Assistant Professor
Composite Materials, Powder Metallurgy, Tribology
Flat No: 19, Safina Apartment, Medical Road, Aligarh.
Ph.D. (Powder Metallurgy) in 2018
M. Tech (Industrial & Production)
in 2013
B. Tech (Mechanical) in 2011
15 SCI-indexed journal papers (Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and Institute of Physics)
5 Scopus indexed conference papers
2 patents granted (Indian Patent Office)
3 Patents filed (Indian Patent Office)
- Publications
1. Mohammad Azad Alam, Hamdan H. Yaa, Sajjad Arif, “Modelling and optimisation of hardness behaviour of sintered Al/SiC composites using RSM and ANN: a comparative study” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier, 2020.Impact Factor: 5.289
2. Mohd Bilal Naim Shaikh, Tariq Aziz, Sajjad Arif, Akhter H.Ansari, Panagiotis G.Karagiannidis, Mohammad Uddin, Effect of sintering techniques on microstructural, mechanical and tribological properties of Al-SiC composites, ” Surfaces and Interfaces, Elsevier, Volume 20, June 2020. SCIE, Scopus Impact Factor: 3.724
3. Sajjad Arif, Tanwir Alam, Akhter H Ansari, Mohd Bilal Naim Shaikh, “Morphological characterization, statistical modelling and tribological behaviour of aluminum hybrid nanocomposites reinforced with micro-nano-silicon carbide” Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Taylor & Francis, 2019. SCIE and Scopus, Impact Factor: 2.65
4. Sajjad Arif, B. Jamil, M. B. Naim Shaikh et al., “Characterization of surface morphology, wear performance and modelling of graphite reinforced aluminium hybrid composites”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier, 2019. SCIE and Scopus Impact Factor: 3.219
5. Sajjad Arif, Md Tanwir Alam, Akhter H Ansari, M Arif Siddiqui and Mohammad Mohsin “Study of mechanical and tribological behaviour of Al/SiC/ZrO2 hybrid composites fabricated through powder metallurgy technique”, Materials Research Express, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2017. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929.
6. Sajjad Arif, Md Tanwir Alam, Tariq Aziz and Akhter H Ansari “Morphological and Wear behaviour of new Al-SiCmicro-SiCnano hybrid nanocomposites fabricated through powder metallurgy”, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 27, 2018. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929
7. Sajjad Arif, Md. Tanwir Alam, Akhter Hussain Ansari and M. Arif Siddiqui “Analysis of tribological behaviour of zirconia reinforced Al-SiC hybrid composites using statistical and artificial neural network technique” Materials Research Express, Volume 5, Issue 4, May 2, 2018. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929
8. Mohd Bilal Naim Shaikh, Sajjad Arif, Tariq Aziz, Adnan Waseem and Mohd Ahmed Naim Shaikh “Microstructural, mechanical and tribological behaviour of powder metallurgy processed SiC and RHA reinforced Al-based composites” Surfaces and Interfaces, Elsevier, Volume 15, June 2019. SCIE, Scopus Impact Factor: 3.724
9. Md Tanwir Alam, Sajjad Arif, Akhter Husain Ansari, Md Naushad Alam, “Optimization of wear behaviour using Taguchi and ANN of fabricated aluminium matrix nanocomposites by two-step stir casting” Materials Research Express, Volume 6 Pages, 2019. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929
10. Md.Tanwir Alam , Sajjad Arif and Akhter Husain Ansari “Wear behaviour and morphology of stir cast aluminium/SiC nanocomposites”, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 27, 2018. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929
11. Mohd Bilal Naim Shaikh , Sajjad Arif and M Arif Siddiqui “Fabrication and characterization of aluminium hybrid composites reinforced with fly ash and silicon carbide through powder metallurgy”, Materials Research Express, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 27, 2018. SCI, Scopus Impact Factor: 1.929