MEMS/Microfluidics, Design of Micromixer, Microparticles and bioparticle Separation
Lane#13, Fort Enclave, Patwari Ka Nagla, Aligarh-202001
Dr. Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari is working as a Professor in the department. He did B. Tech and M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from AMU, Aligarh and earned his Ph.D. from INHA University, South Korea. He is teaching basic courses in Mechanical Engineering like Fluid mechanics, Engineering Thermodynamics and advanced heat transfer. He worked as an Assistant Professor at INHA university for two years after completing his doctorate degree and as a postdoctoral researcher for more than four years in three different universities and institutes in South Korea (sogang University, KAIST and GIST). His research area is in the field of MEMS/Microfluidics, Microcombustor design) both numerical and experimental. He has published a number of papers in reputed International Journals and presented his research work at different conferences. His current work is on the mixing of fluids at the microscale, design of microcombustor and separation of particles using the surface acoustic waves in a microfluidic system.
- Qamareen A, Ansari Mubashshir Ahmad, Alam SS. Mixing enhancement using the aiding and opposing flow effects in curved micro channel. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification. 2022 Jun 1;176:108945.
- Qamareen A, Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari, Alam SS, Alazzam A. Modulation of secondary flows in curved serpentine micromixers. Chemical Engineering Communications. 2021 Feb 12:1-20.
- Qamareen A, Alam SS, Ansari Mubashshir Ahmad. Performance Evaluation of H2/Air Premixed Combustion in a Suddenly Expanded Microcombustor with Wall Fin. Energy Technology. 2021 Oct;9(10):2100294.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari, Kwang-Yong Kim K Anwar and S M Kim, “A novel passive micromixer based on unbalanced split and collisions of fluid streams”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2010, Vol. 20, 055007.
- Shakhawat Hossain, Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari, Afzal Hussain and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Analysis and optimization of a micromixer with a Modified Tesla structure”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 158, 2010, 305-314.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “A numerical study of mixing and flow field in microchannel with circular mixing chambers”, AIChE Journal, Vol. 55, Issue 9, 2009, pp. 2217-2225.
- Shakhawat Hossain, Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Mixing comparison in various passive micromixers”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 150, Issues 2-3, 2009, pp. 492-501.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Parametric study on mixing of two fluids in a three-dimensional Serpentine Microchannel”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 3, pp. 439-448.
Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari, Chul-Woo park, Namkeon Hur and Daejoong Kim, “Non-aligned bilayer square wave bend microchannel for mixing”, Journal of mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 27(12) 2013, pp.3851-3859.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Evaluation of surrogate models for optimization of herringbone groove micromixer”, Journal of mechanical Science and Technology, 2008, Vol. 62 No. 23, pp. 387-396.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Shape optimization of a micromixer with staggered herringbone groove”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2007, 62, pp. 6687-6695.
- Mubashshir Ahmad Ansari and Kwang-Yong Kim, “Application of the Radial Basis Neural Network to Optimization of a Micromixer”, Chemical Engineering Technology, 2007, Vol. 30, 7, 962-966.