Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Heat Transfer, CFD, Machine Learning
Dr Shahid Husain is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh (India). Till now he has published more than thirty research articles among which twenty articles are published in reputed SCI journals. His h-index is eleven and his i10-index is eleven with two hundred sixty eight citations (Google Scholar). He was conferred with a University Medal for the First position in masters. He was also awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Master of Science in Computational Mechanics by European Commission (Offer declined), Maulana Azad National Fellowship for pursuing doctoral studies, etc. He was also serving as the reviewer of top rank journals such as the International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Applied Energy, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Propulsion and Power Research, Case Studies in Thermal Sciences, etc.
- SCI Publications
1. J Mustafa, S Alqaed, H? Aybar, Shahid Husain, Investigation of the effect of twisted tape turbulators on thermal-hydraulic behavior of parabolic solar collector with polymer hybrid nanofluid and exergy analysis using numerical method and ANN, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 144, 81-93 (Impact Factor: 3.25)
2. Jawed Mustafa, Shahid Husain, Uzair A. Khan And Md. Mozammil Akhtar, Prediction of diffuse solar radiation using machine learning models based on sunshine period and sky-clearness index for the humid-subtropical climate of India, Environ Progress & Sustainable Energy, Wiley Publications, e13782. (Impact Factor: 2.824)
3. M. S. Islam, T. Fang, C. Oldfield, Md. M. Rahman, Shahid Husain, Y. Gu, Heat Wave and Bushfire Meteorology in New South Wales, Australia: Air Quality and Respiratory Health Impacts, Int J Environ Res Public Health, MDPI,19(16):10388.
Impact Factor: 4.614)
4. Jawed Mustafa, Saeed Alqaed, Mohsen Sharifpur, Shahid Husain, The effect of using multichannel twisted tape and nanofluid on the absorber tube’s heat transfer and the efficiency of a linear parabolic solar collector, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 52, Part D, August 2022, 102329. (Impact Factor: 7.632)
5. S. Alqaed, F. A. Almehmadi, J. Mustafa, Shahid Husain, G. Cheraghian, Effect of nano phase change materials on the cooling process of a triangular lithium battery pack, Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 51, July 2022, 104326. (Impact Factor: 8.907)
6. J. Mohammadpour, Shahid Husain, F. Salehi, Ann Lee, Machine learning regression-CFD models for the nanofluid heat transfer of a microchannel heat sink with double synthetic jets, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 130, January 2022, 105808. (Impact Factor: 6.781)
7. S. A. Khan, M. Altamush Siddiqui, Z. A. Khan, M. Asjad and Shahid Husain, Numerical investigation and implementation of the Taguchi based Entropy-ROV method for optimization of the operating and geometrical parameters during natural convection of Hybrid Nanofluid in Annuli, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 172, Part B, February 2022, 107317. ?(Impact Factor: 4.779)
8. Shahid Husain, Md Adil, Mohd. Arqam and Bahman Shabani (2021), A review on thermal performance of natural convection in vertical annulus and its applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 150, October 2021, 111463. (Impact Factor: 16.799)
9. Shahid Husain and Uzair Ali Khan, Development of machine learning models based on air temperature for estimation of global solar radiation in India, Environ Progress & Sustainable Energy, Wiley Publications, 2021; e13782. (Impact Factor: 2.824)
10. Shahid Husain, Suhail Ahmad Khan and M. Altamush Siddiqui (2021), Wall boiling of Al2O3-water nanofluid: Effect of nanoparticle concentration, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 133, pp. 1-17 (Impact Factor: 2.461)
11. Shahid Husain, M. Altamush Siddiqui and Suhail Ahmad Khan (2019), Wall Boiling in a Vertical Annulus: Effect of inlet subcooling and mass flow rates, Numerical Heat Transfer Part-A, Taylor and Francis (UK), Vol. 75, No. 11, pp. 776-793. (Impact Factor: 2.960)
12. Shahid Husain, M. Altamush Siddiqui and Suhail Ahmad Khan (2019), Effect of geometrical parameters on natural convection of water in a narrow annulus, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 112, pp. 146-161. (Impact Factor: 2.461)
13. Shahid Husain and M. Altamush Siddiqui (2018), Numerical and Experimental analysis of natural convection boiling flow in internally heated vertical annulus, Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, Taylor & Francis (UK),
Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 624-653. (Impact Factor: 2.960)14. Shahid Husain and M. Altamush Siddiqui (2018), Experimental and numerical analysis of transient natural convection of water in a high aspect ratio narrow vertical annulus, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 106, pp. 1-10. (Impact Factor: 2.461)
15. Shahid Husain and M. Altamush Siddiqui (2017), Experimental studies on natural convection boiling of water in a vertical annulus of a closed-loop thermo-siphon, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis (UK), Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 441-462. (Impact Factor: 3.272)
16. Jawed Mustafa, Shahid Husain and M. Altamush Siddiqui (2017) , Experimental Studies on Natural Convection of water in a closed loop Vertical Annulus, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis (UK), Vol. 30, No.1, pp. 25-45. (Impact Factor: 3.272)
17. Shahid Husain and Mohammad Altamush Siddiqui (2016), Experimental and Numerical analysis of natural convection flow in partially heated vertical annulus, Numerical Heat Transfer Part-A, Taylor & Francis (UK), Vol. 70, No.7, pp. 763-775. (Impact Factor: 2.960)