Ph. D., M. S. Engineering, B. Sc. Engineering
Heat and Mass Transfer in material processing, Lead-free solders, Development of novel insulating material from waste tyre rubber
New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh
Obtained Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Akron, Akron Ohio USA (2007), M.S. in Engineering from Youngstown State University, Youngstown Ohio USA (2003) in the area of Heat and Mass transfer, B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from AMU Aligarh India (1992). Has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in heat and mass transfer. Carry out both experimental and modeling research through numerical code and software like FLUENT. The area of research includes mass transport during soldering process, lead-free solders, composite solders and recently development of novel insulating material from waste tyre rubber. Have taught courses of thermodynamics, non-conventional energy, heat and mass transfer, machine drawing and colloquium at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Would like to extend research in composite solder and explore alternate lead-free solder to resolve the challenges faced by electronic packaging industry.
- Publication
- M. Mohsin, M.A. Qazi, M. Faizan(2021), "Experimental and modeling studies on dry sliding wear behavior of Alumina reinforced AMC", Engineering Research Express 3 (3), 035036.
A. Balabel, M. Faizan, Ali Alzaed (2021), "Towards A Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller of the Optimum Windcatcher Internal Design for Efficient Natural Ventilation in Buildings" Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
M. Faizan, “Lead-free solders: Overview, challenges, and solutions” , (2020) book chapter in Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering, Springer Publications, India.
Ashad Ahmad, Taliv Hussain, Mohammad Faizan and Adnan Hafiz (2017) “Thermoacoustic Refrigeration System: An Emerging Green Technology”, pp-36, NSA-2017, 28-30 Oct, National Symposium on Acoustics, AMU Aligarh.
M. Faizan (2015), "Dissolution of Copper and formation of IMC in bulk lead-free solders", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 30: pp. 169–174.
M. Faizan (2015), "Dissolution Kinetics of Copper in Lead-Free Liquid Solders", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 27, issue 2, pp. 84 - 89.
M. Faizan (2014), "Effect of Intermetallic Phase Morphology on Substrate Dissolution during Reflow Soldering", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Applications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 28-32.
M. Faizan (2014), “On the Mathematical Modeling of Copper Dissolution and IMC Growth in Liquid Solder”, International journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 3, no.2, pp. 17-26.
M. Faizan (2014). "Assessment of turbulence RANS models for conical diffuser with tailpipe", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 149-154.
A. Balabel, M. S. Youssef, M. Faizan and T. K. Kassem (2013), "On the Performance of the Spray Fans used in HARAM for Improving Climate Conditions", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 11 pp. 770-775.
Talal K. Kassem, Ali S. Alosaimy, Mohammad Faizan and Ahmed M. Hamed (2013), "Development of the Solar Kilns Used in Drying the Palm Trees Waste in Saudi Arabia", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2, issue 2, page 43-50.
M Faizan, Ali-Osaimi and Abdelfattah Elkersh (2013), "Performance of Conical Diffusers Equipped with Center Bodies at Inlet", Wulfenia Journal-Vol 20, No. 3; Mar 2013.
M Faizan and Ali-Al-osaimi (2010), "Prediction of Convective Heat Transfer in Rectangular Duct with Triangular Ribs", Mansoura Engineering Journal, Vol. 35, No 4.
- Working of Wind Turbine