Associate Professor
Dynamics and control of structures, Smart composite and Sandwich Structures
C-1,Nazeer Ahmad Road, A.M.U.Aligarh.
Dr. Najeeb ur Rahman is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He did B. Tech and M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from AMU, Aligarh. He supplicated his PhD. as a teacher candidate in the Department. He is teaching basic courses of Mechanical Engineering like Applied Mechanics, Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics and advanced courses like CAD, Advanced Solid Mechanics and Computer Methods in Mechanical Design. His research areas are Smart composite and Sandwich Structures, Active Control of Structures. He has published papers in reputed International Journals like Journal of Sound and Vibration, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences and also presented his research work in different conferences.
- Publication
1) Active vibration control of a piezoelectric beam using PID controller: Experimental study, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 9(6), 657-673, 2012.
2) Structural Control of Piezoelectric Laminated Beams under Thermal Load, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 38 (1), 69-95, 2015.
3) Dynamic analysis and vibration control of a multi-body system using MSC Adams, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 12: 1505-1524, 2015.
4) Finite element modelling to assess the effect of position and size of the piezoelectric layer of a hybrid beam, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 15 (3), 2018.
5) Active vibration control of composite shallow shells: An integrated approach, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 12 (1), 3354-3369, 2018.
6) An experimental study on dynamic analysis and active vibration control of smart laminated plates, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 46, Part 19, 2021, Pages 9550-9554.
7) Dynamic analysis of hybrid sandwich plate, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 46, Part 19, 2021, Pages 10009-10014.
8) Design, fabrication, nonlinear analysis, and experimental validation for an active sandwich beam in strong electric field and thermal environment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 563, 2023, 117828.