020, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology | Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
14. Muzafar Hussain Malla, Md Akramul Haque, Zubair Ahmad Magray, Mohammad Asif, “Experimental Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of AISI H13 Tool Steel and its Thermal Contact Conductance with Mild Steel”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering & Science (ICRAES 2020), 11-12 January, 2020, University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh, India.
15. Mohammad Asif and Nabi Hasan, “Experimental Study of Thermal Contact Conductance for Line Contacts”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering & Science (ICRAES 2020), 11-12 January, 2020, University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh, India.
16. Mohammad Asif and Alok Kumar, “Enhancement of Thermal Contact Conductance”, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), December 28-31, 2019, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
17. Mohammad Asif and Mohd Nadeem, “Experimental Investigations of Thermal Contact Conductance for Tool-sample interface”, 2ndInternational Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology, 7-8 Nov. 2019, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, G. Noida, India.
18. Muhammad Muneef Sadiq and Mohammad Asif, “Numerical Estimation of Interfacial Heat Flux using Inverse Heat Conduction Method”, International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technology, 7-8 Nov. 2019, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, G. Noida, India.
19. Mohammad Asif and Nabi Hasan, “A simple set-up to estimate the thermal contact conductance”, 2ndInternational Conference on Chemistry, Industry and Environment, 18-19 Feb. 2019, Dept. of Applied Chemistry, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh, India.
20. Mohammad Asif, “Estimation of Thermal Contact Conductance at the interface of two bodies using Inverse method”, 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied science and Management, 27th May 2018, Punjab University Campus, Chandigarh, India.
21. Surya Kumar, Mohammad Asif and Andallib Tariq, “Estimation of Thermal Contact Conductance using one-D Inverse Modelling,” 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Dec. 28-31, 2013, IIT Khadagpur, India.
22. Monika Agrawal, Surya Kumar, Mohammad Asif, Andallib Tariq, and P K Sahu, “Thermal Contact Conductance of Different Geometrical Configurations”, 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Dec. 28-31, 2013, IIT Khadagpur, India.
23. Mohammad Asif , Andallib Tariq and Krishna M. Singh, “Inverse Heat Conduction Problem for estimating Thermal Contact Conductance of nominally flat metallic contact”, 2nd National Conference on Advances in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics (Under TEQIP-II), March 23-24, 2013, AMU, Aligarh, India.
24. M. Agrawal, M. Asif, Andallib Tariq, and P K Sahoo, “Measurement of Thermal Contact Conductance for Nominally Flat Surfaces”, International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013), Feb. 22-24, 2013 IIT Roorkee, India.
25. M. Asif and M. Altamush Siddiqui, “Experimental Studies on Dynamics of Water and Ethanol in a Vertical Annulus”, 18th National & 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, pp. 309-316, Jan 4-6, 2006, IIT Guwahati.
26. M. Asif and M. Altamush Siddiqui, “Heat Transfer Studies during Natural Convection of Water and Ethanol in a closed loop Vertical-Annular Thermosyphon”, National Conference on Advances in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics (AHTFD-2006), pp.106-111, Sept. 16-17, 2006, AMU, Aligarh, India.
27. M. Altamush Siddiqui, Jawed Mustafa and M. Asif, “Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer in a Vertical Annulus forming a Closed Loop Thermosiphon”, 2nd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engg., pp. 199-206, Jan. 2-4, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Thermo class_Dr Asif
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